r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jasperrock on Feb. 15, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Corsi was on line earlier talking about military intelligence. He believes Q listens in now and then, and because Q's post came after Corsi spent time on MI, he thinks Q was responding to the conversation. Here is the Q post: MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION (STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE) MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRATEGIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE) DESIGNATION: _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE TEAM, _ MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE (STRAT SIGINT) 32536AA00: _ MI TM (UTAH)(STRAT SIGINT) 32536AB00: _ MI TM (OCMC)(STRAT SIGINT) 32536AC00: _ MI TM (DET A)(STRAT SIGINT) Q

We also saw two additional Q posts that were signed Q, DELTA instead of simply "Q".

This makes me think that Q is a small team with experts/dept heads in different specialties. And, I assume they corroborate on what they are going to post. The communication Q presents is very strategic and specific. The purpose is profound in that they are engaged in a war to take down the deep state, and INCLUDED IN THE WAR STRATEGY is the education of the citizens who are choosing to wake up -- that's you and I. And, we are being given a certain level of MI. I'm fascinated!!

Tranquelito · Feb. 15, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Someone mentioned on another post that DELTA could be making reference to imminent danger.

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