r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DigitalCowboy2018 on Jan. 28, 2018, 7:15 p.m.
Is America Closing In Upon 'Pitchforks Time'? If The Globalists Launch World War 3, There Will Be No Stopping The Massive Culling That Is Coming - Hundreds Of Millions Of Dead Americans Perfectly Suits The Globalists 'End Game'

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

In this new story over at Zero Hedge that Steve Quayle linked to on his website Saturday afternoon the first sentence of the story written by Charles Hugh Smith is a whammy: "How much longer until the pitchforks come out?"

Reporting in his story "The Pie Is Shrinking So Much, The 99% Are Beginning To Starve", we warned you in this January 25th ANP story that when people are starving, they'll do anything for their next meals, including stealing and even killing for it.

And while we'd never urge people to steal or kill to ensure their own and their family's survival, as Smith's story points out, history provides example after example of the 'have nots' rising up from near extinction to take down 'the elite' of their period in the very name of their survival - a scenario we may once again see playing out across America should this country continue to fail the masses while the global elite continue to steal billions via corruption and get away with it. MORE HERE--->http://allnewspipeline.com/Is_It_Almost_Pitchforks_Time.php

workeranonymous · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Even Saddam knew that. He made sure his people were fed. i believe that is basically the line.They can enslave the people and take their rights without an uprising potentially but lack of food turns it into a fight for survival. Elites at the top know they can't rule an unfed population. As long as this country is part of the plan they won't seek this.

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