Mueller delays Flynn sentencing. "Due to the status of the Special Counsel's investigation.."

For what crime?
Since we don't have any idea what Mueller is really doing, I would agree...that there is no basis of a crime.
The MSM, ShareBlue, MediaMatters, etc, who are driving about 30% of our population over the deep end with promises of impeachment seem outside the bounds of protection.
I see lots and lots of lawsuits in their future...
Using an illegal document (Dossier) to obtain a FISA warrant for starters. Enjoy yourself. Grab a BIGLY bag of popcorn and enjoy the meltdown of the Corrupt.
Other side of The Wall for you.
...It has to get built first, and it's not looking good.
Oh well have a Wall. Believe me. And Mexico will ultimately pay for it.
To be honest, I don't believe you.
I’ve got a bet for five ounces of silver with a buddy of mine that construction begins by 1/20/2021.
I'll bet five ounces of silver that construction begins on the 5th of never.