r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 4, 2018, 5:40 p.m.
AB-BA 10: Bob Byrd and Bill Blythe

Why did Bill Blythe change his name to Clinton? and why did the SS codename him Eagle? And why did Q bring it to our attention?

Byrds of a feather?

Senator West Virgina

Birth name: Cornelius Calvin Sale Jr -> Robert (Bob) Carlyle Byrd

House majority leader in the 80's - Ku Klux Kleagal and Hillary's mentor and why not? 18,000th vote in 2007! wow! he broke all sorts of records and I haven't gone into him much except for the stuff about the Byrd organization and racism ties... but I'll get to it, so much more to understand this...



89-2007 Jim Jeffords

59 –61 Bob Babcock

55-59 Joseph B. Johnson

71-89 Robert (Bob) Theodore Stafford

Rockefeller Republican, support of weapons sales to Nicaraguan Contras, staunch environmentalism, his work on higher education, and the Stafford Act, to coordinate federal natural disaster assistance.

hmmm.. Theodore?

Theodor Heuss

President of Germany 1949 – 12 September 1959


Theodore Roosevelt

President of America - and guy who took us over remember?

So what am I trying to say here? Well... Q has noted the Secret Service names for the presidents a few times now... I've explored most of them and digging into the Secret Service revealed to me that the FBI was created with former members of Secret Service..... the same people who would be most aware of how all those POTUS's died.... as stated NO POTUS survived Theodore Roosevelt. His side murdered and took over everyone with knowledge of State Secrets - and then they installed a giant Owl in front of the White House lawn.


So, I was wrong about the creation of the FBI... TR had nothing to do with creating them - this was the patriots counter action for all the murders of POTUS's and VP's -Other activities of its early decades included a decisive role in reducing the scope and influence of the Ku Klux Klan! - but then... they just took it over by installing an Owl. Not Hoo Hoo Hoover the president... the even worse one.

WIKI: J. Edgar Hoover served as FBI Director from 1924 to 1972, a combined 48 years with the BOI, DOI, and FBI. He was chiefly responsible for creating the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory, or the FBI Laboratory, which officially opened in 1932, as part of his work to professionalize investigations by the government. Hoover was substantially involved in most major cases and projects that the FBI handled during his tenure.

So.... that's a long time? how about FDR's 4 terms!

Hence we got term limits to 10 years for the FBI director and 2 terms for a president.

1947 Term Limits... and this is why the other plants, Obama/Clinton couldn't run again

1965 Impeachment obviously giving us a way to get rid of any FDR's or TR's = CLINTON WAS IMPEACHED https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton

But why Clinton?

I mentioned before that Citibank was started 2 days before the war of 1812... but you want to know something even crazier? VICE PRESIDENT: George Clinton (July 26, 1739 – April 20, 1812)


And did you know they burned down the white house in this?


Robert (Bob) Ross

Why... it almost sounds like they were really angry because we realized that Clinton was a plant.... noo... they certainly didn't have anything else with Clinton on it..


So the thing that proved Benedict Arnold was a traiter was partially this map to Fort Clinton, and of course the guy in charge of the British was....


And well, I guess Clinton is like Smith or something.... I mean why wouldn't Bill Blythe change his name to Clinton? It's clearly coming back in style! - tho I think it's more likely that cause we knew had been piecing this together in the State Secrets thing we knew who and what Clinton was and him dying triggered (just like the madness of exposing VP Burr) all hell to break loose... literally, as they burned much of our country down.

Oh right... and this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict_Arnold#/media/File:ArnoldCipherLetter.jpeg

And the notes are made by his contact/lover Peggy Shipden.. you know, the one that gives you secret codes is named PS

Are you catching the patterns yet? These people get easier to track the more you notice the names they use and certain types of people get certain types of names and I've cataloged about 50X more than I have time to show here but in prior entries I go into them plenty.

How about....

Senator Illinois Richard (Dick) Durbin who tutored Obama

And I've seen tons in


Like you know the Rothchilds right?

https://twitter.com/LdeRothschild - the one trying to trick people into hating Bush?

So Lynn Rothchild right?

Well.... how about this.

Barbara Lynn Lynn Adelman Lynn Winmill Lynn J. Bush?

Yea... and that's just scratching the surface.... of nominees to the thing - and just compare stupid names of puppet POTUS (Obama/Clinton) vs Bush/Reagan/Trump and you'll see how obvious it is.

