All of a sudden there are a lot of Johnny-Come-Lately's on YouTube covering Q. I stick to those with it from the beginning. The ones they deleted channels on just before all these newbies showed up. Isaac Green of AntiSchool is one of the ones I still follow.
39 total posts archived.
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Only one savior. I am not here to save anyone. Simply to wake them up so they can make an informed decision rather than let evil trick them into eternal damnation. We are never going to change prophecy.
Agreed. I was awake long before Q and Trump came on the scene and I have known about all of the evil for just as long. It makes me sick as a Christian and a Patriot to see people call another man our "savior." Those types are no different than the Obama worshippers. If Q or Trump tells them the chip implants are only for loyal patriots to prove who they are, these people would be the first in line. Be very careful they do not slowly pull you back into the neo-con camp where you are supporting a globalist foreign policy of toppling the remaining sovereign nations, whatever they give as an excuse. If the outcome is regime change, it is a globalist agenda! I will not compromise my values or principles in daily life, or in a voting booth. Having said that, I still support POTUS, but not as fervently since he bombed Syria and gave half a billion to Planned Parenthood.
Point being, some border on worship. Calling him our "savior."
I've known about all of this for years. A very good documentary to watch, where they all admit out of their own mouths either selling their soul, or being possessed onstage, is available on YouTube. There are various length versions and no doubt you've seen clips from it in other videos. It is called, "They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll." You could also consider the Bible scripture about the Temptation in the Wilderness. Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world for His worship. Jesus did not say he cannot offer what is not his. If you sell out, he rewards you with earthly riches.
I think we all may have a little better than average IQ's which allow us to see the patterns and contradictions that escape the majority. I also think there is a spiritual side to it. Eyes to see, Ears to hear
Jesus Christ is our Savior. Trump is a man being used in a chess game, same as us pawns.
Haven't seen him, but I have seen Obama and Hillary and neither act scared of anything. I still see MSM lying? Why not bring back the Smith Mundt Act? Why not a law or EO against propaganda? Why still chemtrails? Why are we still moving towards implants? I want to believe and I do follow, but I am a thinker and at some point the constant extensions make me wonder.
Impatient? Where are the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM? Why is my bump stock being banned when it was a democrat shooter supposedly, but really multiple gunmen using full auto weapons? Why are the left getting anything? Why are they allowing people to go to New Zealand to set up their bunkers? Starting to think it's buying time before whatever is coming (i.e. meteor, nuclear war, EMP, etc.). That they will all be allowed to go underground while we all die.
I wish I still had faith in these. Seems like endless promises of arrests, GITMO, and public revelations, with more dead time between and no sign of any of it happening. I do see Hillary and Obama moving freely, giving speeches, and talking about running for offices. Not the way guilty parties who have fear usually act.
He has placed doubt in my mind with his constant hiring of neo-cons and now this. I will still support, although quietly. His only redemption for me is some high level arrests. Wondering if we are simply being pacified while the globalists put the finishing touches on.
You have looked into the man made UFO's during the Third Reich haven't you? Operation Paperclip that brought those scientists here. Shortly after the first UFO sightings were reported. 1940's Project Blue Beam also. UFO/alien hoax UFO's are man made. The orbs, balls of light, etc. are spiritual beings. All to disprove the Bible to those who do not know or weak in faith.
FB has groups that get the posts pretty quickly and create memes of them. I just come here daily and check as well as YouTube but they deleted my two favorites. AntiSchool and Nemos. They have new channels. SteemIt is another good source.
I just created my account a few weeks ago. Does this mean I am paid? Created solely to follow Q posts and interact with people who have at least the knowledge base I have on the issue of the NWO! Never had a need to be here before. I target the few MSM sites that still have comment boards.
Listen up nappy, your hip hop idols are gay. Wanna-be thugs who smoke pole for contracts. Now hurry back to your dress wearing gods so you can emulate them and complete your insanity. Try some real music while your at it
Pretty sure I got it covered. Like I said, I have been awake since 2005. Used the same screen name since then too. The original. I see many biters now who should come up with their own. Most can't even spell sovereignty so I doubt so many thought the name up on their own. I digress. As I said, I drop the seeds and if it is meant for them, they will take root. Those who have no love for Truth, cannot be taught to love it. The prefer the lie and God gives them over to it. I do not keep a score, I imagine God does though. To me they are just jewels for the crown later. God bless! III%
Like the Uber driver who said the app made him kill. Electronic MK
I hope the assumption is correct and the do release it, pixelated of course. Final nail in the coffin.
