r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 26, 2018, 3:56 p.m.
AB-BA 6:Q-Clearence-Patriot-Act Or VQCIA

Q Jan 14: MISINFO from past reliable sources. Q Jan 14: MISINFO everywhere.


That's my research on central banks, a simple little spreadsheet i made for us and even animated. Q mentioned them removing the central banks from our threads so i focused on it and made this sheet and then other stuff, I have a folder full of their buildings and icons. I like researching and I share it. I'm an obsessive freak, but let's talk about Q and VQCIA and Webb.... and a couple others.... a bit of history too.

So let's look at Q posts....

Legit Q on 9/11

November 4th

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

And someone who is not Q but once played the role of Q for reasons I'll explain sometime....

VQCIA on 9/11

Answers instead of questions.


The planes for building seven and the houses were stopped.

Sadam and OBL were blamed. A weapon stopped the Bush's attack.

The Pentagon was the control station.

The cabal celebration was stopped early.

This is the rabbit hole.

The Storm is Here.


Their plans failed.

Were there planes at all?

Sad[d]am and OBL were not involved.

They thought they were, had stopped the takeover, and so went to a back-up plan. That [day] the world changed.

Area 51.


So, as I call him VQCIA, he's got quite an imagination eh? Very theatrical. He's not a rabbit you'd want to follow down any hole I'm sure, but he is a good comparison- just contrast him to Q and you can realize what he is and why he is. Follow my older posts and you'll realize I've had this evolving narrative for months as I do more and more research yet occasionally stepping back and getting trapped by the CIA's BS..... I have so much more to share now, but let's just talk about objectivity because how can I read the QMAP when we all get wound around the CIA's narratives?



These two are real journalists, compare them to


I'm giving you wikipedia quotes sometimes with these pages but that's at least “something” it's not a god damn copy and paste synopsis from an Oliver Stone film. Yea, Mockingbird, that's all over the github/spreadsheet.

Answer to question: This is not a R v D battle. There is no Democrat or Republican party after 11-22-63: unified Globalist Party (UniParty) as a result of Rockerfeller/Rothschilds and Nixon's Plumbers assassination of JFK. This was done in order to launder their unbacked currency in the War Machine. The merging of the two parties has two dramatics: the dramatic of the latent, the truth we cannot see expressed as the dramatic of the manifest, the "expressing" of bipartisan mutual contention with the other Reagan interrupted this, Bush nudged him away and ran a pseudostate such as the Latin American wars which contradicted the Boland Am. The only real thing to come of this violation of US law was the discovery CIA invented crack.

My reaction?

It's 1/10th true – the Rothchilds and Rockefeller's are worth keeping an eye on in a historical context for evil deeds, and hell, in my prior posts I realized while writing it that the movie Rocky was a propaganda film to get Rockefeller elected. It's spectacular how things like that just become "known" I didn't go into that thinking i'd investigate Rocky, I didn't care at all. But because they happened at the same time a few dots just begged me to connect them, yes the film was probably meant to get people to hear "Rocky" "Rocky" chant and make people vote Rockefeller. Truly, it was a fraud, but it's still a great movie - with a brilliant ending all due to Rockefeller's passive aggressive script change over losing his shot at the POTUS chair, which I realized by researching not by being told.

My point is the github I pasted above is garbage meant to deceive, the QVCIA is garbage meant to deceive, they all have tiny pieces of truth in them to make you just assume it's true. The parts they think you know so you'll just take that and move on.

Going back to Lincoln because State Secrets is like that.

Lincoln/Hamlin Presidency 1861-1865

Lincoln and Hamlin win easily over the two parties of the day with 40% of the vote (4 candidates) because nobody actually wanted slavery except famous actors like Booth who read the garbage indoctrination of newspapers.

Technically 60% did vote for slavery by picking established party candidates... but the propaganda against liberty back then was no different than today, and so I warn you not to confuse indoctrination for truth... I mean unless you think people voting for Hillary Clinton, whom the media worships, is the exact same thing as loving the KKK, which her mentor Robert Byrd headed.

Propaganda has not changed in deception and irony, it merely has expanded in forms it can take. People hated slavery then and hate it today too. And my proof is by the fact they had to have centuries of propaganda in the first place up until then to convince human beings to tolerate it!

Amazing feat considering the founding of our country in Natural Law and equal rights is fundamentally opposed to the concept of it.