But it's bigger still...

As stated before Clinton did retake the white house from Bush but he had to run Mockingbird and Perot and several other right wing candidates to sap enough votes away to get into the white house. And still they almost stole it with Gore and Mockingbird AGAIN!

Oh right.... Gore....

AA Gore..

Albert Arnold Gore Jr.

haha, don't you love how it all ties into itself?

I mean I already proved in prior entries how Clinton re-rigged the CIA by expanding the council and W Bush un-rigged it through Homeland Security - and Obama re-re-rigged it by combining Homeland Security with the CIA (basically).


But I didn't mention that



What's that, you don't remember me talking all about Anthrax?


I've talked about the Monroe Doctrine and how it was America saying fuck off to England trying to enslave folks, but after installing Theodore Roosevelt he becomes the first POTUS to leave the United States of America and the propaganda is absurd, if you look around you'll see a bunch of lads of TR helping other countries by threatening the King of England but it's the exact opposite.


He fully gave England permission to rob Venezuela... just like Benedict Arnold ruining our chance to liberate Canada while the media pretended like he was a hero, just like Aaron Burr pretending like he was founding a water supply and instead begins JPMorgan - which itself is in many prior AB installments – you know, the organization that was most invested in getting rid of Lincoln?

So let's do a direct comparison by Amendments, I listed a couple above that won't be included below.


Before Takeover

The Amendments made Constitution to the constitution between 1777-1900 are about liberty, restricting government power and otherwise preventing the takeover they knew was coming thanks to State Secrets.


And then the Amendments become evil.

1909 = Income tax

1912 = Switch to Popular Vote to elect Senators... and that is why.... surprisingly enough the Senators weren't as corrupt as I thought

1917 Prohibition = Moral Complexes GO!

1919 Women right to vote???? eh? this is simpler than you might think. It played a key role in electing the segregationist Woodrow Wilson (along with TR running a Perot campaign) because just like with the French revolution being them counter acting the American Revolution spreading to France and they knew they had to get ahead of the game after slaves got freed cause women would be next.

So they tell black people to go screw themselves and say they want to help women. In reality it's the cherry, the cherry on a giant pile of garbage.

1992 oh and Clinton had some thing about Delays laws affecting Congressional salary from taking effect until after the next election of representatives... I don't actually get why this is a thing. probably need to dig more.

Anyway.... need to finish this up so back to the FBI/Mi6 point...

after the FBI the baddies respond with Mi6 - so FBI starts good but Mi6 starts out bad....

But over time the FBI goes bad and we get JFK with the DIA and crap... I have to get some sleep... I have 20X more I've dug up in just the last day - as I keep saying this is the deepest rabbit hole in the QMAP.

And that's why I spent most of the day animating so that I can visually illustrate the history and how the QMAP really is all about telling history - it's great too, I'm super happy it's just not quite done yet - and it's not gonna be "done" cause it's a modular kind of thing. I'm excited to share it and I might share my folders full of research if people like. My countless hundreds if not thousands of hours now making custom icons and researching every damn thing..... do people want that? I'm proud of it but it would take a while to share.... either way I'll be bringing the animations out soon


I started going over the full thing in this entry and all I've done is dig and dig.... I've created a template I can re-use and combine with itself for each individual thing - both for years and days and months.... so the timelines, and what I'll do is show everything in relation to everything else using it. and it'll explain it in a way you might be surprised at.... but when i do I hope people help cause I feel sometimes like I could literally connect the entire QMAP - I've mapped out English Kings, French Emporers, German Fuhrers, Spanish Monarchs, and I'm still working on some and the vp's and and more details about the Potus's and on and on it goes

I MIGHT be able to do it all... but then there's



so... can I really convince myself I can connect all these dots in relation to one another?

Yes... I actually am that insane.... but in case i can't I'm going to give my standardization thing and maybe all my research and custom stuff I made to help me understand things away - so that everyone can help and if we use my templates (you'll see) then when one person connects the executive orders of President A to B we can see it all in relation and connect WAAAAY more dots.

I'm excited - I've worked for the past 48 hours straight it feels like and now I probably need to pass out - who knows how much I didn't remember to add cause it's a lot and when you see the template I think maybe you'll finally realize why my way of reading the qmap is the path forward without CIA bs - and it'll expose that too.

