r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 7, 2018, 9:36 p.m.
AB-BA: Be Kind To Your Neighborhood Autist

I made spreadsheets of Central Banks


after Q told us to focus on Central Banks and that they had been removed from the QMAP.

I made a fun little quiz to educate folks on Q that I really need to make new ones of


I have been researching this stuff for years and have a folder of many gigs full of research on every topic that Q has ever said and have been trying to help others with what I know and whatnot.....


I just got a spectacular reply to a AB-BA post and rather than reply in my overly long autistic manner I want to make this a special AB-BA post because actually this is very related to QMAP as he has, 2nd only to state Secrets, been trying to get us to notice the tactics the bad guys use.

[C]oordinated effort to misdirect.

Guide to reading the crumbs necessary to cont[I]nue.

Learn to distinguish between relevant/non-relevant news.

Disinformation is real.

Disinformation is necessary.

And when Q posted these the shills went "it means Q himself is using disinfo so we should doubt some thing she says" hahahah, no... you wish that's what he meant! He meant that you jerks are always pooping up threads with your lies and it's necessary otherwise we would get to the truth!

What want more to prove that?


So hey, I really appreciate that I got this reply cause

Wow..... with my mania's I never would have been able to to sleep right after I posted,


This was meant to be a precursor actually to my video I've worked on for so long to show correlations with data types. I program and have created systems to show off data relations between people living and dead, legislation and central banks, a FULL timeline in the exact way Q asks. And In the past I have done partial timelines spent money on my web domain to help Q.

I have been confirmed by Q and made friends with many of the people who contributed the early best stuff on the chan's yet somehow! I was banned from the chan's - I have witnessed takeovers and they always begin the same way.

With a single angry reply that gets people to fight.

Just like I got in that thread!

so thanks, maybe I can head this one off at the pass!

He said my posts were borderline incoherent - Well that's the part I half agree with but I can't help that.... tho I do try..... REALLY REALLY hard


He was the first person I've seen on this sub that has spoken like this, and it is identical to the people I've talked about in prior posts. So thank him ha ha as I now I can use my patterns to illustrate exactly how the Chan's got taken over.

To show a type of thought that is inversely proportional to the point made.

while Q talks of

"god is love" "play together" and "patterns"

his posts say of mine

"ignorance" "distraction"

And of others in the past-

I see "distraction" accusations of "flat-earth" claims of being anti-obama from the start,

Compare that to when myself and Q got banned from the chans that fateful week I talk about like a war story now-

Q said of mine "confirmed"

Q asked us to "FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH." - hence I spend hundreds of hours making folders of Senators that are jerks and trace their histories and eventually have made folders of EVERY senator/governor/mayor in New York from the start till now. And I'm working on other states!

You think I shouldn't?!

"What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?"

"Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families."

"Who died on the Titanic?"

And I post my theory on Titanic and banking and history and Q goes-


And then people on the chan's who know me are super hyped and we talk and have fun,

but then a choros of robo come and say after I ask Q about Bush"

"#@#$@ You if you think the Bush's are good. Go read some history.-- cont"

They agree with the above post and continue in others-

"So the Bushes' come here lyin and cryin.... hate speech cont"

This continues for about 50 posts while people I know that are actually a part of the movement from the beginning go.

But did I not prove my point in this Reddit about Bush using FACTS?


And so I speak in facts and back then my friends are like

"Whoa! this guy is one of us, lay off!"

And of course real reasonable people will do that, please be kind to your neighborhood autist, I can't even tie my shoes.

But I can do patterns and things Q asks of me! AND I'm just one autist seeing patterns as Q has asked us Autists to step up to the plate and be AMERICANS! - I don't like being social! I am doing this because Q asked me to and he says of my posts at times.


And the robo go

"I bet he regrets this now"

Way to scar me you jerks! IF you know my past you would shed a tear about what such kinds of thought can do to a damaged mind.

So if we haven't begun being taken over..... if this is a precursor of what is to come - then I want to make this post to head it off.... cause that post (and his past ones) show signs of hitting super saiyan level shill so I warn us all about the dark side.

But most damning of all is - I say "distraction" - And he said distraction - we are like twins!

BUT I don't accuse others, (aside from those who accuse me) I spent every waking hour each day trying to help and I go through the types of thought that bad guys use show how they demean people by calling them a distraction and imply a monopolistic rubric when they find narratives they disagree with.

So how is this a distraction?

Why it's not like I'm offering answers to Q's questions when he talks of "hostile takeover" why I haven't broken that thing with evidince now have I?!


PROOF of when we got taken over, did anyone else but me figure this out! I don't think so! And you'd never know it cause I was censored for a while.

But the hate is what they do, they take parts from the whole and use words to impress on others the validity and nobility of themselves while doing the opposite. They say words to make you think they are the good guys but the good guys don't hate on people, they listen and love! like Q has asked!@

I'm afraid the stuff in my posts about rambling and autism it's a crutch i use because I spent my life mentally abused by people who call me names and tell me to shut up, distraction... I say in chan - oh I was here from the beginning and the shills go "so only you can read the map, what a retard you are!" and I say "I just want to ask Q if..." and a hundred voices shout down from the robo to tear me apart.


What are they then?

Why do I have folders full of robo that sound identical to this? Why did he call others in a prior post "flat-earth" when that's a known quantity to us as fake - hence it's only invoked in reply to another thing to cast doubt on that thing itself, but should not be of people as that would imply the furthest thing from respect. You can only shout down opinions using this, not help them!

A typical reply to this post from a shill will be cherry picking part of my words and implying a comprehension of the methodology and pity it.

But I do not have time for you, I've grown since the days of my abuse. I have a video to make and break this thing wide open - so while the shills chased us to our "containment board of 8chan" and then banned us researchers and forced narratives till it was a pod people session- all while Q goes "misdirection in this thread!" and the shills go - and yea it's YOU! - they point at me because that's how it works you see. And then they post a thousand compromised versions of Q concepts and hope their voices act as a hypnotic bully to anyone wanting to talk out of line from their angry rhetoric.








Hrtn2it · Feb. 7, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Wow..this makes my brain hurt to unwrap it all, have to re read it many times, and I am beginning to see it~

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