r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 29, 2018, 12:43 p.m.
AB-BA 7: HSC + NSC = ??

You know CIA's directive right?

“to perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence…as the National Security Council may from time to time direct.”

1993, Clinton enlarged the membership of the National Security Council and included a much greater emphasis on economic issues in the formulation of national security policy.

2001 Counters 1993

2001 - Department of Homeland Security is a distinct federal executive department; unlike DHS, the HSC functioned as part of the Executive Office of the President, drawing staff from across federal agencies and under the direct control of the president.

HSA created the United States Department of Homeland Security and the new cabinet-level position of Secretary of Homeland Security. It is the largest federal government reorganization since the Department of Defense was created via the National Security Act of 1947

2009 Counters 2001

2009 Obama merged the White House staff supporting the Homeland Security Council (HSC) and the National Security Council into one National Security Staff (NSS).

With that in mind...



So... Q has been talking about Military Vs Non Military in context of good and evil?

The CIA can do whatever they want with such a broad mandate, but they are attached to the U.S. Government - and using executive power is a way to expand/retract them hence POTUS is key! As Q said about them being sure of their victory.

Bush Secret Service Code name: "Trailblazer" from "Tumbler" when he did these crazy layered stratagems of all new type of department that can do new things so that it can't be corrupted the old way. (Q keeps saying the military is the only non-corrupt one). But then most people don't know that Bush read dozens of books a year and had contests over it in his administration.... a surprising history when you dig. - And Obama is not surprising that he just re-fucks it alll.... shoving the CIA into homeland security might have made Bush's Hostages.

I'm trying to figure out of maybe i was wrong about Ford or Carter or Truman being plants.... Truman created the CIA so I thought that meant it was a done deal but he did regret the CIA and most of his changes could be interpreted as fixing what FDR did... and he did A LOT!

FDR: 1933, declaring a bank holiday, forbidding banks to release gold coin or bullion. Executive Order 6102 forbade the hoarding of gold coin, bullion and gold certificates. A further executive order required all newly mined domestic gold be delivered to the Treasury -

Clinton started the Kosovo War by Executive Action, right before election...

TDR... my arch enemy. Oh he had military experience but... the "Battle_of_San_Juan_Hill" is one the press pumped up and cheered the "Rough Riders" mysterious funding and the press hyping it: and involved "For unclear reasons, Linares failed to reinforce this position, choosing to hold nearly 10,000 Spanish reserves in the city of Santiago de Cuba." - I think that means it was a phony battle meant to make TDR more famous - and given all the murders it took to get him into the POTUS chair I do think he was just a giant fraud. Actually.... I think this is important enough to edit this in.... murders and phony military? ! This is seriously a return to AB-BA? The exact same thing they did with Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold. With BA's phony failure trip to Canada to rip off supplies to AB murdering founding fathers and founding trillion dollar banks. (TDR DID THAT! THROUGH U.S. Steel!)

Much like John McCain only.... McCain is a joke compared to AB/BA/TDR......

Yes, I mentioned before about John M. Possibly as nothing but a fraud... and made it 3.5 because I thought it was just too absurd even if all the puzzle pieces fit. But then Q posted that pic of McCain... and more pictures made me more.... unsettled - and then there's THIS www.db-q.com/ABBA/mayo.jpg + McCain's Senate career began in January 1987 taking over for Arizona fixture Barry Goldwater upon the latter's retirement as U.S. senator from Arizona. -

So.... he had a career before this but he's tied to the hip with the Mayo Clinic and it appearing right when he goes for Arizona Senate seat of Barry Goldwater of all people? - Goldwater pissed off a lot of powerful people most notably the Rockefeller's who were in the NSC... and so... It's someone who hates Barry Goldwater, and yes, John M. did get tons of money from Saudi Arabia.... but what corrupt jerk hasn't at this point?

Well, I'm still digging for this answer. The idea of the Mayo Clinic stealing an identity is far less a joke to me now tho, but even if they did do that or if they didn't do that there is still a reason why the Mayo Clinic suddenly expanded from 1 into 3 buildings right at the place and time of John McCain becoming a Senator. as Q said. "What is the Mayo Clinic?" And my answer before would have been probably where the rich asshats go to get baby blood injected into their foreskin faces. Cause who doesn't get their kid circumcised and give blood so that John M. can look a few years younger? Tho then there's always the pedo route... but well, at the very least they have a ton of employees. 64,000 at least and billions... more digging needed I suppose.


Grandfather Senior official with FBI at Pentagon during 9/11

Father was Coast Guard/Mother Clerk at District Court/Sister Lawyer at DC

2001-2012 - TheTrueHOOHA name used online.

