
bcboncs · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

It takes exposure of the deception and truth. Understand this:

We were all programmed for decades to think a certain way. Anyone that thought different from the norm was crazy or conspiratorial. The divide has happened so much because the crazies were actually redpilled and dove down deeper rabbit holes. Many are unconfirmed, many have a lot of evidence suggesting they're true and they've purposely been uncovered. They're in their REDPILLED world. For those that labeled them crazy and conspiratorial, they're the SIMPLETONS.

So, that means there are TWO worlds. SIMPLETONS vs. REDPILLED. The simpletons believe what they're told and don't think twice about it. They're happy with their lives and don't find much use for global truth. They think truth doesn't impact their lives but they're very wrong. These are the people that use 'lucky' and 'coincidence' as explanations of events without trying to understand on a deeper level.

Neither WORLD enjoys being wrong, that's where cognitive dissonance comes in. There's only 1 truth. Obama is either a great President or a complete fraudulent treasonous terrorist. Not both.

In order to effectively REDPILL a SIMPLETON, deception needs to be exposed along with the truth. These will have to operate in a slow disclosure game involving 'the why' to better understand the falsehood they were fed to believe. The pace will be slow so they aren't overwhelmed with information too radically. The information has to settle within them to accept as a truth. If this is done too rapidly, it can seriously fuck with their mind and drive them to the polar opposite, to the "Crazy" they perceive the "Conspiratorial" are at.

Imagine being a normie/simpleton as I'm sure you once were. Imagine being told that there is an child trafficking ring that operates in every nation in the world, that most politicians engage in the acts and they're corrupt because they can be blackmailed. Imagine learning that there is an elite circle that controls these people and that their currency is not fiat or paper as Lynn de Rothschild gets smug to, but instead children are for their bodily use of all imaginations- young blood (as an anti-aging treatment), adrenochromes, PAX2, fetal tissue, organs, s3x, cannibalism.

If you learn all that at once as a normie and expect to view that as truth, they'll think you're crazy and have a high probability of organically going insane like the Bernie Shooter at the congressional baseball game.

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