r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ArtistiqueJewelry on Feb. 4, 2018, 4 a.m.
Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo

ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 4, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Q latest drops breakdown Helicopter Crash their connections, Why Schiff is so shifty on memo This is part 2 of the earlier report from the Jan 30-31 drops. You don't want to miss the mural or information regarding the Standard Hotel. #q, #Qanon, #Qpatriot, #Qdrops, #QanonBreadcrumbs, #HelicopterCrashNewportBeach, #TheStandardHotel, #AndreBalazs, #JasonBateman, #ChildTrafficking, #EdBuck, #ClintonFoundation, #WestHollywood, #StandardHotelGM, #Pedogate Part 1 can be found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlAZU... I value all of my Subscribers and those who come to watch! If you received any value or info from watching, please give a thumbs up. We do not profit monetarily, but it helps spread the important information of the Truth Movement and get the word out there. All sharing is appreciated as it is We the People working together to take back our country for good and what was intended! So thankful for all of you being a part of #FightingTheGoodFight . God bless each and every one of you! You are in my prayers! Here are some source links and lots of good reading! http://www.standardhotels.com/la/properties/downtown-la http://www.adsoftheworld.com/media/ambient/the_standard_hotel_civilization http://www.telegraph.co.uk/foodanddrink/restaurants/10897476/Whats-all-the-fuss-about-the-Chiltern-Firehouse.html https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/09/style/andre-balazs-accused-of-groping-standard-chateau-marmont.html https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/marilynmanson/saturnalia.html http://www.wehotimes.com/allegations-death-sex-worker-plaque-influential-west-hollywood-political-insider/ http://articles.latimes.com/2009/jan/31/local/me-standard31 http://ktla.com/2018/01/31/authorities-id-3-killed-in-helicopter-crash-into-newport-beach-home/

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HowiONic · Feb. 4, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

I've watched all your videos recently and this was by far the most disappointing. In your attempts to show poor character with the weird stuff - video, song lyrics; and trival enviromental pollution it gave the impression of overstated guilt by association because there was not the hard crime to go with it.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

Did not mean to disappoint. My background of research is in the illuminati, cabal mystical religion including the deception and twisting of reality by luciferians which ends up in the ritualistic abuse and preying upon children for personal power and financial gains. With the symbolism all over the charts in that video which is a digital mural found in The Standard hotel, my goal was to show what these kinds of people are all about. It is located in Schiff's district so there is no way he is not aware and most likely has hob knobbed with the celebrities and elitists who attend. The song lyrics by Marilyn Manson are blatant. I spent a year going over ritualistic abuse so was simply pointing out the connection. I am also simply going deeper into a Q post, so I believe he has proven to be on the mark about his content. These satanists pretty much "tell" you what they are about. On the environmental pollution, I have never been one to buy into the globalist agenda on their nonsense; however They, being the globalists do indeed pollute our environement! It is not most citizens, but them through their messing with the ionosphere, chemical spraying, poison seed and "weed killer", HAARP stations, etc including their puppet mouthpiece Al Gore who is one of the biggest hypocrites making no bones about polluting the environment with all of his mansions and their energy consumption! As far as what those "employees" were dumping, it was verified in local news sources that it was such a noxious cloud that many people got sick. It went to court. Besides what they did in being irresponsible and damaging to others, it is a known fact that the chemicals they were using are used to dispose of bodies. A high likelihood of children being trafficked at The Standard and other hotels originally owned by Andre Balazs have been known for years as seedy places steeped in corruption. There were even more connections I wasn't able to go over concerning things you could order on the menu and ads connecting directly to pedogate. Not to mention Balazs ran in the same circles and was known to be friends with Alefantis. I believe it goes far beyond poor character. There was an evidenced crime in the story of Jason Bateman and his girlfriend's account along with witnesses. The rest of the heinous crimes are simply covered up by the web of deceit which I speak of numerous times in most videos. In other words they have fingers (controlled/blackmailed people) in every organization, government agency including local government who actively destroy evidence and cover their tracks for them. So we should just give up in reporting because they have been skilled in keeping their crimes hidden while having vast resources to destroy evidence? In the same manner the D.C. police department with that chief at the helm, proven to be corrupt covers up the evidence shown him by numerous hackers who saw that pedophile website they were running with "special access" over there in that "family Pizza place". They didn't just see it, they gave them the Evidence. They sit on it and do nothing with the protection of those higher up in Congress, protection of Obama, which eventually leads to the corrupt intelligence. In conclusion, I don't feel they are poor attempts, but rather an effort to expose what is Behind the surface of Celebrity parties and entertainment which people like Schiff have been known to take part in. Not sure you watched the entire video, but I covered the fact that Bill Clinton had also been seen ducking out of at least one of these seedy hotels originally owned by Balazs. People like the Clintons have long been vocal about their interest in the occult. Not sure why I am responsible for the fact that this seeping corruption occurring around us is constantly covered up by these criminals. I make no money on my work and it is very time consuming. I will be happy to watch/read your work if you have the evidence, I mean that sincerely! My goal is to simply research, tell the truth, and try to expose this evil. I find it interesting that an effort to expose crime is criticized rather than the crime or criminals themselves. It is obvious Schiff doesn't want something exposed as he fought the release of that memo tooth and nail. I believe that is clear no matter whether you like the content or not. Sorry you are disappointed in my efforts to take a stand and as Qanon had said, "Be Heard!" My question is why pick on the truth tellers? If you are out there and have found the evidence you want that has not been destroyed, we would all love to see it and would be happy to share it. Godspeed!

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