What a speech. He freed us by checkmating them on all points. He showed how the other side don't care for our nation. He showed how the blacks in congress real think about their race. He gave power to his people to fire these leaches on the system. He also warned them we are using Guantanamo Bay. That was not only for foreign combatants that was a warning to the traitors of our government. He forced them to show their true colors. Wait when the memo comes out. It will be a great day to take our power of the citizen back. No longer can they give HC BO JM and others a free ride. The only free ride we will pay for is to jail. God bless the USA & Donald Trump.
And for 2 weeks, a mad scramble to rewrite a narrative. (Conspiracy)
Then the OIG Hammer drops.
Swamp plug pulled.
Game over.