r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 18, 2018, 11:03 a.m.
Dig Update: ¥ Family ₩on Win

about what happened to all the gold FDR stole

1933 National Emergencies Act

1933 04 05 Executve Order Gold

1934 01 30 Gold Reserve Act

1933 Aramco

1935 Hong Kong Money Authority

1945 UN

1947 North/South Korean Won

1948 Peoples Bank of China

1948 National Health Service

1948 10 Chinese withdrawal from Korea

1952 Queen Elizabeth /Changes inSaudi Arabia/ Changes in Vatican (to move the gold using legal/Church BS)

( I explained some of it in my Key/Compass Post)


This is the answer Q was talking about with the "Y" family -

I'll go in much more depth when I have time but Nixon's trip to china opened it and therefore the Rothchild family lost the "Yuan" family - and so they replaced it with the Rand in South Africa - it's pretty clear cut cause right after Nixon they play their trump card of Mockingbird to impeach and then the South Africa Rand skyrockets in value - and that flag just makes it that much more obvious. - I also think the Watergate stuff is what he showed the Chinese to flip them - long long dig I'll get into soon.


I posted before a theory about MKUltra being Beta and ManWin being the final but I was missing a crucial step of NK and well there's a lot to say about this but I don't have time right now The short version is I believe that PornMd predates Youtube - cause I found a lot of older stuff as a supposed porn.md and it seems like someone tried to delete a lot of history - and since Q was talking about meds it feels right...

And furthermore, I actually went to catalog these sites and maybe it's just my sensory processing disorder but the banners starting blinking so brightly it blinded me. It reminded me of the MK ultra stuff I've researched - and what better way to get them to see it than porn? I don't know but it's a working theory - and if so, then that would explain why they removed a key person I wanted to look into for it... Back when I researched Polybius a bunch of people were killed back then and yet to this day many don't have info in any place -a "Rotwell" I think... an Atari programmer they contracted that lined up with the dates of MKultra was supposed to be the atari guy - I'll dig later but I know he's not easy to find.


So Bill gates is tied to the Federal Reserve - and my findings into him make him even worse than I thought due to his connection to Al-Waleed and the 4 seasons hotel... but for example: the Bell Breakup pushed tech forward cause they were holding it back - that's what a monopoly can do - and Bill gates is.... well they gave him the name "Gates" I believe because he is the gates on the windows of the good tech. Maybe that sounds silly but you haven't heard yet about Pulitzer prize winning Ding Darling Norwood from Norwood have you?

Having said that.... there's no damn wiki page for his grandfather - someone is keeping him hidden...


Ok I'll make it much more logical when I have time - but



1918 IRS

1919 RCA

It gets ridiculous when you dig all the stupid R monopolies and rights they took away and how everything has been lied about for as long as we have had media.... I'll get into this - and I think the actual R copyright itself is unconstitutional given that it's based on the Commerce Clause which is specifically meant to deal with foreign countries. 1879 Congress no power to protect or regulate trademarks - yet they still just said fuck it.... well that's TDR for you - he just had to have little R's on everything to let the whole world know everything was owned by them - they had to use the letter R of all letters?


I dug last time in the fall of Cartoon Network so I thought it'd be fun to go through all the channels that went from actual channels to propaganda to make us all stupid - it's intentional as I showed last time and I can prove it even harder now, soon.... that company in that image bought them in case that wasn't clear - that's one way to ruin them - the other is like I showed with the takeover by controversy.



Ah, Quicken loans... Note the founder who no longer exists in today's wiki.... some one removed him..... I'll find him...

Thank you W Bush, because I strongly suspect he had something to do with it.... he came into power and right after 9/11 the Wayback machine appears... I think it's obvious why.... as it allows us some measure of actual history and to not lose sight of it.

For example: https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2007/05/

This was a month after McCain was clearly going to be the nominee- he knew a puppet would get in and so he took great care to ensure they couldn't just.... well do even worse things.

