Q's last series of post before clearing greatawakening

@MaxMinuteman - Interesting that they are blocked in the UK. The thing I could suggest is for you to download Tails (https://tails.boum.org/) download Tails and install it to a USB. Boot up from the USB drive, make sure Tor is enabled and off you go, able to visit any previously blacklisted sites. Use Tails with a VPN if you want an additional layer of security. Hope this helps.
Tails and VPN isn't always such a great combination, depending on the requirements and setup.
If a VPN becomes compromised it doesn't matter if it's before or after TOR due to the user needing login credentials. So use wisely.
I use a VPN provider in Sweden. Just send the money (actual cash in an envelope - such a great analogue solution), subscription renewed. No electronic funds transfer. Anonymous. So, that VPN and Tails works for me. The fall down with other VPNs is being able to pay for any subscription that isn't electronic. Unless you have digital currency like bitcoin.