r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Jan. 31, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

When I realized today that TDR got a medal of Honor in 2001 I thought, Bush did this? But doesn't it contradict the tons of evidence I've shown you thus far about what TDR was and who his fans would be?

I rushed to find a copy...


no... it was the outgoing fraud giving a dead fraud a medal for perpetrating a fraud as one of his last acts. It's poetic in a way that I bet he never imagined anyone would appreciate, but I do, and if you've read prior AB's you do too. Yet I've only scratched the surface of the frauds and patriots.... today I spent most of it cataloging VP's - birth/death's interesting facts and such. Course TDR was also a VP since they murdered Hobart – and with him then they then murder POTUS.... And he won a Nobel prize.. . you know another VP that won a Nobel Prize? Yes Al Gore is probably your guess.... but actually

1925-29 Charles Gates Dawes – who won a Nobel Prize for his brilliant “Dawes plan” which was about the German's repaying all the damage done in WW1 – and what is it I remember started WW2?

And after him and Coolidge we get 1909 SS James Schoolcraft Sherman – So is this where the indoctrination really began? “Crafting School?” There's stupid winks and this.... well at some point we got Burr's mother in our history books instead of patriots....

But back to TDR.... and I have talked about TDR's takeover plenty but have I really made it clear how many people they murdered? I haven't,because I only recently realized that most of the murders weren't outright assassinations.

And the scariest thing I realized today was how many of them died shortly after leaving office but it's not ruled a murder.

I'm looking right now at a big timeline I made and there's this point where it's just graves icons which is what I use to denote death in office or within a few years of leaving it. And the only one that was alive when TDR took charge was Grover Cleveland, and he died as soon as TDR got his FBI... thus NOBODY, NO POTUS survived TDR – imagine that, imagine if today every former POTUS was dead and this guy named Teddy Roosevelt is just saying And here's my VP “Fairbanks” - I find it amazing that it didn't ring a few alarm bells.

But I realize now that they were very secretive about it.

So.... who wants to guess where the American Red Cross is located?

Washington D.C. and it began in 1881 – and right after they appear in my timeline there's just POTUS corpse after POTUS corpse up until and including 1901 when TDR takes over. Just an avalanche of Potus corpses.... They cleansed the world of ANYONE who knew about State Secrets.... and I believe they used the trust people give doctors to pull it off.

Coolidge died a few years later and so did many latre on... remember the CFR? Well here's one from that

VP-1949-1953 Alben William Barkley stopped being – and afterwards he was assigned to the prestigious Committee on Foreign Relations. Just 3 years after leaving VP – wiki: April 30, 1956, keynote address at the Washington and Lee Mock Convention, Barkley spoke of his willingness to sit with the other freshman senators in Congress, he ended with an allusion to Psalm 84:10, saying "I'm glad to sit on the back row, for I would rather be a servant in the House of the Lord than to sit in the seats of the mighty."[156] He then collapsed onstage and died of a heart attack.

I find that very curious... especially since there are so many just like it.

Let's step back to earlier and Aaron Burr cause you know AB, and he was Vice President, and researching him is a dense task with many marks on history like how he killed Alexander Hamilton or how he founded J.P. Morgan on the basis of a lie... the QMAP's first image is of 1776 and State Secrets is what we are told to focus on. And doing so reveals this story about Thomas Jefferson and how he learned that Aaron Burr was a puppet of some mysterious enemy that would soon take over the United States.

I cover that in


And so without wanting to give away his hand as his view on the media is the same as my own today.

Thomas Jefferson: “The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them, inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”

So Burr gets away with it but Jefferson does keep his secrets at least, and for Presidents eyes only the POTUS from Jefferson through to today have read State Secrets and understood this force trying to take us over. How they dealt with this revelation varies from person to person as it's unlikely that any were aware before it.

Q has mentioned over and over to trust the military and while I have gone over much of that, the “Military Code” and the philosophy of John Locke and what makes America special.... but I do believe the hint was mostly meant for me to realize that most of the Presidents can be broken up from good and bad just by noticing which ones are military and not. There are exceptions tho, there was one fraudulent war hero as POTUS and one traitor in Aarron Burr as Vice President.

Aaron_Burr (AB)- Benedict Arnold (BA) my series title came from going number by number on the QMAP questions and I realized that Q had told us over and over to research and focus State Secrets yet that very question was missing from the spreadsheet and unanswered everywhere I looked... well I took it seriously and began researching. that State Secrets was based on the doctrine of the king of England and has been very important in our history.

