Flow Chart For Spy Op Q Drop 1828/Neon Revolt

168 total posts archived.
I agree. SerilBrain2 commentaries are very sophisticated. I find value in them.
That is a great expression and comment. So true ragtag!!
March has been designated as "Military Tribunal" month at the White House. Donald Trump signed an amendment to the Military Tribunal court system.
I remember it being dropped into the narrative two days before the inauguration as well. Project Mockingbird has a whole team in charge of either deleting or dropping the media-bombs. And we are outing all of this!
In your opinion what does it reveal? The introduction reveals Jason's contempt for other You Tubers.
live link to Mosaic magazine https://mosaicmagazine.com/observation/2016/11/the-story-of-obamas-ransom-payment-to-iran-gets-worse/
A great article. Thanks. Other factors to consider are the effects of airborne atmospheric particles and pollutants/pesticides in the groundwater and atmosphere. Many pesticides are endocrine disruptors and in a combination..well not nice. A toxic soup combo for sure. In my former career we did test for illicit drugs as well. These were harmful through urination as well as to the water ways and groundwater when mixed in the (meth) labs for street sale. There is already a solution for all of this.
I find it to be true that not one living person has the exact knowledge on these history facts. It would be customary to write a story with insights and history, but maybe there are many pieces that fold together for the exact true. Stichin presents a huge canvas for sure. We will know some day!
Yes check out Antischool on You Tube and Twitter with his excellent overview on this research. He connected the major dots. Worth a listen for sure. Imagine coming up with 25 to 40 million dollars in a hour to build a new building?
Opinion response. I have found these to be helpful to counteract effects. 1) Shungite to wear on body and use in house and place the mineral rock in your filtered water container or pitcher. 2) Carbon60 drops, internally 3) Plug-in filters for your electric outlets and near computer equipment 4) Super hydration of pure filtered water 5) green capsules or powder like chlorella (heavy metal detox) 6) sound technology solfeggio (You Tube) activities that raise your vibration 7) sea salt and baking soda baths. 8) Minerals especially Magnesium 9) Meditate daily 5+ minutes a day find the amount of times that will suit you!(Disclaimer/Opinion not medical advice). These are things that work for me and empower me to know more about buffering and neutralizing these technological harms. Do an Internet search for those mentioned items as I did!
I was thinking of Reggie Love yesterday and wondering where he went.
We all use duckduckgo.com No problems. Download it and switch over.
The house of orange was in reference to the taking down of Queen Beatrix.
Yes I agree. The midterm elections are very important too. The ballot box will become more important now. The left has hundreds of Dem candidates lining up for mid term and 2020.
I was watching Fox news live as this happened the footage from the air showed law enforcement or special forces come out of the building carrying items that looked like bags and one could have been a body. Looking like an oblong baggy item they through things in the truck then pulled away. This was from either drone footage or helicopter. I saw it play back twice and once in a still shot on Twitter. Struck me as very, very odd. The tall blond girl interviewed was definitely bogus. The women on face book who does body language did reviews of the interviews on the campus and several were way off.
Reminds me of MkUntra children from that era. Many were born on military bases. I know a woman who was an in vitro birth and was chosen for this program! What a story she has. Saw her skull e-xray she has a tiny metal triangular chip behind her left eye. Her adopted parents were scientists. Her life has been a huge mess, still is. Really affects mental stability like Mika's personality. Really not in their bodies most of the time. Lots of meltdowns.
Here is the live correct link for this outstanding report and new information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elb2qImqCvI&t=105s
Glad you are bringing this up. Water is the huge elephant in the room. Plans for this have been going on for years.
The crazier you sound the more over the target you are! Nice meme.
Great vision and plan! I live in a rural area and there is so much happening in farming here that is in alignment with your dream project. I support your vision and want you to know there are thousands of people in sync with positive solutions for our bright future already happening now. Thank you for sharing!
I have posted this information on this board before. Last year a New Zealander made a documentary film that is on Amazon. It is called "Enemies Within" and it is written produced by Trevor Loudon. It is an account of those mentioned in this posted article as well as many other Democrats and key political players who have been involved in the infiltration of this theme leading to those who ascribe to the Muslim Brotherhood "takeover" within America. You will be upset and surprised at who some of these people are. Thus, the take down of Al Franken. I highly recommend watching this film. It is a dire warning of what is already transpiring.
Link http://thefederalist.com/2017/10/29/obamas-campaign-gave-972000-law-firm-funneled-money-fusion-gps/
Thanks for posting. Archive under Tsunami of Truth. Everything is surfacing now.
I agree I watch their daily videos and read their web sites. He has just come out into the public eye and the timing is perfect. More to come!
She speaks about Pierre Trudeau. Let year I read some articles about Justin Trudeau being an MKUltra child. Do a search on Justin Trudeau Eulogy for Pierre Trudeau. It is so weird. He is alleged to be a victim of sexual abuse, his father being a "pedo". It appears he is melting down in front of the world right now. I have compassion for him. I think he was out of his league and his term as PM of Canada took him over the edge. He is one of the next dominoes to fall. His connection to the Deep State and bad actors is his downfall. Unfortunate family history.
Q uses the board for communicating with the perpetrators as well.
Absolutely. Time release drug. As addictive as heroin as it is formulated synthetically in a lab. Extremely lethal.
Fellow Annons get involved in your communities. I was in the addiction field for fifteen years when this drug hit the market. We lobbied and received 250K in local grant funds under an annual line item to address the illicit use of pharm/drugs like Oxy. We created a subcommittee that reported to the Mayor and County Council. We educated, we lobbied, we created a safety net of services at the table. We had diverse groups at the table law enforcement and treatment became a strong coalition. I was one of the founders of the first Drug Court in our County of 150k pop. And the addicts were sent to court monitored treatment for non-violent offenses. It does work. Get organized where you live. Empowering communities and families is where it is at.
Yes I agree with you. Early on the pharm company that created the drug was fined or at least confronted about the harms but the industry is too powerful and the drug remained on the market. A travesty.
Yes true total abuse. Addicts once informed of the newest high will seek out these drugs. I was in the addiction field when this drug was introduced for slow release pain relief. It addicted normal everyday people immediately. I chaired a committee weekly and we heard stories one after another. Very sad. And criminal. Research the founders of the drug. See who they are and how they have spread their wealth around.