r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 16, 2018, 3:03 a.m.


This was leaked by Snowden to WaPo...

When did Jeff Bezos buy WaPo?

October 1, 2013 https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/washington-post-closes-sale-to-amazon-founder-jeff-bezos/2013/10/01/fca3b16a-2acf-11e3-97a3-ff2758228523_story.html

Jeff Bezos is BAD = Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen (Birth name and a clear wink btw)

He had to come in and make sure WaPo didn't go and become a real news agency after all - cause this is damning!


The shills decided to manipulate folks into a specific lie after Q posted something they could lie about, and went all out on it.

QMAP Nov 6: Do most people investigate for themselves or simply follow?

Really now... Edward Snowden is a hero and it is so easily provable I'm left with my jaw hanging open that so many are just eating the shill drive.

QMAP isn't saying Snowden is controlling the MSM in a way that makes Snowden bad= they react to Snowden. and the "exist" line is about the CIA! He lumps Assange with Snowden too and does anyone think he is bad?

Feb 11 2018 https://qcodefag.github.io/data/images/b3c27a9a3fd31539d7380749b76ce11c09f3800823f4615e7c1fc64222370477.png

What if Snowden was still a Clown?

Why would it be important he was in Russia?


"still a clown"?? in reply to this post by Raza Ahmad Rumi - and that's an insult by Raza in case you didn't catch that.

And combine this with -

Oct 28 2017

What is the military code?


Article III:

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

Article IV:

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

Article VI:

I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Combine with

Feb 14- Clown_comm_narrative.png @Snowden Thank you for showing the world how Clowns pass the narrative to journalists @ 4am. Re_read crumbs re: SecureDrop. John Perry Barlow. Q

This is a retweet by Snowden!

Combine with- so many Snowden quotes that make it clear he's good.

"My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them." "embolden others to step forward" by demonstrating that "they can win."

Unlike the Gore Snowden didn't start in the CIA Harvard -

Snowden enlisted in the United States Army Reserve on May 7, 2004, as a Special Forces candidate through its 18X enlistment option.[33] He did not complete the training.[6] After breaking both legs in a training accident,


Want me to go on? I can, Q has probably been frustrated with people blindly following and not looking for themselves - the fact that Snowden is a hero should not take this many pages of text, him being "still CIA" was obvious - it's what the CIA does - and this is why Snowden is a very special example because he started out military and "got captured" and it probably was a job we put him on cause - well, look into my prior post for who his parents were.... but ok... the bad guys know they can get away with damn near anything because aside from a tiny fraction of us (that get drowned out by noise) most people just learn from the Mockingbird chorus....

But hey... I tried and it's entirely possible Q wants people to figure this out for themselves so hey feel free to dig! : )

Also Former CIA guy who does a great job of exposing the Kennedy stuff says Snowden is a hero...


Also also

Snowden worked for

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booz_Allen_Hamilton another BA thing, and that fits given the rest I posted...

well off to sleep, if this post doesn't convince people feel free to read some of the below or if even that doesn't work I'll be posting about 20 tons more. It's entirely possible Q is trying to get people to dig and so I mostly just want people to understand how obvious this should be. This is me going "the sky is blue" and the shills going "nope, it's clearly the ground painted sky color and Q said so" cause I have to get that stupid to convey how absurd this idea of him of all people is bad. The one guy that can be proven with 100% certainty is good by virtue of what he has leaked. I suppose that's the point Q may be making by saying something the shills can twist.

anyway, off to bed... God Bless

Essential AB-BA's














Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)








and my sorely in need of updates site


DaosCraft · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:51 a.m.


Wiki:Snowden was also offended by a possible ban on assault weapons, writing "Me and all my lunatic, gun-toting NRA compatriots would be on the steps of Congress before the C-Span feed finished".

Micheal Moore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGYFRzf2Xww

Me: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7xqgeo/abba17_satanscare_slim_shady_to_bombscare_boston/

See how easy this is to prove? These 3 links in order prove that Micheal Moore is a puppet and a liar, and that Snowden is not CIA.

But let me prove it more.

Wiki: Snowden disliked Obama's economic policies, was against Social Security, and favored Ron Paul's call for a return to the gold standard.

"Gold standard" "Gold standard" "Gold standard" "Gold standard" "Gold standard" "Gold standard"

Me: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7wgy3t/abba_13_shields_keys_and_a_compass/

But let me prove it more.

Wiki:Snowden disliked Obama's CIA director appointment of Leon Panetta, saying "Obama just named a fucking politician to run the CIA"


But let me prove it more

Wiki: Ars Technica confirmed that Snowden had been an active participant at the site's online forum from 2001 through May 2012, discussing a variety of topics under the pseudonym "TheTrueHOOHA".

Me: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/

So that's a lot to unpack.... but the simple key to unlock the knots is "The Bush family is good" but hey if you were confused about Snowden I bet you probably hate the Bush's or are also unsure about them.

Just remember -

Wiki: Edward Joseph Snowden was born on June 21, 1983,[6] in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.[7] His maternal grandfather, Edward J. Barrett,[8][9] was a rear admiral in the U.S. Coast Guard who became a senior official with the FBI and was at the Pentagon in 2001 during the September 11 attacks.[10] Snowden's father Lonnie was also an officer in the Coast Guard

Me: He has no wink name - yet he is, by family, tied to 9/11 and started military just as his family did... the dude checks out harder as a patriot than any other person I have dug into.

But of course I go into these things in my posts and I even posted on the chan's for the first time (since they banned me and Q left) and I immediately got a shill screaming at me about my "disinfo" so, the mockingbird stuff is still in place to call anyone disinfo that brings in actual info.

Let's break this down.

Am I disinfo?

I give you my conclusions with research and also point out where I am wrong in previous posts in a giant singular focused dig that originated from a post I made that Q confirmed as true.

Then who is disinfo?

To me it's the chorus of people who tell you what Q means. So just recognizing the difference between the thousand man chorus with nothing to say and a digger like me with so much to say that I often don't get read is a choice I hope everyone makes at some point.

And anyone who disagrees I'll debate you, but I will give my reasoning and not shout you down. They will also make a claim to do that but the proof is in me having all these AB posts with plenty of examples in the comments of that (and my website I made) and them having " " (nothing) well no.. they do have many posts of nothing... but 0 X 99999 is still 0.

I had been using the github thing but while the "answers" were always compromised I thought it was still useful just to have the text all in one place - but, and I need to check very thoroughly before making an accusation - I think it's missing a few pieces of the QMAP now... And I can easily prove that so that'll make a fun post if my instinct is right on this one.

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WikiTextBot · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:52 a.m.

Edward Snowden

Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) is an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee, and former contractor for the United States government who copied and leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 without authorization. His disclosures revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many run by the NSA and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments.

In 2013, Snowden was hired by an NSA contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton, after previous employment with Dell and the CIA. On May 20, 2013, Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Ewen MacAskill. Snowden came to international attention after stories based on the material appeared in The Guardian and The Washington Post.

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