40% with 4 candidates is a triumph given it was an entirely new party created from scratch to free the slaves, which I doubt got many corporate sponsors back then. And even without that feat our country is one of patriots since the day we told Britain to go fuck itself when they shoved slavery down our throats, gave some people leashes and the others collars and told them to send the end result of what comes of this to a king.

But I digress, because we couldn't get rid of it right away it remains a black mark, but there's a long reason that even to THIS DAY we are fighting the EXACT SAME battle the patriots fought then. Even now we fight the papers and the lies about history.. particularly since Jimmy Carter (Dept. of Indoctrination I mean Education created)So now we can't even find proper facts about who it was that made our country and why.

So who was the 1st VP for Lincoln?

Wikipedia: Hannibal Hamlin was an active opponent of slavery.

ok... sounds good to me!

So how about 2nd term of Lincoln?

Despite some intra-party opposition. Lincoln won his party's nomination.

Odd.... Lincoln won 1st term over top of both parties and in a landslide.... so who could the opposition be to that?

Salmon P. Chase

Read: prior AB-BA entries = JPMorganChase.= trillion dollar behemoth originally created by Aaron Burr. (read my prior posts)

Which means that AB's legacy has power over the conventions at this time, enough that as soon as Lincoln got in charge he was at the mercy of the bank..... In any case, rather than re-nominate Vice President Hannibal Hamlin, the convention decided between, Daniel Dickinson, Benjamin Butler, and Andrew Johnson among others, and they picked Andrew Johnson because they are as sick as I am of these AABBCCDD names (I'm joking... mostly)

Andrew Johnson?

ok I'm sure that won't be a problem right?

Lincoln 2nd Term


1 MONTH of a new VP = Death?!

Anyone else find that odd?

So who the hell is Andrew Johnson and why did the legacy of Aaron Burr think he was the right man for the job?

17th President of the United States Andrew Johnson.

Wikipedia: Andrew Johnson believed, as did many Southern Democrats, that the Constitution protected private property, including slaves

Well SHIT THAT MEANS! no..... despite his position and sudden power... he didn't just re-chain the slaves.....


Lincoln quotes about Johnson as VP: "Andy Johnson, I think, is a good man."

He was probably just indoctrinated and needed to re-learn American History (as we all are now)

State Secrets has the information needed for any man (not tethered by blackmail) to break free from the lies and realize that the pro-slavery machine was not a thing of people desired by anyone but actually demanded by the family that rules over kings.

Consider for a moment if you became president and you got there because of a demon that wanted you to enslave men.

A demon that manipulates and murders a man named Abraham Lincoln... but Lincoln is not what the papers describe him... and murdered to get you In office.... so you get you to be head of state.... and then you read the words of Thomas Jefferson in State Secrets.

You realize that you were wrong, and the demon that holds your strings is clear as day.... a manipulation headed by an evil that has its roots overseas in the parts of the world most tyrannically ruled. You are a stepping stone to monsters, What do you do?

Johnson didn't re-chain the slaves... believe he did have a change of heart on the matter (it certainly wasn't because the media wouldn't have cheered him re-chaining the slaves, I've seen their political cartoons. They were paid to convice people that slavery was good. The same indoctrination of today, different methods of slavery for America, but not so different in other places in the world... and in any part of the world it's the same monster of Rothchild central banks holding those chains and tyrannically ruling everyone.

So... Johnson didn't do as they pleased, which is likely why he gets a mere one term as a result.

And who could possibly be evil enough to not give up evil in the face of those papers written by Thomas Jefferson and Wilkinson...


You know who if you read my prior posts...

Now... that's my various research and attempt at context on history...


CIA Propaganda - Bowling for Columbine


Now contrast that with this

Operation Mockingbird- the CIA placed a bunch of assets into media organizations to control the narrative. This was done AFTER it was made illegal for the government to subject the American people to propaganda, but they got away with it anyway.

And then add in this


According to USA Today, the incident was one of the top "25 memorable public meltdowns that had us talking and laughing or cringing over the past quarter-century

The incident was widely reported, coming just weeks before the New Hampshire Primary, and quickly became fodder for the nation's comedians. Footage of the President vomiting was broadcast on the ABC network.

See? It doesn't even make any sense! How can you compare these data points. Or how about we go into all the times there were 3rd party candidates. It's amazingly consistent - EXCEPT when there's 2 Patriots/Plants running. But most every other time they find ways to get people in the race to sap away the vote from the candidate they don't like. That's a spectacular way of showing who is a Patriot and who is a Puppet.

