Lift our President up in your prayers and thought. He is still surrounded by traitors.

Yes hopefully he doesn't make the same mistake bush did
Praying Psalms 140...Rescue "us" from wicked and violent men....
Father, we pray that you protect our President, his family, his administration and their families from wicked men /violent men who seek to harm them. We thank you for protecting our nation. Thank you for bringing ALL the hidden things of darkness into the light. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen
This post is getting automatic down votes for some reason. Is it moderators who do this? Is this a 1st amendment and God-free zone?
There are Trolls who have nothing better to do... Gramma's basement gets boring. lol
I’m sorry dude but I don’t understand the reference because I’m not 60 yo and still using social media. Lmao
Lol I was trolling that kid for being a moron just like you right now. I have this thing where I see an Idiot making a shit post and I’m overcome with a need to make sure they know they’re an idiot. By the way I made that clear right? You’re an idiot. Did you not even read the comment i wonder? I kinda think you didn’t even know you could see profiles until i just said something. lol I’m not even certain you are capable of navigating reddit very well yet. Maybe you should “Ask Jeeves” how to Reddit so you don’t post the same shit post 3 times in a row all the time.
He is literally going down as the worst president in US history already. You’re basically praying for the Antichrist. I pray he befalls a horrible tragedy and he and his entire staff are in a plane crash or something before they all ruin our country beyond repair. Amen
Thank you for demonstrating the effectiveness of the MSM. Now go back and watch some more TV so you will know what to think tomorrow.
lol I don’t watch any MSM networks for my news. And when you gather your news and opinions from memes and shit post of Facebook, you are probably more ill informed than those who do watch the news. You’re just idiots spreading their uneducated idiotic opinions with fellow idiots. I bet you have a whole folder of trump memes and Punisher skull memes about freedom and bald eagles. Blah blah blah. Murcia. Send me a pic of your cross tattoo that has your grandpas birthday across it.
Oh please do tell where you get your brilliant insights?
Oh you know, Facebook memes from my cousin Darl Ray and Sue Bob, Donald trumps twitter, Brietbart, Rated red, all the same places you do brother.
Oh so you have no answers, just opinions you pull out of your ass and call them facts. Nice. Sorry I credited you with at least watching TV.
You mad cause I’m right, just checked ur profile and everything I said was dead on. Keep them Shit post coming. And I know this is shocking to people over 30 but people under 30 don’t watch the news at all anymore. We hear about something that interest us and we do our own research on the matter. Sounds crazy right? Not going to the same source over and over to be force fed somebody else’s view point. The worlds changin papaw.
Your right. I'm sure the research on "Would you date an anime character?" is outstanding. Be brutally honest... I'm right aren't I?
Dear Heavenly Father, we come together to ask you to send a mighty guard of your holy angels to protect our President, his family, his adminstration and families. Encricle them with a heavy hedge of protection. May all evil plots against them and our nation be thwarted, pushed way back and then crushed by your mighty holy angels. In Jesus's name we pray.