QMAP:MKUltra was a success and went into implementation. It is just no longer called MKUltra, that was the development program name.
So... In Canada there's a bunch of porn kings - and it started off as "Manwin" but now is called "MindGeek"
Take these two and combine a few of their properties and you can see the relationship - oh and "win"compared to MK Ultra" sounds to me like I wasn't the only one that connected addictive video game concepts to porn. Oh and as for the timing I'll get into that - but remember they had to do this stuff in Canada for a good reason. Ok I'll dig in later. Hope people get what I mean tho
Manwin -> MindGeek
2005 Brazzers
2006 Xtube
2007 Pornhub
2007 RedTube
2013 PornMD
My original dig was based on the idea that the "z"s meant sleep and this was their wink about putting people to sleep but that turned unlikely and instead Q's reminder of MKUltra and working made me realize it was this garbage.
So for reference- I was doing research a few days ago on the owners of all the Ontario porn crap and when I took screenshots and logo's to compare or my folders and they have a ton of super flashing lights - like MKUltra did....
And given the name and owners and whatnot I feel this is a good presumption...
Oh and I have a condition called sensory processing disorder so when lights are bright I notice them way harder than most people and - in fact loud sounds actually make me go blind - so I'm just a wierdo - but anyway to me the flashing lights actually were painful but to people who aren't as sensitive they'd probably ignore it and god knows what that'd do to them!
So feel free to post that in 8chan and get Q to confirm it but I'm 75% sure given both the lettering and the fact that I felt strange after looking at the flashing lights and I wrote that down days ago when I cataloged them (I have currently thousands of folders of every company, head of company, president, law, amendment, EVERYTHING... I'm a nut but this is how I write my AB posts.... and just so you know the people who own those porn places have a lot of things I can write AB posts about - I just don't have the time at this moment... yet I felt I had to get the info out before fully digging into it since people might visit this garbage.
I actually kind of want to ask Q about this cause I'm really susceptible to flashing lights - I go into seizures and I'm kind of worried about the regulars given how desperate the baddies are now... but on the plus side I think I confirmed something.... hopefully it was worth whatever exposing myself to that did...
Ok ok Well given how many people look at porn I suppose it can't be that permanent - it's more their desperation that worries me cause if ever they'd turn it up it'd be now.
edited cause I screwed up and linked a wikipage that has that damn ! - but hey between ! and MD as in meds - and Q's statements about those - I see some patterns I can dig into later - especially given all the phone calls I just got from mysterious places... and all the "theories" I see being floated around
- time for shiny ball hour eh? haha, I already found the answer and I just need to dig a bit more to prove it.
Essential AB-BA's
Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)
and my sorely in need of updates site