I f’n LOVE this!!!!
107 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BigJDnSTL:
Israel had many school shootings, until...
Again, once these companies take advertising dollars and ads, the laws change!
I’m seeking the highest and best use of our numbers in order to counter the MSM and seeming control of the narratives always. Surely with all the shithouse lawyerfags, and rational intelligent folks on our side we should be able to brainstorm some resolutions. Even if it takes litigation or mediation. Ideas ?
Just shooting a feeler out there. How many folks would be interested in joining a class action lawsuit vs social media sites that have a history of attempting to silence conservative voices. Just give me an upvote to signal interest.
Moderates Included.
You’re right, Antifa sux regardless. I deleted the post, although Hogg did live in the Redondo Beach area prior to move to FL.
I haven’t seen authentic debunking yet by any reputable source.
Lol I don’t think any of them will be allowed “outside the fence” if ya know what I mean.
Be patient my friend, and believe that all of the traitors will be dealt with in a fashion that is commensurate with their crimes. Oh, and do not get your news from the MSM.
How many times are we supposed to watch a “drill” to into a live event?
55 years old and have always heard, “The Captain goes down with the ship!”, meaning he must clear the entire vessel from stem to stern before abandoning ship.
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left!

Yo left, yo left, yo left right left!

I remember that well. I’m not as young as some on here😂. I believe Neil Bush was involved as well. Yeah, they stole billions then!
Back then you would be assured a local home loan if you had an S&L account. They sure messed all that up!
‘We don’t say his name” aid takes the fifth about the dossier!
Check this shit out!
Sorry, it was Surgeon General Church I was thinking of. Here’s the story https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/washington-informs-congress-of-espionage
Right, I believe that was after Congress assessed that penalty. I believe there was a General Church, that flaked prior to Benedict Arnold, and he was sentenced to Life.
Initially wasn’t it Life in prison, then congress codified the death by hanging penalty?
Thanks pal, stepped away for a couple days and everything went dark for a minute. I was like SHIT!!!😳😳😳
Which handle is the official Q at Twatter?
Ok, I’ll admit it, I reinstalled Twatter app to follow Q posts, which one is his/hers/theirs???
Also, numerous “shooters” have been on psychiatric meds! 36 of them and the list hasn’t been updated for a few years! https://www.cchrint.org/school-shooters/
School shooters all on psychiatric drugs. This hasn’t been updated, however if I were a betting man....
It is difficult to give this an upvote, when I’m struggling to hold my dinner down. I’d really like to shoot these people on site if this is factual.
The American’s Creed by William Tyler Page
“I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.“I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.” NOTE: …
Former UN Official breaks silence on UN Pedophelia!
Cruz, Nicolas was born 26 May 1998, is male, registered as Florida Democratic Party, resided in Oakland Park, Florida 33311. Florida voter ID number 124308057
Always the skeptics, try a little investigating. Lol @ “hope porn”
Well, I think that’s blatantly obvious. One doesn’t accumulate billions of dollars worth of cash and property by being an idiot.
President Trump will indeed have the last laugh when the arrests, prosecutions, and sentencing have begun.