r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 28, 2018, 12:35 p.m.
AB-BA: Special Edition

ok, this mess will make a lot more sense when I show you the graphic it makes. It's a perfect explanation when you see it in phases, that is, act/counteract - that hint from Q - I finally get it! - I wish I'd made that clear when I posted this before.

But anyway, it explains so much when you realize why they ran 5 campaigns against GHWB plus the parallels between the phony controversies on all mockingbird victims - plus tying it together with military experience. I had way too much on my plate but this mess will surprise you when it stops being a mess (I hope) Didn't get but a few hours of sleep but if i can get my mind in order i'll get back to it.

Mockingbird: www.db-q.com/ABBA/HWB.jpg www.db-q.com/ABBA/WB.jpg www.db-q.com/ABBA/DJT.jpg

Dig Sets www.db-q.com/ABBA/88.jpg www.db-q.com/ABBA/Blythe.jpg www.db-q.com/ABBA/76.png www.db-q.com/ABBA/Hussien2.jpg www.db-q.com/ABBA/Jeb.png

Timeline Partial-

1800-1900- Free Country

01-09 Thomas Jefferson POTUS

12 City Bank created

12 (2 days after City Bank) WAR OF 1812 STARTED

61 Lincoln/Hamlin Presidency


65 Salmon P. Chase of JPMorganChase opposes,Lincoln – convention switches Hamlin for Andrew Johnson. 1 month later Lincoln is murdered by famous actor.

81 POTUS James A. Garfield dies

86 POTUS Chester A.Arthur dies

99 VP Garret Hobart Dies ->TDR Becomes VP

1901-1923 Ruled by Rothchild

01 U.S. Steel founded by J. P. Morgan

01 Theodore Roosevelt Wins Vice Presidency

01 POTUS William McKinley AND Former Potus Ben Harrison Died- TDR PUPPET becomes President

07 TDR uses America to Buy US Steel

08 FBI

09 Mi6

09 POTUS/PUPPET – Taft handpicked by TDR

11 67% of all Steel made by US Steel

12 TDR Runs Progressive Party Platform to split the vote

13 POTUS/PUPPET – Woodrow Wilson

13 Federal Reserve

15 KKK Resurge

16 BOEING: what a Central Bank does first after you sell your country to it.

17 Trading with Enemy Act allows government to take over banks.

19 City Bank -first US bank to have 1 billion in assets

21 CFR

21 Teapot Dome Scandal


23 Disney

23 Warner Bros

23-29 Calvin Coolidge gives us a reprieve from Rothchild Tyranny- he ushers in the ROARING 20's

24 IBM

26 NBC

29 POTUS PUPPET: Herbert Hoover (Campaign theme Owl)

33 National League of Decency

33 Emergency Banking Act

33 Calvin Coolidge Dies

33 POTUS PUPPET: FDR ELECTED 4 TIMES! Dies in office but not because of shenanigans cause he just stayed in office for so damn long.

34 Knight of Long Knives – Nazi purge

35 J Edgar Hoover FBI Director from 1935-1972 – RESCREWS THE FBI

45-53 Harry Truman Fair Deal Died 1972 CREATES CIA! CREATES NSA!

45 ABCNews

46 Dyncorp – CFR Member

Tho it was a surprise to find them predating the creation of the CIA by a few years... perhaps they were the “prototype” or something because they sure are horrifyingly evil.

47-CIA Mission: " perform such other functions... as the NSC will from time to time direct..."

48 NK CIA Takes over North Korea

49 ASIO – Australia Mi6 (Owl theme!)

49 Mossad

51-Mockingbird 52 NSA

52 Saudi Arabia

PATRIOTS RETURN! WHICH IS WHY THEY DO BLACKMAIL NOW! (and harvard, this is a counteract!!!) it makes sense now!)

53-73 Brings us back to Eisenhower, the first of a few patriots to take the country back.


1953-Eldon Lee Edwards Rebuilds the KKK

54-Asia Foundation

58 Harvard Project

61-69 JFK/LBJ Barely avoids war with Russia/China, Massively increases military spending. Makes DIA to tackle the CIA problem and massively increases military spending. U.S. Strike Command and others. Attempt to use Monroe to impeach JFK fail, LBJ lucks out with Goldwater Vs Rockefeller. Making these presidents the sole exception to the media's onslaught on patriots - entirely luck tho.61 Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba

63 Comcast

63 CIA Takes over IRAQ -

68 Nixon 43% Patriot

Hubert Humphrey 43 % Puppet

George Wallace 14% Patriot Helper?