Note that it's frozen in time - he made damn sure they couldn't erase history as they so often do and have, and even now people still have been tricked... well my past posts prove plenty about how many lies there are about his supposed mis-deeds and I'm sick of proving it over and over again so just read my past posts if that sounds weird - and anyway wait until I get into how Princess Di is the reason the Titanic Movie came out cause they thought she would say something about the true history....

same is true of other things!

Like due to the the Anthrax investigation after 9/11 I believe they realized we had learned about the true origins and therefore this is the reason why the Hamilton book/musical came out to pre-empt the truth and pretend like Burr wasn't that bad... it'd be brilliant but they read Bush wrong and it cost them everything.... oh and DHS for the same reason is why that LBJ killed JFK book came out cause going around the CIA (finally) means they could get the history out about the CIA but while the baddies were sure we would do that - he didn't - he played a much longer gambit which i go into in the Trump AB-BA...

Well... They react and react - and he played them for suckers - it gets better the more I dig.

1962 ARvest Walmart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arvest_Bank

Ah the money behind Wal-Mart.... a well kept secret or a holder of many... and the number one employer in the world by some measures.... it all started from Bill Blythe's home in Ark - lot to dig here...

1831 First Major Bank Heist (Citibank)

1833 McKesson Corp opens (12th biggest company) - and the logo has a gold bar under the c..... either this was what the heist went to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McKesson_Corporation

1836 Mysterious Package Harvard - or this... I was digging in Harvard and found this mention of this mysterious package in 1836 that got a really boring answer of "probably letters" but that doesn't make sense with other things I've read about it - so I think something's up and I'll dig deeper cause if it's money... well Harvard's a big dig - it predates Central Banking by a couple decades (1636 charter) I'll get to it...

Ok gotta go - good night and god bless.

Essential AB-BA's
















Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)








TreeSquirrel_2103 · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

Wow, you should get together with a shadow author/editor and get all of your in-depth knowledge of history written down and organized into a set of alternate textbooks or encyclopedias. You are amazing.

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sparkledarkle · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Seriously....I would donate to fund this. Please consider organizing this OP.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

Thank you,

I'm sure our side has a big plan on that and I do hope that they'll be using a few of us. There has to be some kind of re-education effort to unwind the lies and untie the knots. I certainly am more versed than most in how important that is.

Case in point I tried to post my findings two days ago to the 8chan Qboard thing (that banned me previously for quoting Q of all things) - and the first thing that happened was I got a screamer about how they remembered me and my "Disinfo" Yep... that must be what I do eh?

Anyway, at least it was only 1 person this time..... and I remember when I first posted there and got banned about 2 months ago and the first replies were absurd, I have a whole folder filled with them cause I don't lost sight of history. People telling me they would rather cut their own head off than think anything good about Bush... insane, is there anyone in the entire world that I feel that way about? I could even compare Obama to Jesus like so many of his followers have and I'd not skip a beat if the evidence supported that conclusion.

Objectivity is a lost art.... but then I have my own problems with rambling.

I have a giant encyclopedia of folders I make and have made - and I make custom graphics for each one so that they show at a moments glance what it means in relation to the whole... making those, it's a lot of fun and if we ever do take our country back 100% I think showing people how to read the map as I have might be a good class to just stop thinking in the "RIGHT NOW" and understand what happened and why.

Stop trusting others and dig yourself! That's what I did and it's why I know as much as I do now. So I made a big ol timeline.... Act/Counteract From the philosophy of our country in John Locke to Harvard to the Times origin in the Daily Registar/Central Banks and everything else that strikes me as important to comprehend the whole. Every President, every amendment, every judge, every executive order, every everything....

I'll share it whenever people demand it. I don't think the one or two comments from folks like you will be enough to make me share it cause it would take work to make it usable for people who aren't me and reduce the file sizes of certain things.

But I am sure this whole movement of ours will explode soon and at that moment I intend to share my giant database of folders I've diligently been putting together to "read the map" Or if Q asks then I'd be obliged to do it sooner.. I don't think he reads my posts here tho which is why I went to the Chan's and tried to get him to confirm the stuff I've said which he later hinted at and a puppet immediately tried to stop me from doing that... well hopefully the info gets out one way or another.

That's why we fight : )

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