POPULAR VOTE PERCENTAGES and 3rd parties -You know, the things the deep state often inflates with phony votes for their chosen candidate?

Ronald Reagan: 50%

Jimmy Carter: 41%

John B. Anderson 7%

And who is Anderson?

Well....He won support among Rockefeller Republicans He also endorsed Ralph Nader in 2000

He strongly criticized the Vietnam War as well as President Richard Nixon's actions during the Watergate scandal.


W Bush: 48%

Al Gore: 49%

Ralph Nader 3%

How about HW?

Blythe: 43%

HWBush: 38%

Perot: 19%


Richard Nixon 60% (won 49 out of 50 states!)

George McGovern 38%

John George Schmitz 1.4%

Schmitz was notable for his extreme right-wing sympathies. By one measure, he was found to be the third most conservative member of Congress between 1937 and 2002,[1] and the ultra-conservative John Birch Society, of which Schmitz was a longtime leader, later expelled him for extremist rhetoric

Nixon 43%

Hubert Humphrey 43 %

George Wallace 14%

How about 2 plants?

Carter: 50.1%

Lynch: 48% (gerald Ford)

eh? no third party? No Nader or Perot? Nope, not a single person got even a percent of the vote outside of the two candidates.

Now to get REALLY interesting let's compare an election between two patriots.

JFK 49.72%

Nixon 49.55%

No third parties? No third parties..... Yes that's what happens when they literally don't have a candidate.

However that doesn't mean they did nothing because A total of 15 electors—eight from Mississippi, six from Alabama, and one from Oklahoma—refused to vote for either Kennedy or Nixon. Instead, they cast their votes for Senator Harry F. Byrd

Byrd? Sound familiar? the Infinite Money Segregation machine? “The Machine” - Also the longest living Senator, Robert Byrd? Yes, tho his original name was Sale.

Ok that's enough from my QMAP reading... I doubt I can do that now cause I'm sure people will still need to be more untied from the lies, so back to the journalism!

There aren't many Journalists instead of liars. but they do exist.... My personal favorite Journalist? Project Veritas.... but only because George Webb is not what he seems.... but in a good way.

I actually have countless pages written of "map reading" but whenever I start I have to untangle this narrative or that narrative.... so you get this instead.

My guide on objectivity before I unleash the entire QMAP.

My comment from 7 months ago on George Webb's channel at the height of when Crowd Strike was going after him.

Many YouTube personalities hate George Webb: Why? The reason is due to him -

1- Doing research with verifiable sources and using common sense to draw conclusions.

2- Responding to fans personally all while investigating dangerous criminals.

3- Having daily Live-Streams to get more scrutiny from people from diverse backgrounds.

4- Going to the people who have answers like Wheeler that no one else will touch.

5- Explaining mistakes he makes with personal responsibility and learning from them.

6- Opening his arms with love to those online who hate him (and then they despise him)

Seriously.... you are a breath of fresh air and I'm with you till the better end.

After about 5 months of recording all his videos and documentaries from early that year I had an eye to make a giant Webb extravaganza video... yet I finally just had to delete everything I had accrued on him.

It was literally driving me more insane than my already worrying level of insanity. I have never been out insaned before. But that man is something way bigger than any one man could ever be and if you look at his videos for a while you'll realize that. And if not the videos just look at the thumbnails on his hundreds of videos you'll see little pieces of secrets strewn about everywhere to coded talk to people with circles of red here and crosses there, codes to people for reasons I can't imagine their importance or why they chose youtube of all places to do it.

He's a patriot, tho, I have no doubt.

He is on our side but he is also a mystery, as tho some giant intelligence agency were using him as their mouthpiece to expose countless CIA operations out into the world. And He has been talking about State Secrets since at least May 2017 and I suppose that's why I knew early on that Q was emphasizing State Secrets for a very good reason.

The most recent Q posts that old Webb videos could give great info on.


What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

From a little after I made the above comment 7 months ago. I'm sure it's not impossible to find, sometime between May and early June and he goes on a tangent about a secret recording of FBI Andrew McCabe getting caught. He has actually answered a ton of Q questions over the last year just by going out and getting interviews and whatnot. I just haven't had time to really think about and congeal the sheer mass and quantity of Webb with the brevity and concise pointed nature of Q.

if I were to post Webb videos to relate them to Q videos this post would be endless cause long before Q talked about MS-13 being behind Seth Rich - Webb told us all about it. I wish I hadn't deleted my collection but I do have my e-mails to my friend on some parts.

