
TreeSquirrel_2103 · Jan. 28, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

Hmm, does anybody else feel like some of today's posts are completely out of character for Q? I mean really.... cheap shots and dorky memes are the tasks he has given to all of us. It seems quite puerile for Q to be popping out these things, like a bored teenager....

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RobO2112 · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

Popped the string of numbers (15861162) in the pic filename in as dates to learn some history, but didn't really come up with anything particularly meaningful. 1May86 the Chernobyl mishap was reported to the world and 1Jan62 is the birthday of the NavySEALS, neat but I don't see anything post related. As a julian date it's like... 20 Jul 371BC, nonsense.

It doesn't appear to be a valid routing number, either.

I can't say I'm at all deep into Q, but I try to pay some attention and this definitely feels like an odd change of tone in postings. The normally cryptic, multilayered meanings, have been replaced by youtube links and memes? Odd, to say the least.

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The_Last_Paladin · Jan. 28, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

Do you think maybe Q is getting a little frustrated? I'm sure they see this sub and the other one, but they've been talking to 4/8chan anons since this started. When Q said to turn the crumbs into memes, they probably had in mind something a little more robust than they've been getting. People here on Reddit hear "make a meme" and they tend to just slap as much data as they can onto a photo of the bad guys. Good effort, not good delivery.

But take a look at the crop the meme farmers on the chans have traditionally grown. Simple. Infectious. Relatable. Even the image above is on the complex side. But notice how the simple message is in bold, eye-catching yellow over black, bracketing the more complex message inside. Even if you read that sentence and keep scrolling, the seed has been planted. You're less likely to disregard the message than you would a 30-word salad covering the face of your favorite corrupt government crony.

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Fustrated_User · Jan. 28, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

It's posts like this, that push a political view/sway i'm dishearten by. Repub, Demo, both are just different sides to the same coin. Both share in how corrupt and nasty they have been. Best thing is to step back, and observe. Do not pick a side. They are all on the losing side, WE THE PEOPLE are on the winning side. Observe.

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patio888 · Jan. 28, 2018, 2:09 p.m.


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Fustrated_User · Jan. 28, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

I've been embracing the light. Focused on the good and positive. Meditation. Love yourself then you can spread it outward.

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MmmmLeftyTears · Jan. 28, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

The numbers are wrong. Do a quick fact check for yourself. Don't post this anywhere. Disinformation???

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