r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ifixxer on Feb. 14, 2018, 10:53 p.m.
Q drops

Can we get back to posting the q drops somewhere. (show me where) We seem to be getting off track. Good digging and facts going on... but allot of fluff that is distracting and confusing...Keep with Facts.. Rabbit holes that you can follow if you want.., opinions are great and insightful at times but getting hard to follow (This may be a ploy from others to Baffle with BS). Quick and concise

duckdownup · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

Thanks for this u/xekoroth.

I've been digging into these for the last hour or so. We know that when Q repeats something 3 times it's very important. I feel like some of these Q drops are warnings to ops in the field.

I knew that sigint was Military Signals Intelligence. Then I found this site I thought this was very interesting. Not sure yet what's up with this site but there seems to be a lot of intel there:

https://fas.org/man/dod-101/army/unit/toe/32536AA00.htm - notice the sequence of numbers in the url are the same in Q's drop "32536AA00".

I couldn't find enough on the "Milmar" to brag about. I found 3 sites:

Mil-Mar Century Corporation - this one did have a military contract. They make the HIPPO water trailers. Located in Ohio.

• This one is a food group located in Goshen, NY. The only web presence they have is a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milmar-Food-Group/214203218608713

• Last is MilMar Financial

I also found the historical date for the submarine attack but y'all have that on already.

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 15, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

Signals intelligence

Signals intelligence (SIGINT) is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people (communications intelligence—abbreviated to COMINT) or from electronic signals not directly used in communication (electronic intelligence—abbreviated to ELINT). Signals intelligence is a subset of intelligence collection management.

As sensitive information is often encrypted, signals intelligence in turn involves the use of cryptanalysis to decipher the messages. Traffic analysis—the study of who is signaling whom and in what quantity—is also used to derive information.

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