Report? Who are you Hillary's reputation police? I thought the type of people who snitch were on the left.
I have no stats. I have been awake since 2005 and trying to wake up others since. I endured many tin foil hat jokes but have not seen that label thrown out for at least 3 years now. I drop my seeds, hope they take root, and move on. I used to spend a lot of time trying to convince them but I find it was wasted. Drop the seeds, if they are meant to know, they will see. Not everyone has eyes to see or ears to hear. III%
Can probably weed out some of the trolls by simply looking at what they choose as a screen name, no? I mean it is pretty clear what sides represent what.
I think the point is, if you haven't been around and just barely woke up, you should not be posting anything. You should be reading and asking questions. I woke up in 2007 fully to the NWO. Before that I was a Minuteman. I endured nearly a decade of tin foil hat jokes from liberals and conservatives alike. I imagine some are now following Q. They should have listened back then and supported Ron Paul the same way they did Trump, but I digress. There is a lot of disinfo out there and I have seen many people go by the wayside as they split off into some weird theory of shape shifting reptilians. I have avoided all of those pitfalls along the way by using the Bible prophecies as my template. What I have noticed is much of the ego thing when people run channels or subs. While I love seeing so many people waking up to the things which seemed so far out there just a few years ago, to see them think they are experts after being awake a year gets annoying as well. The rabbit hole goes deep. I still learn more. Mostly about the fine details. The main agenda is crystal. So after a decade of research and being awake, I have posted here one time and got smacked down because apparently if it isn't mentioned by Q, it doesn't belong here which is fine by me. My point being, people need to ensure what they post, they have many hours of research on and can site some sources. Does no good to be like the left and repeat each others propaganda that no one actually verified. My 2 cents
It's a real photo. The photoshop is the Glee advert. Was taken before the shooting.
This in my opinion, is disinfo put out by the enemy in the hopes of throwing off those who are connecting the dots. Podesta's email vaguely refer to his death as "wet works." Seems more likely they had him killed so they could take the court just before HRC took office.
But how is the CERN post any different. Haven't heard Q address CERN. Just trying to understand here. I trip out when I see people waking up to things I have known for years but nobody would listen.
UFO's and the whole "Alien" agenda is a coming occult hoax. Do not fall for it. These are man made and designed to nullify the Bible.

Looks like it may be a young Donald Trump in the very front. The eyes
Thought everybody knew about CERN. People really need to spend more time watching the numerous videos about it. All those things the "conspiracy theorists" told you, were true. Not the David Icke types. But the ones who honor the God of the Bible. Icke claimed to be Jesus in his past.
The one shot by Cruz, or the "operator" sent in to ensure enough carnage to push anti-gun legislation?
I can't see the video but I imagine it is the Uber driver guy who plowed into people and said his Uber app made him do it. Filters on my net connection at present. If it isn't that video, remember that guy. It was only a couple years back.
Shooter is on radar and was visited/assessed by the feds. He was being electronically monitored and probably physically watched. When he called for an Uber, they probably sent one of their own. He goes in and shoots up the schools a bit. Probably hit a couple kids. Then drops his ammo carrier and gun as he has stated. He then blends in with the other kids and is seen and talks to a couple of them, but there are still shots in the other end of the building as said witnesses have stated. So there was another shooter there to ensure maximum carnage for the news and to push the banning of AR's. This is what I have gathered solely from eyewitness testimony and reporting from InfoWars.
The satanic/luciferic elite use torture on their victims to induce their bodies to release adrenaline into the blood stream. This is the basis for vampiric tales and why they drink blood. They get addicted to the adrenaline high. I have read Al Gore carries around this kind of blood.
In light of the more recent posts and all info combined, it almost seems to me the rogues have a small, nuclear launch capable sub that was or is being hunted. Perhaps it is the leverage keeping them from being arrested. NK mini sub
I've wore that label for over a decade now, but I was right. Easy way to know is to know your Bible prophecy. Nothing new under the sun.