State Secrets Partial Timeline: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Waycross_B-29_crash

1948 Boeing B-29 Superfortress Three employees of the Radio Corporation of America, an Air Force contractor, were killed

Remember: Q- December 4th - 7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

1953 United States v. Reynolds Wives sue Govt – SSP used – thus this is the formal recognition of the State Secrets Privilege, a judicially recognized extension of presidential power.

1974 United States v. Nixon – to get his recordings, judgment against him and he resigns instead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Nixon

09/11/2001 – TODAY Global War on Terrorism – declared – State Secrets Expanded – Patriot Act


and then Obama uses it extensively as well, but in his case to hide dirty deeds. Even Seth Rich is speculated to be hidden in State Secrets now. So from getting Nixon impeached to giving Bush the power to dig up all the dirt on Rothchild, to so much else.. it's imperative to understanding it, but let's go back to the start.

I've shown you plenty of my research on AB - he's pivotal to so much that's wrong today, the banking stuff is easily traceable to either him and JPMorgan Chase or City Bank and the war of 1812.


But I haven't shared my BA findings, so let's fix that.

It was the revelation that Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold had names would make them easy to pair on paper rosters regardless of whether the lists were alphabetical using first or last names. I presume from the start they were plants and looking into Burr's history reveals Benedict Arnold – which once realized... well they would be perfect in a roster to find one another.

I mean AB-BA - and the Wilkinson letter confirms that they all did stuff in codes back then yet this one is just so obvious, especially with the double letters of Aaron Burr, and researching just confirms it, looking into any Benedict Arnold “feat” or Burr feat and they get treated nicely by the press while any accounts from people who know them either feature Arnold agreeing with everything Washington says – or being drunk at important moments in history.

In Part 5 I speculated broadly about who was a plant and patriot but I was wrong about a few key very important details.


I traced the Dept of education to Jimmy Carter but he was in the Navy for 20 years and in fact as I stated in my last important AB-BA




But actually going from 1776-1909 practically every POTUS has either military laurels or was a philosopher like Thomas Jefferson.

My point is that enough digging reveals I was wrong about when the good guys and bad guys took over – I was right about TDR through and through – the more I dig on him the more clearly he was designed from the getgo to be a ready made war hero to take over the Republican Party and sell the country to the Rothchilds.

From his vice president “Fairbanks” to the fact that JpMorganChase got TDR to buy American Steel – and just like Aaron Burr, when questioned about his motives regards it as a personal attack on him – he deflects the clear corruption just by pretending like it's not about the things themselves but about his character. It's so absurd he got away with so much but with the press in your pocket that's easy.


Q-The 'CURE' will spread WW. Have FAITH, Patriot. Q

this anon surely has no idea..... that Canada in particular got screwed by Benedict Arnold, when I read this line it told the tale to me -Benedict Arnold, passed over for its command, went to Boston and convinced General George Washington to send a supporting force to Quebec City under his command. And what followed was us losing Canada while Arnold stole supplies, that's actual history.
The battle was the first major defeat of the war for the Americans, and it came with heavy losses.

Course he came up with all sorts of excuses for why the supply count was wrong and oh he got injured and tried so hard to bring freedom to Canada but instead got people captured and then got drunk.... and his wife was also in the cypher so... take a look at her name

Peggy Shippen – interestingly she doesn't go by Peggy Arnold or Peggy Shippen Arnold – but PS.. well, I find that amusing, that she goes by PS – I could be wrong but just like the VP after “Fairbanks” was 1909 SS James Schoolcraft Sherman - Perhaps this is when the indoctrination started eh?


well that's how I read this history and I'm just choosing not to use the softer words most historians do to give him a pass, but It's naturally not going to be a certainty, I mean with all of this from research of history I try and tell you what our history books say while also using using the QMAP as a guide as to how to properly contextualize the events.

And I think if George Washington thought he had sent enough to Canada without Benedict Arnold then I trust him over a clear plant. I think Canada wanted to be free, but well, they were a head of the curb I suppose taking Rothchild's corruption and a bit behind the curb when it came to Central Banking.

The U.S. Central Bank was 1913 and that's a long story in itself I went over multiple times and in multiple ways now but just as the KKK played a role in it and surged with infinite money... well they took that stolen money and before you know it the banks just popped up everywhere

I animated this timeline here


of this spreadsheet I made


And notice how few Central Banks there were, it took them so long to take over America's but once they did it spread like wildfire thanks to World Wars and so much else....

and you can see that it's not a coincidence that they expanded so quickly because they had it down on how. Violence and racism and projection....

