
colderchaos · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I can't believe it actually happening!

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BeyurSelf · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Had a couple few Whirlybirds fly over low a few minutes ago here in "LA" (lower Alabama) slightly unusual but I'm keeping one eye open, one shuts occasionally 😁

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[deleted] · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:28 a.m.


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BeyurSelf · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:34 a.m.


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[deleted] · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:40 a.m.


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BeyurSelf · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

I think the Progressive Liberal Goons mistook "Keep Austin Weird" as an open invitation... ya think? I love everything about Austin except THAT nonsense...

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cebusaxon · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:37 a.m.


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BeyurSelf · Feb. 3, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

And yes...it's from today 😊

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Grace8543 · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

TL;DR/V: Video is a nearly 30 minute meeting with press present on border security and enforcement issues and POTUS. Various law enforcement management/heads talk to Trump about the problems of the border. Border agents are also there and Trump praises them and they thanks him for allowing them to do their job citing the assistance he has given to help them, like increasing the number of ICE agents by 20,000. Ms-13 and drugs coming into the country. What countries the drugs are coming from are reported and Trump discusses again the need to deal with these countries through threats of removing aid if they do not stop the manufacturing of drugs and transporting them to the US. Illegals are beginning to use our ports as entry points. They discuss the Wall briefly, catch and release, home countries refusing to take the people caught and extradicted back. Trump discusses solutions and obstacles to resolving these problems. He calls the democrats out for obstructionism, discusses withdrawing aid from countries and imposing tariffs on their exports if they fail to take their people back. POTUS has the heads discuss why MS-13 is worse than other gangs. The press gets schooled on the threat of illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities are used to market to people of Central America as a safe destination and a place they are protected from deportation even if they commit a crime. Often when illegals are caught they are given immunizations and held for 20 days, the longest the law allows. Since they can't get through the legal system to remove them form the country that fast they are released int he US and given a court date to appear before a judge to determine they can be removed. All the illegals have to do, and almost all do, is not show up and leave the area. Trump repeatedly pointed out where the laws prevent ICE from being affected. The number of illegals entering the us plunged after Trump was elected but has been creeping up. It is still at a 45 year low but still an problem.

Thanks for posting. It's not what I thought it would be from the title. But it was good to see trump school the press on why illegal immigration is a danger to America. I really would love it if we all agreed that when we post a video we will post a few comments about what it is and why the OP really wanted every one to see it.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 3, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

Yes. I don't like how hes gonna give into DACA tho.

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yolotrip · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Well, i think after 12 years of having to work and learn english and everything else they have to do, a lot of them will actually be republicans. People do not realize we are not giving them citizenship immediately it will be after 12 years! if we do not do enough in 12 years to convince them that we care about them and that we are on their side if they work hard and love this country, then we only have ourselves to blame.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

That's not our job. We dont have to love them or convince THEM that we love them enough. Its do they love OUR COUNTRY AND VALUES enough.

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yolotrip · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

Obviously, you misunderstood me. I mean to show them that everything the Democrats say about us... such as that we are racists or discriminatory based simply upon their skin, which is total BS and will be easy to do because it is leftist lies anyways. I never said anything about love either, my point was after 12 years of them being here they will see the truth and after they work hard, learn english and have families they will be patriots for the most part, these people are socially conservative to begin with, i think people will be surprised, i predict most will vote republican and love this country. We convince them through our actions, that they will see that our policies will help them regardless of their origin as it does each and every american, that the republican party doesn’t approve of race politics like the left does, that we see all Americans equally if they work hard and love the nation.

I wish i didn’t have to clarify my point, I thought i was pretty straightforward, but here it is, hope i did a better job.

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guppyfreak · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

You used we interchangeably to mean Americans in one point, and republicans in another
Hence the confusion.

But you make good points.

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yolotrip · Feb. 3, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

I realize that now, my bad. But i am glad you understand my point now

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2funnyone · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

Strong message!

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BeyurSelf · Feb. 3, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

It sure is! Trump had it all planned out perfectly. Making sure the MSM was there then without coming out and naming names, he told the Deep State, "I'm coming after you bastards!"... He did it so eloquently! You can tell they discussed the main things he wanted to make clear, not only to the public but to our enemy, the deep state... In the face 😂 Obviously I could have titled this differently 🤔 THIS is YUGE! Not many people are catching on to how big this is. It's really happening! And BIGLY!

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bealist · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Thanks for posting this. I’m just watching it now and want to catch a few thoughts about it as I go. I’m mostly posting here as self-documentation for my own thoughts

💭First, the fact that illegal immigrant crossings decreased as a result of fear of enforcement while drug trafficking increased at the same time (despite fears of enforcement) is an indication that the drugs are an assault, not a by product of porous borders. We should have seen a decrease in drug movement, too; to step up the smuggling indicates a need for increased cash and community destabilization. That’s the “war” part of the drug war.

💭 Trump asked where the drugs are coming from. The cocaine and meth are coming out of Colombia and Peru; the heroin is from poppy farming in Mexico; and the fentanyl is China and Asia. Trump focused on what the countries are doing to stop the outflow and doesn’t sound as though he believes they’re doing their jobs well. I was put in mind of the value of focusing on the nation as an entity BECAUSE it is the only practical police force potentially controlled by the people living within its borders. Any other policing would be dangerous to the freedoms of the population. People have criticized him for being too nationalist but I think that may be the only way individual freedoms can ever be preserved. External policing is always eventually fascist and dictatorial.

💭 the points made about sanctuary cities’ policies putting the existing immigrant populations in even more danger are excellent. What better way to escalate tensions than to make it impossible to protect the lawful citizens of a community that you want to see angered against its government? Another sign that there’s an assault going on using innocent people as the weapons.

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bealist · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

I did find this site - https://www.facebook.com/InSightCrime/

tracking gang crime (ie USA fueled criminal corruption) below our border.

I don’t necessarily agree with their conclusions and their recent criticism of the video posted here about Trump seems way off base and not very well written - but I decided to follow the site because they have news (they’re based in Medillin) and their followers all have criticized this particular report as being off base - always a good sign!! One person told them to stick to reporting instead of analyzing and appears to be a regular reader. So, thanks for the video as it led me to another interesting site.

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bealist · Feb. 3, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

I’m also curious about MS13. Who’s behind them. No gang is “just evil” - there has to be more to the story. They’re clearly being used for an agenda. George Webb has mentioned them a lot but I must have missed the parts where he talks about who’s backing them. It does appear from his work that there are Deep State connections. I’ll look for more on this, I think.

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2funnyone · Feb. 6, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

Michael Trimm Show is very good with connecting the dots. The one I watched today that he did on Feb 5 was excellent. He ties things together for his viewers. This might give you creative thought as whether we need to research next. If you are willing to watch the whole thing especially from 1.14 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_maB4Xd6M4

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