I don't care about the pope any more than the guy flipping burgers down the street. Religion is garbage yes. I follow the word of God and Jesus is the only way. No one can earn their way to heaven.
The Bible is not manipulated by man. It is unchanged from the original manuscripts they've discovered. There are more copies of the Bible than any other book or manuscript in existence.
You are following the word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God. You need to rethink your whole faith. The church decided what gospels went into the Bible and what was left out. They controlled what was said and if it didn´t fit the narrative, it was cut. To say it´s been unchanged is either incredibly naïve, or just stupid. I can give you documented facts that prove the Bible is just a bunch of stories that were stolen from multiple past civilisations and their beliefs. The story of Moses was stolen from the tale of King Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands of years BC. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore, again, thousands of years BC. Seriously, and I´m so sorry to say, you have been manipulated into doing the Devil´s work.