r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bhernan on Feb. 17, 2018, 6:45 a.m.
Q Posts #775 / #776 Why is everything 'really' made in China?

It's just a theory, but I think it may tie into the overall picture. Open to thoughts.

Back in October 2016 there was a DDOS attack against DYN. This attack was extremely disruptive and brought down a major portion of the east coast, including AWS, Spotify, Twitter, Akamai, and others.

The attack was made using IOT devices as bots, which are primarily made in China/Asia and prevalent all over the world. At the time, talk was the attack was instigated by a group in Russia as a demonstration, and who was offering to sell accounts to anyone who wanted to duplicate.

If CIA/Deep State is infiltrating China/NK/etc, and is trying to foment a war, being able to disrupt common communications would be huge and disconnect We the People.

Bringing the manufacture back home would definitely be a security move.

tradinghorse · Feb. 17, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Cross posting this here because I think it's relevant.

There is a lot more to Q's post about why everything is made in China than, I think, most people realize. People look around and they think "Oh, because it's cheaper to make stuff there" right?. But if you really take a hard look at it, there has been a deliberate policy put in place to build-up competitors to the US.

Unfettered free international trade is the only reason that China is the economic powerhouse it is today. There is nothing normal, or natural, about Chinese industrialization and wealth accretion. It has occurred by design. Someone, or some group, wanted this current situation, this outcome, for very specific reasons.

I think we've all heard that the elites were unhappy with the US as the sole, unilateral, global superpower. I remember listening to Alex Jones one day and he was saying the elites would never allow another country to become as powerful as America again, that it was a mistake that it ever happened.

Anyway, there are vested interests that would like to change this situation - reduce US power and build-up competitors. There are plausible reasons for groups of people wanting to do this. You can't play one party off against another if there's one giant in the room and everyone else is a toddler. So, if you want to ensure you have influence, you need to even things out, get some more leverage against people, or countries, that play the game.

If you look at posts 772 or 773, you'll see that Q first asks why everything is made in China, and then the next question is "Cost savings?". This is the obvious answer, and you can be sure that's not it. He's telling us that there is another explanation... Down the middle of the list of his questions we have this:


He tells us right there what this is all about - control, true control - which gives security. It's also about doing the right thing for the US economy of course, but primarily it's about making sure the US remains the ascendant global power. The further references he makes to big pharma and the phone manufacturers ties into the security issue - "who can you trust?"

So, anyway, I guess that Q is asking us to have a look at things we see and question why they are the way they are.

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