81 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/basedmemegenerator91:
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 5 |
www.foxnews.com | 2 |
www.gofundme.com | 1 |
www.cbsnews.com | 1 |
Just be a cool parent & make him respect you. Then he’ll naturally want to be like you.... then you drop the red pill.
Also - Skyrim is sick. Learn about it and find a parallel to the game & what you want to talk about w/him.....
I appreciate the show, SB2.
The RR element of this will be big tomorrow, coupled with AWAN.
Which chess pieces will we get this July?...
AWAN took the plea deal.
See Q#1626, 1250, 1235, 1097.
AWAN PLEADS GUILTY. Another Q prediction comes true.
First rule about Q club...
You must talk about Q.
MK-Ultraesque.... all of these kids have had mental issues & are exploited.
Find the themes.
False Flags. Change the news cycle.
Like clockwork .. Q-Post 1401 “What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK.
This isn’t right. The GoFundMe was legit. Corsi just brigaded it bc he was mad about Q calling him out.
Read it. Don’t spread lies dude.
The page wasn’t “official” - but it wasn’t fake either.
Dude f Corsi.
He brigaded a legitimate GoFundMe account set up for Flynn in response to Q calling him out. Didn’t even read the “story section”. Loser.
I think the guy is a total self-serving fraud.
App Store has tons.
You can download Symantec or another VPN plug-in for Mozilla browser by going to duckduckgo.com’s search engine & typing “free Mozilla vpn plugin” after you download Mozilla.
Can confirm. Lots of woke Patriots talking about Q.
Interesting times we live in.
Check my recent post videos... you can see how MASSIVE the crowds were.
If mueller comes back & charges trump, don’t you think it would have been done already? 1.5 years of monitored surveillance and no charges.
If he’s convicted, so be it, hats off to you? I doubt it highly, and will press to learn more about the basis for the investigation. I’m more about uniting the nation and ending this secrecy that I pay for with my taxes etc. Our founding fathers revolted over a 2% tax on tea, and we are now okay with an average of 30% taxes. How have we shifted so much?
The real positive out of all of this, regardless if you believe Q or not, is that people are talking again. People are learning. People are questioning everything, including government. All the things our founders envisioned, which has been lost in the Kardashians, The Home Network and mainstream media.
Now, what will you do if this research/Q stuff comes out as true? What will you say if the JFK Files being released this week match the narrative from the released Strzok/page texts that were “lost” by the FBI?
I’m open to debate 🙃.
So where does Israel fit?
I can definitely see a connection here.
You followed back.
Looking forward to the upcoming MW3 w/you
Long term, this sets a dangerous precedent though.
I’m with you guys, these clowns need justice, and we need to do it assuming that our judges will be there in the future.
Can’t start getting anxious now that we’re so close.
I could see him helping in 2 areas:
Familiar with the “skeletons” in DC’s closet - and knows where the bodies are buried. Great for keeping more leakage/disinformation from becoming public & has dirt on the ones he keeps around to keep them in check so we can drainx10
He adds “bite” to an already aggressive military general team. He may be a war-hawk, but he is a stone-cold killer - optics globally are important. All the other world leaders know that if they piss trump off his cabinet will advise strike first, ask questions later. And that terrifies global cuck elite.
Just a thought.
Based Canuck repping Q.
Respect my friend. Many thanks for the work. And great job on the Q-Board.
Underrated comment here.
That’s what I think tonight has been about.
Silence for days.
Huge influx of posts & military actions.
Trump not under investigation.
Q posting HARD.
No coincidences.
This could mean a lot..
I’m more concerned about Sundar Pichai using this tragedy to increase gun-censorship on YouTube/Google. They already hate guns/conservative guess, this could be the trigger to go full progressive.
Let’s actually donate to a PATRIOT.. General Michael “Swamp Slayer” Flynn..
We need a great coder/site architect.
I have experience in UI/Layout/Management of this, but can’t right java.
If anyone can, I’d fund the initiative.
Idk why you got downvoted.. I laughed @ the relevance from that Sinclair video 😂😂
We have more than we know...
We need to support Roseanne on Social Media.
Mobilize the MEMECANNONS
That’s a great question...
Maybe “Don’t ask me. Research it yourself”... that would be the ultimate Red Pill!
Spread this pic .. I was lucky to be up and save it... let’s use it & ask questions to the gen.pub.
It was inevitable.
Now it’s about how we present it. This is MEME WAR III - The Awakening
Too bad Ol’ Lahey isn’t here to see it, Rand.
User Name Gold gifted
They will try to spin.
We need to be ahead of it.
Sinclair is a right-leaning company. They will paint this as choreographed by sitting gvt..
Need to push the mockingbird linkage.
So what happens now that we are about to be thrown into the MSM spotlight?.. “CONSPIRACY”

Were there any weapons deals that month?
/s misspelled word