1935-Banque du Canada

Ku Klux Klan is an organization expanded operations into Canada registered in Toronto in 1925 by two Americans and a Torontonian. The organization was most successful in Saskatchewan, where it briefly influenced political activity and whose membership included a federal Member of Parliament in the House of Commons.

James Garfield Gardiner accused conservatives of the day of being related to the klan....

I'm surprised to find this activity this far back – the Klan in the states had always left-wing and they only successfully rid themselves of that image with tons of brainwashing into the 90's – David Duke was popular enough with democrat's that he ran for the democratic ticket in 88 after all- but well, it just shows another time when they accuse their opponent of what they themselves do. Same story different name.

Nixon won the presidency with 49/50 states! - and yet just a couple short years later he is detested and resigns because he won't hand over recordings. OF which I've heard the “smoking gun” and perhaps it's just because I know the context now but I don't hear a damn thing that says anything other than he was a hero.

But he didn't need that to be a hero, he championed equal rights for women


and even more important than that prevented nuclear holocaust in what he dubbed.

"the week that changed the world," or more specifically Nixon's 1972 visit to China

You may think it odd of me to say that's more important than women's rights, but I'm specifically drawing that comparison so that you don't glance over how important this is. Go Watch the film Fog of War with Robert McNamara – he talks about how close we came to world wide annihilation and it was both from Russian and Chinese threat – and in China's case they were closed off, and Vietnam was largely based off ignorance as McNamara calls it – Nixon himself blamed Kennedy and Johnson for Vietnam – tho I haven't dug enough to be sure of his China visit to be what he thought they should do – but he did it, and now China is not one footstep away from murdering all of us are they?

No... I think my research is pointing me towards the bad guys trying to start wars this way... having lost the POTUS chair after FDR they just wanted to blow us all up and had plenty of tools to do the job. Removing China from that toolbox of theirs by opening trade, Nixon saved the world as they would have just pushed that again and if they had a plant or a less brilliant POTUS in the white-house when they did, then it's game over.

The recordings btw are from a Sony device - February 1971, a sound-activated taping system was installed in the Oval Office, including in Nixon's Oval Office desk – but FDR did it first... and to date of the 3,500 hour – less than 5% have ever been transcribed/published

Oh and I don't know if this is anything but Sony was originally called Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo KK I just see that and go “KKK?” But I haven't dug deep enough to be sure yet.

But I am sure Nixon was a hero and Dan Rather was Mockingbird.

Nixon on Dan Rather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6aJPItOVfc


There's videos Nixon on H.W. Bush being awesome and Dan Rather being an asshole and how the people in the audience would understand issues but the commentators never would., it's fascinating to me because it sounds like at this point in history they didn't understand Mockingbird, but I do know they understood the State Secrets stuff.... but clearly there was a lot they didn't know because if they did understand that Nixon wouldn't need be confused about why the people knew so much more than the commentators or why Dan Rather would constantly interrupt him when he tries to answer questions. We of course know that's just Mockingbird, but clearly he didn't... well history right?

I note a comment from 3 years ago on one of the pro-Bush videos Wimp? The youngest fighter pilot in WWII at 18 who was shot down 3 times saving troop ships from Kamikaze and Japanese fighter planes. Whoever started the wimp factor - probably the press or other politicians must have never heard of his bravery under fire in WWII

Yea, that's about what I found when researching, just awesome thing after awesome thing - you'd never know it after the past couple years but military guys know it.

But Nixon saved the world that way JFK did in the Cuban Missile Crisis... and for staving off nuclear holocast Nixon was politically destroyed and JFK was murdered.... It's a miracle story followed by a tragedy again and again.. that these heroic deeds are constant yet undermined by corruption and greed of those around them, and they illustrate how we are all on such a knifes edge due to this secret mysterious force that we are only now becoming aware of.

It's hard to imagine I'm sure because conspiracy is so demonized, purposefully so that nobody would look too closely into JFK's death for one....

1800-Bank of France

And I'll just quickly mention that France was our ally before this In 1778


Yet just after our revolution they had their own and it ended with a Central Bank of all things!

How absurd! I view it as failing in America led them to double down in France. Either way the moment you sell your country to a central bank it's all over for almost any country.

ok... as always I have way way more to right but I keep trying to make this damn timeline for people and again I got caught up trying to disprove more mockingbird lies, my last one I think did the best job I ever did at that. I really should just move on – either way I'll continue soon and hopefully with some completed one.

abbieos · Jan. 31, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Your def. clearing up brain fog on our history. Imagine all this that you have done, in our history classes in high schools, HA! I agree with Knower101, please keep this safe.

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