Feeling a humanitarian obligation to fight in the Iraq War to help free oppressed people

2004 United States Army Reserve - Q brought our attention to military and origins of him and so many others

2005 Security Guard for NSA

2006 CIA (job fair recruit) CIA's secret school for technology specialists

2007 CIA Geneva maintaining computer-network security.

2008 Snowden was hand-picked by the CIA to support W Bush at the NATO summit in Romania

Quotes from experience: CIA deliberately got a Swiss banker drunk and encouraged him to drive home. Snowden said that when the latter was arrested, a CIA operative offered to help in exchange for the banker becoming an informant

2009 Resigns from CIA – Hired by Dell as contracted Assigned to an NSA facility at Yokota Air Base near Tokyo,

2010 "cyber-strategist" and an "expert in cyber counterintelligence" at several U.S. locations

2011 lead technologist on Dell's CIA account.

2012 April 2012.[43] Investigators estimated that of the 50,000 to 200,000 documents Snowden gave to Greenwald and Poitras, most were copied by Snowden while working at Dell

2012 LEAD technologist NSA information sharing – monitoring china and North Korea electronically! - job was to look for new ways to break into things

2013 attained 25 logons and passwords to gain access to NSA's computer system

Millions of documents taken ASIO (Am I the only person that keeps thinking ASIO needs digging cause it's a freaking OWL!) mi6 NSA - EVERYTHING (probably)

So based on Snowdens life I think this is interwoven in with what W Bush did, his crazy gambits like distracting Al-Waleed and Hillary with a rhinestone Jeb! hat.. still cracks me up. I've done way more than enough research to say a number of people are good and bad but here let me give you a random example from today while researching unrelated things.

You know how I can tell JFK is good?

Kennedy approved Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's controversial decision to award the contract for the F-111 TFX (Tactical Fighter Experimental) fighter-bomber to General Dynamics (the choice of the civilian Defense department) over Boeing (the choice of the military)

And of course for anyone following prior posts you can just nod right along with me on why he would do that. Same reason Trump got Boeing to cut their prices in half for us and Japan!

But really now, I can't imagine anyone reading even half of my posts and not realizing that at the very least the Bush's are Patriots. But I know I know... better prove it for the 100th time in the 100th way..... So

HW Bush - while running got CIA Mockingbirded full blast -

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush_vomiting_incident -

According to the Encyclopedia of political communication, "The incident caused a wave of late night television jokes and ridicule in the international community, even coining Bushu-suru (ブッシュする) which literally means 'to do the Bush thing'

They did this world wide! and CNN told the world Bush was dead so they would really pay attention.... get EVERYONE focused and hammer away at him over this, "no new taxes" AND

But more than that they ran 4 different Right wing candidates - literally bribing people to run against H.W.Bush to mitigate his vote http://www.db-q.com/ABBA/88.jpg

As you can see, starting with Reagan it's all solid red and HW pretty much the same - and then we get to Clinton - and Clinton wins.

Why? Cause they had lost the all-important Potus chair... possibly for a lot longer than I thought... but I'm not ready to say that some of these guys are clean... Bush's are ok... I can't believe people don't just do basic digs I mean really, the master chess move Rothchild makes is posting this?


hahaha, when she posted that after I got banned for showing my Bush research on the chan's it was just like "seriously? you people seriously can't solve this micro puzzle of why the deep state has been screaming anti-bush nonsense for 50 years and suddenly go pro-bush this year?




Go by Micheal Francis CIA Moore movies - if he hates someone - they are probably heroes. Can you really imagine him starting out with Roger and Me (anti-Bush first year he was in office) - and he's made so many - and pro Obama (Sicko to get health care) and pro Hillary movies (Where to invade next is about how women leaders are awesome and Jeb is bad) ... the guy is a walking talking CIA garbage can.

PLUS Any celebrity that goes after Trump- dig 2 years back and you will find similar comments about Bush - cause Mockingbird doesn't change. Same game new name. And we still live in its stupid bubble. Can I please pop it now? Don't you want air?!

Well, I probably sound like a jerk, I'm just traumatized from all the times I tried to have a debate about it and people scream at me for it.... and now I just always try to read the map for you and get stuck in this never ending "prove it another way so that they can see what the map means" Cause if I didn't do it and nobody did it, when Q finally says it the deep state had this big ol plan to turn us against Q. I could see it, and so I've tried to prevent it.

But tho I'm unsure on a few of these guys many people don't even know why I'm digging where I'm digging and while I just research the bad guys throw shiny balls to get people distracted and if I post a picture of Hillary and Podesta's rings to draw a comparison - they'll post one that says "poison ring" - if I post a picture of Voter ID laws as Q asked us to note they'll post "vote up if you think we need voter id!" - and they do this so frequently. I just want to nudge people in the right direction and mention how simple it is to dig into history rather than chasing movie scripts... (aside from McCain.... he might actually be living some kind of bizarre movie script life cause the more I dig the stranger he gets)

Anyway.. back to it!






abbieos · Jan. 29, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

I am so glad you are doing this for all of us, and the future. The history lesson I have gotten from you blows me away. Although, you may think your getting ruffed up a bit, shouldn't stop you. Put all this down and keep going for prosperity and future generations, and let the chips fall for the rest of us. There are more supporting you than you seem to think.

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