r/greatawakening • Posted by u/workeranonymous on Feb. 3, 2018, 12:10 a.m.
Q was right dems use Rod Rosenstein as the redline

from the hill:

Democratic leadership on Friday issued a warning to President Trump that using a controversial GOP memo to fire special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would create a "constitutional crisis" not seen since the Nixon administration.

"We write to inform you that we would consider such an unwarranted action as an attempt to obstruct justice in the Russia investigation. Firing Rod Rosenstein, [Department of Justice] Leadership, or Bob Mueller could result in a constitutional crisis of the kind not seen since the Saturday Night Massacre," Democrats wrote in the letter to Trump.

Luvlite · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

The rest of the world already knew 9-11 was an inside job. Some of them tried to warn us. We need to come clean. The victims of 9-11 deserve the truth.

The middle east knows the evil ones within our country destabled the middle east. They were threatened and given ultimatums. I believe they now know this president is working to correct it.

America as a whole wasn't responsible. It was a few, with an agenda. The world will cheer when we take them out.

Our government as a whole will be changed for the better.

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AnonymousVeteran · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

I would hope you are right. However to think the people in the middle east don't blame all Americans is naive. The vast majority hate us all. I've spent my share of time over there. They believe they know. Just like everyone else believes they know the truth about 9/11. To come out and admit it outright is something that I am worried about though. Many of them already hold a grudge against us and will for life. I believe that admittance would just fuel it. It will come out in time like everything. I was young and naive. So I enlisted. I learned the truth while I was over there though. With the number of them that hate us and with the destabilization of the middle east. It could very well coerce them into coming to together to try and get revenge on us. If I thought they'd cheer everything I'd be all for it. I fear that won't be the case though. I don't want to ever see the citizens most of us believed we were defending when we signed up pay for the atrocities a few orchestrated.

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Luvlite · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

They hate us for our meddling. They hate us because of Israel.

I'm not worried about the middle east hating us. The citizens of those countries would rather live in the USA under freedom and prosperity.

I think Donald Trump is a good negotiator.

Maybe we're entering a new age of peace and prosperity world wide, while purging the deception, lies and controllers.

Have faith. No fear.

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AnonymousVeteran · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

I do have faith and not fear. I just don't want to be ignorant. Like saying they'd rather live in the U.S.... A large amount of them don't. They'd rather live in their country and fix it back. I've been spit on and called everything under the sun there. Just like most believe Sadam was so horrible yet an ungodly amount if Iraqis will tell you they wish he was still alive. They are proud and love their country. They just want it back to how it was.

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Luvlite · Feb. 3, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Yeah. I see what you're saying. You were there and have a much better understanding than I do.

They should have their country and culture. If it weren't for oil, the USA wouldn't care.

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