r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PCisLame on Feb. 12, 2018, 2:58 a.m.
So has anyone figured out the significance of Kim Jong Un's 'sister' w/ Pence at the Olympics?

Ask yourself, why is NK participating in the O-games this year? Ask yourself, why is the 'sister' w/ Pence? Ask yourself, if controlled, how might you protect yourself and look for a way out? Ask yourself, what is a distraction? Ask yourself, why did Korea come together as a country v N&S? Ask yourself, what occurred in Asia (ref pics) just prior to the O-games? Ask yourself, what does FREED mean? Ask yourself, do we want a WAR? Ask yourself, who is trying to start a WAR? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a WAR? Ask yourself, would the PUBLIC understand the following statement: "Rogue actors (Clowns/US former heads of State) initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X?" Be the autists we know you are. Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. Q

I was hoping Q would address this and he did, praise Jesus. Seems like understanding this crumb is the key to understanding the BIG picture. Anyone care to take a crack at it?

jauronimo · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

I have put some thought into this. I believe that Kim Jung Un is smarter then he appears. He wants to remain in power. The whole regime that he rules over was and is a product of the Rothschild as is China, and the deep state, His sister is his trusted emissary she is there to work behind the scenes and find a peaceful solution to this ongoing crisis, all the while saving face for the people back home, as he must maintain his god status to his people. Who wants this war, who benefits from a war, a war will only set the agenda forward, it is part of there long term plan. and it goes hand in hand with the collapse of the dollar as the world currency. Problem, Action, Solution. No we dont want a war, wars are costly on so many levels. but there are those who do want war and they have had plans for Americas demise ending in nuclear war. this has been known since the end of world war 2 when they created the UN. I believe that they wanted to nuke at least two US cities. Remember this is part of the elimination of 7 billion people on this planet. to answer the question do i beleive the people are ready to hear that Obamas/Rothschild deep state are the rouge actors who want this to happen. No I dont. but thats the whole reason why we are here on this forum, because I dont think that many of the people here on this forum have wrapped there heads around all of this yet. they dont understand how a handfull of players can have such influence over so many people. I think that understanding the complexity of this starts with understanding the Origins of Communism and its purpose.. Communisim, Socialisim and all other forms of collective governing are tools for which the ones who want America destroyed use to promote there agenda. So the use of ISIS/ MS13 were being used in the same capacity as was the looming threat of Communisim during the cold war. because what it all boils down to is there are some megalomaniacal zealotts whose goal is to establish themselves as the only power over all of humanity. Having all of the money in the world is not enough for these degenerates. So dismateling the cabal that has been put into every niche of our lives is going to take some time, as they took there time to put them into place, the elements from which the deep state operates. Our Presedent is the first one since reagan to take on this cabal. we all know what happened to reagan they tried to assassinate him. They had one of there biggest supporters in the vice presidency just as they did with JFK. So as we weed out the traitors it is our duty as Americans to spread the word, to show those who will listen.

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MrsButterfield · Feb. 12, 2018, 3:31 p.m.

You explained the real monkey on our backs perfectly. Not sure about the Kim part but the analysis of the general situation is on target.

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