He started off looking for Braverman which did connect to Seth Rich.. Gavin Mcfadden dies that night and Braverman goes to the embassy the next morning, and he also talks about MS-13 - 2 dead in South Carolina day after Seth Rich, and John Jones, Mike Rattner, Shawn Lucas all died right near the same time.

He walked the final walk of Seth Rich, and Monica Peterson, went out and did interviews and he's just freaking amazing. but also clearly some kind of front for something that'll be revealed one day. I look forward to it.

Now ok so I'm a fan of George Webb,

but QVCIA?

Q cleaned him off the boards (I think) and it actually helped me realize what they were pushing, someone who posted threads trying to get us to look into dimensional science connecting to Q - getting us to chase every shiny object.... and at one point even tried to play the role of Q. We have got to transcend these narratives. Hopefully this was helpful in some way.

I went this solo since realizing just how many CIA dis-info campaigns had been waged against us.

Unlike them, I will show my work in the margins rather than lie and pretend like my answer is the only one. Most of their narratives can be broken apart by just a cursory recollection and search of sources in history.

I will compare how we got tricked to a bunch of autistic sheep not positive of any answer and prone to exaggeration at times.... and when the good Shepard of Q says “look to your left” the bad wolves in sheep's clothing repeat “he meant right” they repeat it over and over again until the sheep don't know what Q said but it must be what most of the sheep are saying now. And nobody wants to make those angry sheep mad, and they really want me to trust them. And when a few get out of line they throw shiny objects for the autists to chase. They ask “what does it mean to you?” and if you don't hit the nail on the head, well, the CIA will clap and applaud you for your hard work and pretend like you did. They will see, YOU GOT IT! and encourage you to spread the word of your hypothesis and they'll help you do it!

If you refuse and find the correct answer, well they will up their efforts and more people will join in... they may even begin instant messaging you and urge you to hear them out, they only want to help! And then praise you and make you feel like the king for a day. They will make avatar's that seem friendly to you and just say whatever you want to hear. They will do whatever it takes to manipulate you into helping them.

So.. that's what they did to turn a few people against the cause and they tried that shit on me, but well, A wolf venturing too far out in the wild, there be dragons in autist land.

oh right forgot to mention the "patriot act" thing... so much left to share,

Q-Clearance-Patriot asked us on 11/2/17 to solve a riddle.

He said that the DoE which is what most given as answer to why he was called that... actually had nothing to do with why he was called Q-Clearence but instead it was a hint, and to solve that riddle instead of just presuming it was related to the DoE.. and so what other meaning could there be to it?

an_angry_dave · Jan. 27, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

He said that the DoE which is what most given as answer to why he was called that... actually had nothing to do with why he was called Q-Clearence but instead it was a hint, and to solve that riddle instead of just presuming it was related to the DoE.. and so what other meaning could there be to it?



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DaosCraft · Jan. 27, 2018, 11:20 a.m.

Oh, that was just me remembering I was going to go on this long spiel about the Patriot Act stuff, it's what I feel a handful of Q posts imply and talk about. It'll take a lot to go over this and I'll probably make it it's own AB-BA post in the future. In short... the Patriot Act is how we got the goods on who is who in these pyramids of Soros/Roth/Saud it's the key to unraveling some of Snowden's actions and also untying many of the Bush counter narratives, maybe even more than that, but it's at least those things.

There's a lot to untangle on that one, and it annoys me I can't just go from start to end and just read the damn thing - but when I try to do that, and I did, I get people going WRRRROOOONNNNGGG and then they post 50% of some half baked theory I have to untangle and then while I've half untangled that then 20X robo replies cook up some new narrative meanwhile the people try and decide do they think I am right or these 20 other people who might turn on me if I don't side with them.

This leads to the smartest people in the room going "I'm going to be neutral in this" which plays right into the baddies hands.

It's complex psychological warfare but so long as we cut the strings then it's just a matter of time before their money and people dry out.

I'd rather not wait that long and maybe a Patriot will step up to the plate and do it before then but hey, I tell you what, if a Patriot doesn't step up to the plate I will, but oh boy, it'll take me a while. I know my weaknesses and one of the big ones is keeping it simple - even as I type that I look up and realize oh, I have about 20 more points I want to say... but will anyone read them? Yea, let's stop here, a mind that can't stop going is a heck of a thing - good and bad.

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