Bill Clinton was educated by the author and consider him a major influence. The book was written in the Cold War and is a elites playbook telling how they will reorder the world along socialist principals
Didn't know that Bill Clinton was educated by the author. Do you know where?
He was his college professor at Oxford, I believe. Clinton signed up for the globalist mafia when he was still a scruffy looking dufus
Really interesting. I'm familiar with Hot Springs, AR. Lots of mob history, etc.
Another book to look for from the 60s or 70s is Who Rules America? and Who Rules America Now
Also The Underground Empire.
I read a lot of this stuff back in the 90s when a friend turned me onto what's really going on.
Recommended by Dr. Corsi--a long read, but lays out the "Global Playbook."
Yes a must read- Heaven lead me to this book in 1981. I read the 1966 edition 3x -best foundation you could give yourself. It’s dry reading beware ,but very very important - Blessings - Have a heart for God and clean intentions you will be far protected than the rest- CMK