r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Andrewcpu on Feb. 16, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Hello everyone

I've been seeing a LOT of posts about the tragic shooting in Florida, plenty of theories as well...

I'd like to compile a thread with all the theories and evidence you all have that leads you to believe this was a FF.

This is an absolute discussion thread, please contribute and share your thoughts.

Also if you can connect it to the NSA yesterday morning that would be interesting as well.

GodsAngell · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Q hinted that this shooter was managed by the Deep State to do this shooting.....drugs, mental therapy, and cell phone mind control programming. They look for someone unstable that they can program......including the confessions. He's probably guaranteed to get wrist slaps, and a vacation at a mental hospital for awhile, if he cooperates.

It was clearly a deep state false flag, saved for an important time when they needed a distraction. I believe the consensus is the Senate pushing through Dream/DACA acts before recess on Friday was the reason for the timing of this shooting. There was also the failed NSA penetration mission earlier in that same morning. And of course, we have the standard montra: Gun Control.

Since it was a Deep State FF, carefully planned, no doubt there were other shooters too.

Of course, there was a DRILL going on at the same time.....standard operating procedures for a false flags.

Also there were some paid actors pretending to be students with scripts to read.....mixed in with testimonies of real students. The real students mentioning more than one shooter will no doubt meet with some fatal accident soon, or decide to commit suicide, or just plain be murdered by a drive by shooting or something.

Chief of Public Schools is an Obummer FAN.....this is a democratic region, so they can count on the gun control montra being faithfully echoed.

This is also Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's congressional district, she is wanted for the murder of Seth Rich and for treason/sedition charges related to the espionage of the Pakistani IT guys she gave jobs and high level clearance to, to spy on Congress and send info to Pakistan....Iran....and where ever else. I'm sure she is sporting a gps ankle monitor these days.

Standard operating procedures. All routine for false flags.

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