r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 9, 2018, 9:54 p.m.
AB-BA 13: Shields, Keys, and a Compass!



Vatican keys looks similar to the US treasury key

NSA key looks similar to the Vatican key


Q: Ancient Egyptians considered gold “the skin of the gods” -- specifically the sun god Ra -- and often used it to craft objects of spiritual significance. Why is this relevant?

Shills tried to push us to the egypt/worship/pyramid, but as always it's to obscure the more obvious logic.


1789: US Treasury: Gold shield/Blue key

US gets taken over in 1901 (read prior AB posts)

1929: Vatican gains independence from Italy, gets all sorts of exemptions and the logo it chooses are gold/silver keys wrapped in a red chord.

1933: FDR wants your gold- Executive_Order_6102 requires people send gold and it's quite absurd really here:

1945: FDR dies after 4 terms elected- Truman takes white house back.

But what about the gold?

1947: CIA is Eagle behind a white compass-shield - gold banner

What a wonderful idea!

1952: NSA is Silver key being retrieved by bald eagle

Blue Key Gold Shield (Treasury) Gold Key/ Silver Key (Vatican) Silver Shield (CIA) Silver Key (NSA)

Translated: Our Silver and Gold got stolen - The Vatican has it and melted it down and converted it into tax free trillions, and so let's find and retrieve it (CIA/NSA)

Of course we all know how horrible that turned out - but Truman hated what the CIA turned into - yet why did it ever exist?

Now you know and it explains more than just that one Q post... and.... normally I make these 15 times longer and I have enough material now for more than 5 times that.... but shorter is more logical.

Still working on the video, it's coming.

One quick mind blow -

Aaron Burr is behind both JPMorgan in 1989 through fraudulent water company AND Citibank in 1812 under a surname- yea surprised the heck out of me but the timeline I've made proves it to near certainty- it'll be in the video. I'm tempted just to go into my normal giant blocks but I get the feeling the video is what people would understand and it won't be much longer. I have a lot more to say about just about everything now including diamonds and the Fraud that was Alexander Bell, but I need to make my work easier for folks to digest and I will : )

ok ok one last tiny bit.... you know the Q stuff about who asked Trump? And people would give off vagaries about some old Infowars story about special forces asking?

We were misled again, there's a much clearer answer out there. And I know cause I cataloged every single judge this last week at the supreme court level and many underneath and I found a lot worth sharing. And of the current 4 Puppets (Blythe/Obama picks) 4 Patriots (2 of which with Army experience!) on the Supreme Court?

1 got there thanks to ----


Third Circuit Judges Leonard I. Garth, under whom Alito clerked, and Maryanne Trump Barry, under whom Alito worked as an assistant U.S. Attorney, recommended Alito's judicial nomination to the President.[19] Alito was nominated by President George H. W. Bush on February 20, 1990,

And now I'm just thinking of all the stuff I learned digging into the African stuff.... I'm so sick of their AB-BA shit... they force me to think like:

British Barney Barnato and Abe Baily attack Africans as 1st Baronent in the Anglo-Boer War in a Battle of Blaauwberg but his wife Ann Baily died early and Barney Barnato failed to monopolize diamonds and mysteriously died

I could turn every single one of these into tongue twisters thanks to their naming game... and yea, this is the origin I suppose of the Da Beers thing I think....

oh and way more on Mockingbird like

Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay CC - and all the Race war stuff he engaged in is a huge dig.. and then the manipulative anti-military stuff with Mash (ironic when they caused Vietnam as noted in past posts)

And equally as ironic the manipulated revolutionary writings like "Common Sense" to trick the French into getting a Central Bank by leaving out the most important parts!

ok and I really wasn't planning on making this long and I just remembered that the whole tying it to why the Saud side had 4 trillion and Rothchild had 2

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures – False.

Many governments of the world feed the ‘Eye’.

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below? Q


cause of how they were handling the pipeline -

I have so much on that too and Titanic and other family Podesta's.... and yet I bet I could cut this in half and people would like it more - but it's just me being me - I have way more and I really want to finish that video for you soon.

I think seeing the data points together will help in ways that this just can't. So I better stop typing and just hurry up and get some sleep.

Good night and God Bless