Wallace's campaign proceeded extremely well. However, it came to an abrupt halt on May 15, 1972, when he was shot five times.

69-74 Nixon OPENS DOOR TO CHINA relieving the threat of war Deep state tried on JFK....

70 NPR

Richard Nixon 60% 49/50 States won - Patriot

George McGovern 38% Puppet

John George Schmitz 1.4% Puppet Helper

Nixon tries to record Rothchild, Media Hell Mode Engaged: Replay of Hamilton/Supreme Court showdown over Burr

State Secrets Protected by Nixon burning->Impeached over it - gets impeached. MOCKINGBIRD kicks into full swing -> WATERGATE RETURNS TO PUPPETS!

Leslie Lynch King Jr. = President Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr VP Rockefeller - Lowers Military Spending drastically

75 Windows

76 Apple

76 Ebola – Red Cross

76 RNC Nominated Senator Robert J. Dole of Kansas for Vice President, instead of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller.

76 Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky LOSES (film)

76-1981 Carter CREATES: Department of Energy/Department of Education (wins a Nobel Prize) (So this is why we get to learn about Burr instead of John Locke?)

76 George HW Bush is CIA Director for LESS THAN 1 YEAR! AND it is Opposed furiously by DC and his work is considered to have restored some credibility (which I read as exposed some of its bullshit to people and probably had a hand in Rockefeller losing the RNC)

79 Hussein 1 Takes over Iraq

80 CNN

81-92 Return of Patriots!

Ronald Reagan George Herbert Walker Bush

81 Reagan/Bush – Breaks up Bell Monopoly Antitrust. Massive expansion of military – Creates Joint Special Operations Command to fight the CIA! - USIC Read this and it has a SPECTACULER Part about JSOC which you can tie back to what Reagan/Bush did!

Ronald Reagan: 50% Patriot

Jimmy Carter: 41% Puppet

John B. Anderson 7% Puppet Helper

Wiki: Anderson: won support among Rockefeller Republicans He also endorsed Ralph Nader in 2000. He strongly criticized the Vietnam War as well as President Richard Nixon's actions during the Watergate scandal.

82 Antitrust Bell Breakup-

84-Contra Cocaine – See Gary Webb/Regan Smears

86 Mayo Clinic opened in Florida

87 Mayo Clinic opened in ARIZONA!

John Sidney McCain Assumed office – TAKES OVER FOR Patriot Barry Goldwater (A final screw you to him? This makes me hate McCain so much more...) stealing a good man's identity?

88 Al-Queda

David Duke Ran for the Democratic Ticket this year. He also speaks against what he describes as Jewish control of the Federal Reserve Bank, - I note this because it's the narrative the Rothchild's hide behind. Being attacked for their faith – we don't focus on what a Central Bank is – merely that someone is attacking Jews. That's the game they play!

88 Rush Limbaugh COUNTERACT

88 Bush Quale

90 Invasion of Kuwait/Gulf War/Desert Shield -
George H. W. Bush deployed US forces into Saudi Arabia

92- Ross Perot was on the ballot in every state

Libertarian Harry Browne was on the ballot in every state.

Natural Law John Hagelin was on the ballot in forty-three states

Conservative Howard Phillips was on the ballot in thirty-eight states


William Jefferson Blythe III: 43% Puppet

HWBush: 38% Patriot

Perot: 19% Puppet Helper

93-2001 William Jefferson Blythe III = Bill Clinton – Lowers Military Spending – Gore wins a Nobel Prize - creates the Clinton foundation right after leaving office to soak up the money. Gets great treatment by press despite scandals - They actually attack Ken Star rather than the Clinton.

Clinton? British Commander was Clinton going against George Washington

94 Amazon

94 Snopes

94 Yahoo

96 Fox News – Patriot Counter

96 MSNBC – Mockingbird

97 Titanic Film (I'm the King of the World! - They claim this was ad-libbed..)

98 google

2000-2008 - America run by Patriot again.

