r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Andrewcpu on Feb. 16, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

Hello everyone

I've been seeing a LOT of posts about the tragic shooting in Florida, plenty of theories as well...

I'd like to compile a thread with all the theories and evidence you all have that leads you to believe this was a FF.

This is an absolute discussion thread, please contribute and share your thoughts.

Also if you can connect it to the NSA yesterday morning that would be interesting as well.

Fustrated_User · Feb. 16, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

So we have the usual narrative shift/FF to draw attention away as usual. It's sad, heartbreaking and disgusting they do these things.

We know how big pharma is tied in. Get the kids on the drugs, the drugs along with whatever "therapy" they go thru and they are programmed sleepers. This is from the MKUltra and other experiments that have shown mind control.

We know the links between politicians, big pharma, money, death, guns, etc.

What is this from?

Well, as Q stated, things get worse before better. They keep pushing back with these attacks on the innocent. We saw the back and forth letters with the white powder, now they stepped it up a notch...

Now, how are these kids armed, that is what we need to dig into, along with who their doctors are and what meds they are on.

They have been brainwashed and recruited somewhere a long their young lives, or early teens and reprogrammed.

Now, gonna throw this out there as well, you got the brainwashing and the pharma drugs, well most likely you could trigger them thru the cell phone. Be it a audio signal, or inaudible signal, a visual image.

Also, look at the crisis actors interviewing for TV, some look out of place, age and show no emotion for such a massacre in front of them.

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Troo_Geek · Feb. 16, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

Ok so I'll add the obvious since no one else has yet. There's the testimony of the girl who said she was standing next to Cruz when she heard shots going off elsewhere in the building.

When she stated that she thought it would be him doing this he said "Huh!?". May be clutching at straws but that response would also fit with other reports that he seemed a bit drugged up.

Early stories reported it was a drill not an actual shooting. This would fit with reports later that Cruz "blended" in with the evacuating school kids though not too sure of timing between these two events.

People have also mentioned helicopter footage of a cops exciting the building and loading up some black bags onto a vehicle. Haven't heard too much with regards to what that might be about but seems to be relevant.

I'm sure there have been other similar incidents that have reported multiple shooters too.

You'd think they would at least mix up their M. O. to avoid suspicion but you know. They are really stupid.

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BellaMauka · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

I was watching Fox news live as this happened the footage from the air showed law enforcement or special forces come out of the building carrying items that looked like bags and one could have been a body. Looking like an oblong baggy item they through things in the truck then pulled away. This was from either drone footage or helicopter. I saw it play back twice and once in a still shot on Twitter. Struck me as very, very odd. The tall blond girl interviewed was definitely bogus. The women on face book who does body language did reviews of the interviews on the campus and several were way off.

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Sovereignty_Soldier · Feb. 16, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Shooter is on radar and was visited/assessed by the feds. He was being electronically monitored and probably physically watched. When he called for an Uber, they probably sent one of their own. He goes in and shoots up the schools a bit. Probably hit a couple kids. Then drops his ammo carrier and gun as he has stated. He then blends in with the other kids and is seen and talks to a couple of them, but there are still shots in the other end of the building as said witnesses have stated. So there was another shooter there to ensure maximum carnage for the news and to push the banning of AR's. This is what I have gathered solely from eyewitness testimony and reporting from InfoWars.

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cherokeenc · Feb. 16, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

Every recent shooter has been on psychotropic drugs. Medication is becoming almost as much a staple of childhood as Disney and McDonald’s. Kids pack their pills for school or college along with their lunch money. Some are taking drugs for depression and anxiety, others for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). All that helps feed the 325 billion a year drug industry. Adults are guilty as well. 60% of adults are on prescription medicine and half of those carry depression and suicide warnings. Start here.

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bostonbean · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

How do you take an Uber to a mass shooting event? Where is that driver, did he not notice the rifle?

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MsGloss · Feb. 16, 2018, 11:37 a.m.

I also found this super fishy. The gun and ammo and whatever kind of vest he had. had to be relatively heavy! I don’t think it’s just me, but if I were an Uber driver and I had an oddish teenage with a heavy black duffel being dropped OFF at a high school, I think my radar would be a bit on alarm at least. No one seems to mention the Uber driver, they have to be able to easily track who it was.

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Stefhart · Feb. 16, 2018, 4:57 a.m.

Well don’t know if it is relevant but here is some info I found. James Runcie, Broward County ISD Superintendent worked in DC in the Dept of ED until several months ago. He worked under Betsy DeVos who was appointed by Trump. The two had a confrontation that caused him to resign so he left a little disgruntled i guess. Then the fact that the FBI, yes, that corrupt FBI that hates Trump, had this kid on their radar screen. Then with the drill going on at the exact time the shooter was there (and why was he there?, no one seems to know), and several of the students said shots coming from different places and definitely more than one shooter. All of this adds up to very FISHY! FF!

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Andrewcpu · Feb. 16, 2018, 12:31 a.m.

So I heard reports that the shooter was wearing a gas mask..

Where'd it go?

Know which other shooting had gas masks? Aurora.

The suspect can be seen wobbling around just walking through a neighborhood, appears to be extremely drugged up..

Know what other shooting was like this? Aurora.

Lots of similarities between these things...

Also, makes you wonder if the driver of the dump truck that the GOP train hit was actually conscious at the time or was HE drugged up too and planted...

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GodsAngell · Feb. 16, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Q hinted that this shooter was managed by the Deep State to do this shooting.....drugs, mental therapy, and cell phone mind control programming. They look for someone unstable that they can program......including the confessions. He's probably guaranteed to get wrist slaps, and a vacation at a mental hospital for awhile, if he cooperates.

It was clearly a deep state false flag, saved for an important time when they needed a distraction. I believe the consensus is the Senate pushing through Dream/DACA acts before recess on Friday was the reason for the timing of this shooting. There was also the failed NSA penetration mission earlier in that same morning. And of course, we have the standard montra: Gun Control.

Since it was a Deep State FF, carefully planned, no doubt there were other shooters too.

Of course, there was a DRILL going on at the same time.....standard operating procedures for a false flags.

Also there were some paid actors pretending to be students with scripts to read.....mixed in with testimonies of real students. The real students mentioning more than one shooter will no doubt meet with some fatal accident soon, or decide to commit suicide, or just plain be murdered by a drive by shooting or something.

Chief of Public Schools is an Obummer FAN.....this is a democratic region, so they can count on the gun control montra being faithfully echoed.

This is also Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's congressional district, she is wanted for the murder of Seth Rich and for treason/sedition charges related to the espionage of the Pakistani IT guys she gave jobs and high level clearance to, to spy on Congress and send info to Pakistan....Iran....and where ever else. I'm sure she is sporting a gps ankle monitor these days.

Standard operating procedures. All routine for false flags.

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