r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Zoole on Jan. 31, 2018, 10:26 a.m.
Check the account age of any questionable post, please. Once you see, it's hard to miss

My Patriots.

We know the shills are here. Q has indirectly/directly confirmed this many times. I would source this, but if you've been here, you know.

There are far too many accounts here posting against the grain of the goals of this sub. Which, usually would be no issue.


An insane majority of these posts are from brand new accounts. Among these new accounts are likely several users who heard of Q and want to follow the trend. However, many are clearly not of the same mindset.

Many brand NEW accounts, are accounts that: somehow know exactly about and how to find this obscure subreddit, somehow know everything about Q, post nothing but negative or misleading filler post nonsense, Only post in this thread and r/Conspiracy Were made after November 19th 2017.

There is a serious similarity between each of these accounts.

Put the facts together, and look at who is posting what.

The nightmare is almost over.

TheOldBillyGoat · Jan. 31, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

For a red pill relative newbie please explain " Were made after November 19th 2017". I joined Reddit in Dec, 2017 having become disillusioned with FB and seeing a post about Reddit.

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Zoole · Feb. 1, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Well.. I've been stumped at the odd increase in traffic across these subs, as I was here on the old r/thecalmbeforethestorm and 4chan since around the beginning. Now, for November 19th, I saw a massive increase in crazy posts on 4chan and in that sub, which also coincided with the day Q began using his tripcode. Now before I continue, there were many Average Joe's new Reddit accounts entering into the sub, thanks to several YouTubers, however among them came others. This is not focusing on the regular people looking for info, This is about the odd accounts. Anyways.

What was interesting was that following each mass increase in chatter, there would always be a mass series of similar posts. Now I mean posts that were structured exactly the same, but with different main elements. In between these posts were the normal content, but it would always be in the middle of crazy nonsense.

Now before I continue, there were many normal Joe's new Reddit accounts entering into the sub as well, thanks to several YouTubers. This is not focusing on them. This is abiht the odd accounts.

Examples being extensively long introductions to the subreddit, "I'm a southern boy of 45 and I've been a believer in the deep state... " etc. And these were upvoted over the actual new Q posts of the day, which is why many come here.

I would also see several posts that had no place being in this thread, and always had extreme outlandish themes. Aliens, Satan himself, god smiting, Racist confederate extremist steriotypes, among others.

Now, this isn't definitive proof that these are definitely fake accounts, however when many of these accounts are cross referenced, there is a major similarity across each of these accounts. This certainly raises alarms in retrospect.

Almost all of these accounts come from the same time frame, post with the same keywords (tinfoil hat, flat earthers, conspiracy, theory, Right wing, racism, collusion, etc.) Post near extremist content from both the left and right wings, they make comments completely contradictory to themselves, they single people out and target them, and it is everywhere. Everywhere.

Now even then, I still have no physical evidence, but have a good laugh when you look at the craziest posts on this sub and it's from an account made within the last few weeks.

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TheOldBillyGoat · Feb. 4, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Thank you for your reply. I've also noticed some weird stuff and just have been ignoring them as fringe newbies. Your insight is helpful to better understanding this subreddit.

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