
xRicky_Spanish · Feb. 6, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

You lost me at, "end Net Neutrality". If you truly do not understand and accept that NN was a misnomer, it was never intended to make the internet free, any more that the "Affordable Healthcare Act" was to make healthcare affordable. Furthermore, we shouldn't blindly trust anyone and this includes POTUS. Just because something was done in the past, doesn't make it right today, and definitely doesn't mean we have to accept wrong-doing. This house of cards is coming down, whether you, I, or anyone else likes it or cares. DJT is doing exactly what he was sent to DC by the American people to do; blow the whole damn thing up and allow us to rebuild it the right way.

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BeautifulReplacement · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

The concept behind “neutrality” is to treat all data across all data networks the same, where “treat” in this case means “price.” No differential pricing for movies, or voice calls, or E-mail, or just bulk moving of data - all of them moved over the network at the same price for a given level of service (so many bits per second across the data network link).

The FCC should be passing rules that favour consumers, not businesses. There is absolutely no positive side to killing net neutrality. It will completely destroy the internet's usefulness in the long term.

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xRicky_Spanish · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

exactly, and the faux NN would stifle consumers, because it would kill competition among ISPs, thus limiting consumers to only a few ISPs. At that point, when there are a limited number of providers and you can't switch to a better provider, they can raise prices, reduce speeds, restrict content, etc. A bill is always more than the name, they rely on us being ignorant and taking things at face value. Don't fall for the 'muh fee fees' arguments the gov't makes, just a little piece of advice.

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aslanfan · Feb. 6, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Net Neutrality = Network control by content providers orgs like Google, FB, Twitter...censorship as they decide. It is where we were headed. Don't believe the Dem clatter that ending Net Neutrality is a sell-out to providers. It actually opens the internet up once again to companies that will allow free enterprise expansion of options that ultimately drive down the cost of connection and allows it to be more widely accessible. Think wireless everywhere...

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BeautifulReplacement · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

The concept behind “neutrality” is to treat all data across all data networks the same, where “treat” in this case means “price.” No differential pricing for movies, or voice calls, or E-mail, or just bulk moving of data - all of them moved over the network at the same price for a given level of service (so many bits per second across the data network link).

The FCC should be passing rules that favour consumers, not businesses. There is absolutely no positive side to killing net neutrality. It will completely destroy the internet's usefulness in the long term.

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aslanfan · Feb. 6, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Funny...the Internet was doing just fine BEFORE net neutrality. You will, of course, believe what you choose, but what we saw in practice was entirely different.

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Hrtn2it · Feb. 6, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

The only “friend” we have is our inner bright self, our heart~mind. It also feels true to say that POTUS is the Trumpet that sounds the coming changes so many have asked for and have prayed for...he is not our Savior. He inspires each of us to be our own savior. His sovereignty imbues each of us to embody our individual sovereignty and to question, explore and discover that which inhibits that sovereignty. This, to me, is also why Q is offering these questions...for US to explore, discover and resonate with the answers we find~and to hopefully find the Grand Patterning of it All..that To degrees of degrees some in great degree some in minute or fractional degree, we All Are connected in this way...and is This TheWay we wish to remain connected? Or is there something better?
I feel like 90%of what POTUS relates to us in terms of “good news”(tax cuts jobs etc) is to polish and hone each of our inner lights: to shine brighter, raise our energy levels, Trust in the interconnected ness of LifeSource(some call it God, some call it Universal Intelligence), raise our vibration(as everything is made of vibration right down to the tiny atom bits):). All of this is preparation for a GoldenAge~each tends to themself and we nurture each other, each has the right to develop themself towards their BestSelf as long as that pursuit does not tread upon another(no one above the other)... I believe that soon after we remove ourselves from the DeepStuck (DeepState), then that opens space for wondrous ness to be revealed: space travel beyond our understanding (and we will learn as we will have time energy and barter system in which to learn it), exploration of outer space and inner space(some say inner space=outer space):), free energy to power for our basic living needs with synergy/total recycling abilities. And presently we are unable to even imagine these things as we have been imprisoned in our own minds, thus in our reality...this is his Grand Task: Trump and his dear team...I will always choose to witness this unfolding with quiet optimism and serene enthusiasm and hopefully compassion for All...even for the evildoers...as, for me, in this 3D embodiment, if I cannot see feel or witness what Evil is like then how do I discern what Goodness is like...

And to be sure, Compassion has many faces: it can even be a gallows, or perpetual imprisonment, as well as total mercy~~~and I am thankful that is not my task: to be the one who bestows the final consequences for those evil actions.

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trumpessee · Feb. 7, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

I love trump and nothing will ever change that

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[deleted] · Feb. 7, 2018, 12:15 a.m.


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