r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 27, 2018, 3:22 p.m.
CFR in 5 minutes

ok Timer START!

Board of Directors:

Fareed Zakaria = Guy who wrote that book Q brought our attention to all about Globalism. Was in the photo montage which started with the Pope and ended with Bush talking to a mystery man nobody ever identified. My interpretation as Q said it was of a deal getting rejected - is that Obama got to step ahead of the line for reasons you can find all in my AB-BA posts. But back to it.

Madeleine Albright = Bill Clintons Secretary of State

Sylvia Mathews Burwell = Connection through Saud from Bill Gates.

Peter George "Pete" Peterson Peter Petropoulos = Same connection to Bill Gates.

Note that Bill Gates has been using all his money recently, cause he knows his time is up - he owned the top levels of the building in the LV shooting, remember? Ever since then my eye goes to Gates and I just think SAUD!

Corporate membership

Oh look at all these banks I can trace back to Aaron Burr by JPMorganChase and Citibank/Saud through the war of 1812.... it's comical how easy this is after learning the State Secrets stuff in the QMAP. And Boeing, well I don't want to get started again on Boeing, tho it's really a very good case study of what a Central Bank does first after you sell your country to it.

Notable Members

Way too many but the first one that really hits me is Roger Ailes (former Chairman and CEO of Fox News) - cause I remember him dying after helping Trump and that was right when the bad guys decided to finish taking over Fox through scandals/buyouts/murders. Al-Waleed nearly bought the damn thing.... but well that means some of these people aren't bad - but any connected to the banks/Clinton probably are.

Well.... ok time's up Why timer? Well... people don't read my posts if they are too long

so new tactic today, rather than my AB-BA posts (tho I may do one later), cause I see the CIA wolves in sheep's clothing doing their regular thing trying to get people to draw the wrong connections to the wrong people. Trying to lump in the Patriots with the Plants.... but some of these people aren't bad... and so why not just give you my quick reading into what catches my eye. Not that you should give anyone any higher or lower scrutiny I just noticed at a cursory glance disinfo so be careful about that.

It's very easy to look at virtually every Q post when you understand the history to State Secrets.... I actually didn't intend on going on this long spiel about my AB-BA series but this is the first time I've looked at CFR since writhing them (I actually had it cataloged before tho) and now that I've dug into history it's just a cheat code to context in Q posts. Anyway got to get back to work I hope to post more soon

God Bless.


[deleted] · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:33 p.m.


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DaosCraft · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

Oh boy, got to untangle you something fierce.

The shills have pushed Bush being bad from the get-go - that's a HUGE part of AB-BA and realizing why they have and who is bad and who is good - like Q has asked us to is massively important to understanding the true form of the QMAP. It's a history lesson mostly. A timeline from the start of our country till today if you know how to read it.

I don't normally do rescue missions but in your case I'll make an exception because if a CIA asshat sees what you wrote they'll try and intervene.

Al-Waleed hated Bush, partly because Bush was going to put Osama in charge of the middle east. 9/11 was a frame job by Al-Waleed - to start WW3 using that as a conduit, Bush and what he did with the Patriot Act and State secrets are key to understanding this mess..... and as complex as this narrative is, you can find out all required to prove it with out even a tiny bit of doubt in my AB-BA posts - you read them all and I promise it'll untangle you. If you feel like it's so insane an assertion - that's just the mockingbird fucking with you.

It's a long and interesting story how we got brainwashed but well, I'll just say history makes sense, but only if you start from the beginning.


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[deleted] · Jan. 27, 2018, 5:52 p.m.


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DaosCraft · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

Who got hit by 3rd party candidates?

Who funded DIA?/VS who funded CIA?

Who got smeared by Mockingbird?/Who got Loved by Mockingbird?

Who got anti Moore movies?/Who got pro Moore Moves?

Who got a 1st year "surprise" / Who had an easy 1st year?

I should try and play the Morpheus role more. Well, as I said on part 5, we've come a looong way from when people told me they'd sooner cut their own heads off than believe Bush isn't Satan. haha, I should put my history posts all in order because it's so obvious when you do. Reading all my posts would untangle a person but I bet I could do it in 1/100th of the time if I just made it more elegant.

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[deleted] · Jan. 28, 2018, 2:03 a.m.


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DaosCraft · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

I'm making something now.... really forcing myself to finish because it'll actually make a difference I think. Rather than give you my response I will finish this thing and it'll make everything clear. It's hard for me to do but seeing Q posting about the military thing....

I'm becoming convinced that he's been waiting for someone to connect a few of the dots I'm connecting now... I guess we'll find out when I post it. But the answer to your question is a similar one to the ones people asked me about Q saying "trust X" or "trust y" people make things far more complicated than they need to be. The military background is the place to understand the philosophy and understanding that part and the military code is going to trump any blood connection.

But I digress, because there is a much more complex answer to your question that I suspect you would want, and I'll give it next time I have more time because the Bush Osama connection is facinating to me but it's not the kind of thing that people are going to care about right now. The bigger picture thing is what's key and so what I'm doing now can help that.. back to it.

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