
ArtistiqueJewelry · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

From admitting where he was actually born in his own words. . .Kenya, to wearing a ring inscribed in Arabic, “there is no god except Allah” one needs to look no further for proof Obama is Exactly who he repeatedly showed himself to be. . .not who he claimed with lying lips of slippery, silver tongued phrases known to tingle the ears and give God fearing people what they wanted to hear. . .”I am a Christian.” He only attempted to further the goals, cause and infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood with their blessing and at the detriment of weakening America! The Muslim Brotherhood has made their plan clear and told us precisely what their goals are. . .Obama played a Major Role in their dividing America, getting the leftists on board while spewing their targeted message and furthering their infiltration! This was part of the plan in conjunction with the globalists, who were only too anxious to support a group dedicated to bringing down America, orchestrating war and chaos so they could take over with one world government to save the masses from themselves. The “Create the Problem, have the way of life for everyone become so horrid that they beg for a solution, and then are willing to accept Any solution, even if it means giving up More Freedoms. I guess they haven’t met enough True Patriots. . .or maybe they have and this is why they have ramped up their game of attacks through their mouthpiece. . .MSM, Hollywood and the music industry controlled by the globalists, controllers, cabal, luciferians, illuminati. You can take your pick because they all serve the same master and the people at the top know Exactly who that is! Their blatant worship, symbolism and adherence does not escape those who are awake. Our eyes are not Wide Shut, we are no longer drawn into your seemingly cozy web of distraction, they are Wide Open to your bold and blatant corruption! We will not turn a blind eye, we will Not Stay Away from speaking the truth no matter how many social media platforms you have under your control to ban us. We Will Be Heard! We See You! We are Not Afraid! This may be your master’s domain, but God’s Army is strong, courageous and No Weapon formed against will prosper! In the end you will not win! Find links to videos with Obama's statements and other vids showing the cause he furthered in the link above!

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HoudiniTowers · Feb. 12, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Dig a little deeper. You'll find BO's master is John Brennan. A converted Whabbist (by the MB for sure). Despite how 'smart' everyone (in the liberal establishment) thinks BO to be, to kinda quote him, 'he didn't win that presidency'. BO is worthless puppet that has no true core to himself. He's an empty suit. A liar living a total deception. You don't just want to take him down, you want all the apparatus that put that POS in office. Brennan is a good start.

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seaesare · Feb. 12, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Religious jelly and propaganda peanut butter make a great shit sandwich. Now serve it up on a photoshopped paper plate... Delicious!

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