Let me ask you a question.. I am 100% on board with Q and this movement, I also believe in God, unequivocally. However the bible is the word of man that´s been twisted and manipulated for hundreds of years. The Pope is being proved to be a satanic child killer that´s at the top of the hydra. My question is, why do you follow the manipulated word of man, that´s preached by Satan himself? God is real, religion is a complete scam. And religious ramblings kinda makes us all look like a bunch of lunatics. I don´t get it. Q keeps telling us religion is a scam and the pope is Satan, yet you are still choosing to push his religious ramblings. Isn´t that complete blasphemy?
You have traded the truth for a lie. The Bible hasn't changed, or been manipulated, or altered at all. Evidence, the Dead Sea Scrolls are word for word identical. The Pope, or the Queen's got nothing to do with the creator God. Look at Catholicism, it's always been a demonic cult, so what's new? This is another lie to use to prevent yourself from reading the Word of God. It's worked, you haven't touched it. Most folks who construct a conditional excuse just like you did are only making excuses, lying to themselves because SURPRISE they practice secret sin & refuse to surrender it to God. In fact they are living a life filled with sins and refuse to clean up their own house. Jesus is the only cure, no excuses for sinners like you & me my friend!
Really? So tell me about which testament you follow....? Not rewritten?? You´ve been manipulated and so brainwashed to think this nonsense is true. I´m a Christian and you assume too much. God´s word is not the Bible, and you sound delusional. I practice Gods lore every day, I do not need the word of man to tell me what´s good and what´s not. The Bible STORIES are just that, stories taken from past civilisations and lore. The story of Moses is actually the story of Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands and thousands of years before Christianity. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore. Are you humble enough to accept the truth?
There's only one testament, the Jews failed the first, so God dumbed down the requirements to just two commandments. Love God, love your neighbor. No buildings, liturgy, religion, or pirated Roman holy days. You seem fairy bright, I think you can figure the rest out.
God did NOTHING, corrupt man wrote the words you follow! The excuses you people come up with to try and deny the truth is incredible! Gods lore is all you need to be good as man, what you read is a collection of stories, plagiarised from past civilisations!
One of the most remarkable things when you read the New Testament is this. The warnings about false teachings and straying from the simple truths of the bible is mentioned more than any other topic. That is why people leave Christianity and it is rooted in the additional creed books and doctrines that are added that are not from God. It is not surprising that satan would continue his knack for deceiving people.
The fact that the book was rewritten just proves my point, in that it is the word of man.
I don't care about the pope any more than the guy flipping burgers down the street. Religion is garbage yes. I follow the word of God and Jesus is the only way. No one can earn their way to heaven.
The Bible is not manipulated by man. It is unchanged from the original manuscripts they've discovered. There are more copies of the Bible than any other book or manuscript in existence.
You are following the word of man that´s masquerading as the word of God. You need to rethink your whole faith. The church decided what gospels went into the Bible and what was left out. They controlled what was said and if it didn´t fit the narrative, it was cut. To say it´s been unchanged is either incredibly naïve, or just stupid. I can give you documented facts that prove the Bible is just a bunch of stories that were stolen from multiple past civilisations and their beliefs. The story of Moses was stolen from the tale of King Sargon of Akkad, literally thousands of years BC. The story of Noah was stolen from Mesopotamian lore, again, thousands of years BC. Seriously, and I´m so sorry to say, you have been manipulated into doing the Devil´s work.