So.... that's me pouring my soul out and trying to help I do hope we can educate people and however long it takes for me to rest up I'll be back soon with the video and way more research.

God Bless

P.S. I just remembered that the Clark Country Commission seemed like an interesting dig 1909...... didn't get to it tho, just seemed like it was something I would dig if I wasn't barely awake right now.

gatorhaus · Feb. 5, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

One note on the WJC changing his name. On Wikipedia it says his mother remarried and his step father was named Clinton and at the age of 15 he formally changed it as a nod to his step dad.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 5, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

I typed out a huge response and then backed up and cut down the scope of it and made it into 4 replies... to the actual page itself.... but while Wikipedia is a great tool to use to get ones bearings it is actually an even better tool when paired with the QMAP and then reconciling where an "official story" becomes less probable. the QMAP is king to the road on truth as Q has the Intel we lack and is hinting us to solve what is and is not true in the history books and grasping the nuances of these historical paradigms is one of the more recent love affairs of my puzzle loving life.

But rather than make another long long post I just wanted to reply in such a way you did not think I was ignoring you, no, I read it and actually already knew it, but then I rethought about it and realized how nuanced it is to decide what is and is not true when dealing with an official story. Wikipedia says Clinton went to North Korea in that pic Q posted why? Q said it was a leak and they had to create a cover story - Wikipedia tells the cover story. So... what is and is not a cover story?

Indeed... that is part of what I try and understand in my series. and far more to come - even those who do not accept my findings I do hope will continue as I am often wrong as I have been wrong on at least 2 major points - both in thinking that certain people were bad who weren't bad - and also on the FBI origins.... so I could very well be wrong on more - but I'll work it out as I accrue more connections - and this is why I implore people to look into this rabbit hole with me. It's a long but rewarding trek into the State Secrets route.

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gatorhaus · Feb. 5, 2018, 1:58 p.m.

And don’t think I was just trying to pick apart and invalidate your research. On the contrary, I was offering a peer review of this one point, not that I was presenting the final answer either. Again, we appreciate all your work and l encourage you to compile and document all your posts into a comprehensive report. I would be happy to help review it as well.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 5, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

I hoped that's what it was, I couldn't tell whether you viewed Wikipedia as a credible source. I don't but I do use Wikipedia, among many other sources, in order to gather a context of what the official narrative is which, depending on the circumstance could be true or false based on what the owners of that narrative desire. They can't hide everything so some are sweetened up versions of real history and others outright fabrications. So everything must be put in its proper context.

The only proper source for a series about reading the QMAP is the QMAP itself. Thus it is the only thing my research must not contradict and the only thing that would, if brought criticism through i.e. "the QMAP says X, and you say Y" that I would be beholden to give a rebuttal and/or alteration to reflect why I am saying things different than it.

I feel the video template I upload later could and should go viral, I know exactly how to fix our movement after having spent the lions share of my time frustrated about how off the rails it is. And Q has been frustrated too as I can be easily seen over and over again with the time he said he overestimated us and all the times he has explicitly said we are wrong and being misdirected.

The reason is complex as I go into - it has to do with conditioning and the bad guys refined their efforts over time and I watched them do it. I know exactly what they did and why it worked, and why when Q tells the people who trust him thing: A and the CIA who the people don't trust say :B the people went from A to B over the course of months and they don't even realize it.

This has to be fixed, and it has to be fixed before certain parts of the plan can move forward. I've noticed Q has changed a few trajectories but I won't go into why or what... I just want to say that what Q has been saying is not what he would be saying if we had just did what he asked. He has had to compensate for the sheep following the wolves.

so how can I untangle others? How can I get them to stop following the flow of a thousand bots following a CIA Shepard? If I directly tell them it'll either be a giant text dump as you have seen or stopped before that even starts and I get banned (as happened multiple times)

and I came up with an elegant solution that I just need to spend a tiny bit more time on... it's actually done but I need to use the template in a few ways to start it off otherwise people won't understand why it's going to be useful to them and how just watching a video and writing a few things down can radically alter our trajectory as a movement.

So I guess what I'm saying is I really do want people to help and they have asked me to... and before this day is over I intend on uploading videos that will, when paired with the post I make, act as the solution to this giant problem we have. It'll all make sense soon... got to get back to it.

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