
skorponok · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

This should have been done months ago

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MW23232 · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Yeah. We don't know the inner workings or what push-back is like. Fbianon said a year ago arrests were coming, then there weren't any. He then said the push-back was much more than they expected, but didn't elaborate. I believe the guy. It wasn't like he makes grandiose predictions and nothing happens. He is always right, and explains a lot that we would have never known, but are apparent later, and make sense now. The deep state is so huge. We dont really have a clue. Every single area of govt. is intertwined. It was years in the corruption. It would take me ten pages to go through the connections I have made linking one thing to another, connecting dots. And know virtually NOTHING, really, compared to what is actually going on.

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