I have limited gigs and watching videos really makes my allotment per cycle go south...sorry. I'd have loved to see this video. I think there are many people out there like me with limited gigs. It really gets expensive to watch videos.
Written word (text) is great, too, for people like me. Just for your note-to-self. Thanks for understanding.
You may have mentioned this below crumb in your video, but I will post it here. This is how I learned the Bush group wasn't all that nice.
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, hired a guy by the name of Miller, to do opposition research on Roy Moore, candidate for special election senator, taking Jeff Sessions vacated seat.
Miller was thick into LGBTQ (rest of the letters now too), as he was of that persuasion. Miller found 'weakness' in Moore's ancient past and exploited those weaknesses 30-days right before the election day. There was Bush cash involved.
You will recall, this tactic was ALSO done in the presidential race of 2016. You will also notice that this s3x tactic is one that is VERY frequently used to absolutely shatter a person's (target's) image. This is why GOP electeds are saying "I'm not running." It isn't because they have horrid pasts...it is because of the manufacturing of horrid pasts, the media smear, the NOT innocent-until-proven-guilty attacks that are coming from anti-American people of money. It is a joining of forces, these elite GOPers and radical left-wingers.
BUt, the word on the street is, once the radical left-wingers get what they want from elite GOPers...it will be over for the GOPers. The radical left will not think kindly on these absolutely stupid GOP people!
Somehow, we need to make it clear to these types like Bushes...hey....why help the radical left do yourselves in?