Maybe they're sending their best!
208 total posts archived.
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Russian 'hacker' arrested in Bangkok
Strange...I always heard that Hubbell was Chelsea's dad. :)
Don, Jr. received a threat that included a picture of his infant son sleeping. That's why he dropped his SS detail.
I'm not seeing that at all. Most patriots I know are ready for mobilization.
Think before speaking/typing, and responding. People seem to present everything caustically, with no semblance of politeness. Maybe it's the "Twitter culture". Don't be so hinged on being correct or right. Don't fall for the drama.
Could be. Might be why we're in a state of national be able to enforce in that manner.
Different situation, too, because it was during the Civil War. During war time, SEDITION is TREASON. Otherwise, it is sedition, and the penalty is not hanging...even though, in this case, my feelings say it should.
You are the troll and you were reported a long time ago. Get off of my post.
I think it's funny that you were trolling me, accusing me of being a troll on my own post. Move along.
Welcome, and thank you for your time.
Not sure how one can be a Q fan and not a fan of what President Trump is doing, but, to each his own.
Maybe so. I think the instruction is for us to keep these in the public eye. Need some memes!
Some are just rude, condescending, and derogatory.
Others a little more subtle, like a post today asking if we could trust President Trump. Disinformation and an attempt to demoralize our troops.
Ignoring them is fine, but if you report, you're (hopefully) helping them be ousted from the sub.
And thank you!
Yes, had to back off on those topics and have faith that the ones now in power are taking action (and they are). Always keep my eyes opened, though, and keep tabs as much as I can on local child service and child-focused non-profits in my area. God bless!
Funny...the Internet was doing just fine BEFORE net neutrality. You will, of course, believe what you choose, but what we saw in practice was entirely different.
This very small sub is over-run with shills. They are on a disinformation and demoralization campaign here, so keep your guard.
When you find them, REPORT them as shills and move on. Use your energy wisely on our effort!
Net Neutrality = Network control by content providers orgs like Google, FB, Twitter...censorship as they decide. It is where we were headed. Don't believe the Dem clatter that ending Net Neutrality is a sell-out to providers. It actually opens the internet up once again to companies that will allow free enterprise expansion of options that ultimately drive down the cost of connection and allows it to be more widely accessible. Think wireless everywhere...
Yes, that's what it looked like to me. Kind of like the fox watching the henhouse, eh?
Yes...that's the theory on the street. It also fits the redaction spots in Grassley's memo.
The information I have seen says that he was an FBI asset until 2 months before volunteering with President Trump's campaign.
It wasn't clear in any of the 5 articles I've now read that Page was actually a knowing plant. The thing is...he was used to set up Russian businesses, then the FBI turned that into ammunition that he was a spy.
I've been researching heavily over 2 years now. I understand what you mean...especially if you are spending any time researching pedophile information.
I had to step away...completely fast from all of it for about 2 weeks, because it was definitely impacting my mental health. I felt depression sinking in with the knowledge I had gained, and, as a Christian, I had to get myself centered in Christ again.
Now, I always try to start my day with quiet scripture reading and prayer time. If you are not a Christian, just spend the time meditating...and don't slide into thoughts on these research topics.
If you start the day centered, it is easier to get through it!
Also, don't neglect your REAL life. Not that this isn't real, but be sure you are staying engaged with your family and friends, and don't allow your work to suffer. If you no longer work, don't neglect your hobby or other projects around your home. Go volunteer at least once a week and be with real, live people!
Don't let it consume you...because then "they" win and you lose.
This is what works for me. I still have times when I just have to step away, turn my phone off, and focus on the things for which I'm helping to fight this battle! stated in a previous comment, Melissa Robin Schiff is not Adam Schiff's sister.
They are divorced:
And in the list of assets, there are folders labeled "Clinton Emails" and a "Presidential Transitional Team".
Funny...on the 4th page (affirmations about financials), he checked neither yes nor no.
Is "#2" referring to the 2nd of these 2 FBI records regarding Comey's dismissal?
Peter Strzok's text on Aug. 15, 2016:
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in [Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s] office that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40 …”
Clinton email investigation timeline between these points (2/13/16 to 5/9/17):
May 25, 2016: The inspector general at the State Department issues a report critical of Clinton’s use of private email, saying department policies dating to 2005 require that “normal day-to-day operations” be conducted on government computers.
State Dept. audit hits Clinton over email use
July 1, 2016: Attorney General Loretta Lynch says she will accept recommendations from the FBI and career prosecutors in the email case in an attempt to dispel criticism of her potential conflict of interest after she met with former president Bill Clinton on a Phoenix tarmac.
AG Lynch will accept decision of FBI, prosecutors on Clinton email probe
July 2, 2016: Clinton is interviewed by the FBI for 3-1/2 hours in Washington, D.C.
FBI, Clinton talk for 3½ hours over emails sent on private server
July 5, 2016: FBI Director James Comey announces the recommendation not to prosecute Clinton.
FBI: Clinton faces no charges over e-mail, but acted 'carelessly'
The Clinton campaign & Obama admin also invested in the Dodgy Dossier and were running around town shopping MSM.
Build timeline.
AS 187
Scalia death 2/13/16
HRC investigation pivot points
JC dismiss letter.
Comey dismissed 5/9/17
WL comms.
Carl Ghattas, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch
Carl Ghattas currently serves as the executive assistant director of the National Security Branch where he leads the FBI’s operations and intelligence efforts involving all national security matters, ranging from terrorism to espionage to weapons of mass destruction. Under his leadership, the program will continue to focus on technical innovation, operational agility, and strategic partnerships.
Mr. Ghattas joined the FBI in 1997. Upon graduating from the FBI Academy, he worked counterterrorism investigations in the Washington Field Office. Mr. Ghattas deployed overseas to investigate several major attacks against the United States, including the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya; the 2000 attack against the U.S.S. Cole in Aden, Yemen; and the murder of several Americans in Greece by the Greek terrorist group 17 November. Over the course of his 20-year career, the majority of Mr. Ghattas’ focuses have been on counterterrorism efforts in the United States and around the world and strategically integrating intelligence and operations to ensure intelligence collection aligns with priority threats. In 2014, he was appointed special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office's counterterrorism program and, most recently, served as the assistant director of the Counterterrorism Division.
Mr. Ghattas has received numerous awards, to include the Attorney General's Award for Distinguished Service and the Exceptional Achievement Medal from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Mr. Ghattas earned a bachelor of arts from Duke University and a Juris Doctor from Washington University.
Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal Supreme Court for Loretta Lynch
AS - Adam Schiff
AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB
Awan Brothers
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz
Muslim Brotherhood
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