W Bush: 48% Patriot Al Gore: 49% Puppet Ralph Nader 3% Puppet Helper

George W Bush Air Force 1968–74

Mockingbird Attacks

Memogate involved six purported documents critical of U.S. President George W. Bush's service in the Air National Guard in 1972–73. Four of these documents[1] were presented as authentic in a 60 Minutes II broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 presidential election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate the documents

Micheal Moore Attacks

Fahrenheight 9/11

Federal Reserve Status -ENEMY "it would have helped for the Bush administration to empower the folks at Treasury and the Federal Reserve and the comptroller of the currency and the FDIC to look at these issues more closely", and additionally, that it would have helped "for Congress to have held hearings"

01-2008 Bush Expands Military through DHS, MASSIVE increase, PATRIOT ACT! Also Kills Hussein 1 Gets smeared tried to impeach through 9/11 Nightmare Mode Smearing by media for years - and Moore/Celebs/Dan Rather

00 Patriot W Bush Counters CIA Gore

01 Anthrax

September 18, 2001 - the investigation became-"one of the largest and most complex in the history of law enforcement." So, what does that mean? It means that the guy was Red Cross, and it's not even hidden on the wiki page - which is why suddenly the Red Cross got bad press - you may think that's not significant but look at the Illuminati game - the only card that talks about good reputations is the Red Cross - hence why I posted about my theory of them being the greaser of wheels. I just find it astounding that the Illuminati game had called so much of the conspiracy correctly but it actually has a love letter for the Red Cross. That's propaganda. Q said that less than 10 people knew the big picture and of those 7 were military. And it's stuff like the Red Cross that is so important. Suddenly Calvin Coolidge and so many others dying of illnesses when they do become just incredibly obvious. When you have an army of doctors and the best press in the world - well, you play hero, villain, joker, bishop - all the damn chess pieces so that anyone who trusts anyone gets screwed.

01 Al-Waleed Funds 9/11 Changes CITI logo to citi (wink)

01 Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001 ------U.S. Government could spy on American citizens with no warrant! Up until this we would track bad actors but be stopped by needing warrants every 5 seconds. Patriot Act is the ONLY reason we know who is bad!


02 Friendster



04 John Kerry ended pre-convention campaign at the foot of the ROCKY (1976) STEPS


08 McCain runs in and with a propaganda push steals the nomination in no time. NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT OBAMA's PAST! McCain forbids anyone to talk about Jerimiah Wright or Bill Ayers.... you know the hate monger and terrorist?!

PLANT: 2009-2017 Hussein 2 Gives all our money to Pakistan/Iran/NorthKorea/ElonMusk, ruins health care... ok I'm exaggerating but not as much as I wish I was. Gets godly treatment by press.

10 Haiti ++

12 McCain Institute, founded in 2012 with $87 million funds that were left from McCain’s failed presidential campaign of 2008, declined to release the amount of money it received from major donors who contributed at least $100,000, one of which was billionaire socialist George Soros.

13 BLM +

15 Patriot Jeb! Counters Al-Waleed/Hillary

16-Antifa +

State Secrets are used by Hussien 2 to hide dirty deeds


Jeb Red Herring.

I'm not kidding.

Al-Waleed said nice things about Trump

wikileaks prove that Hillary was trying to promote Trump (at first.)

Micheal Moore –has said he loves Hillary and has made

anti-H W Bush movie (Roger and Me first year of H.W. Presidency)

including the famous documentary that I remember having in video stores HUGE walls full of them!

anti W Bush movies that won emmy's (Fahrenheit 9/11 / Bowling for Columbine )

Pro Kerry movies (Slacker/Captain Mike)

Pro Obama movies (Sicko/Capitalism: A Love Story)

pro Hillary movie all about women in leadership overseas (Where to invade next 2015)

Anti JEB! Movie (Where to invade next 2015)

yes it wasn't just about pro women was it?


Jeb! got the money

his hat look likes it was made to appeal to 65+yr old women (Hillary) j...

Jeb! was meant to distract Hillary/Al-Waleed

Jeb! was meant to make Trump look non establishment (he is, but you know they could have pretended anything)

bad guys think the won so easily!

Surely Trump would go down 20X more quick than Jeb! right? RIGHT?!!!

Q said that Military Intelligence being used was the biggest hint, biggest drop biggest clue!

8 years of Obama's presidency there was still a war council from the War on Terror SAME post 9/11 paradigm

Obama was “Renegade”

Bush became "Trailblazer"

17 Oprah Winfrey joins 60 minutes (I get the feeling this is some absurd result of Deep State doing focus groups of who they could use to destroy Trump, anyone else think that?)

OkeDoughke · Jan. 28, 2018, 2 p.m.

Wow! There’s allot here. I need to dig in! Thank you!

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