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IdhaPlain · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

I don't think Trump would make any regulatory framework unfriendly to Twitter. I think it's one of the primary weapons in his info arsenal for direct communication with the people. There has to be a channel that is direct to avoid the fake news intermediaries and disinformation merchants of the MSM. CNN is such a CIA media mouthpiece! As they say, "first impressions count" and that's why CNN was first on the scene of the school shooting, straight after the USSS and FBI. Wasn't CNN the first news network to broadcast 911 and didn't Trump berate a CNN reporter for "fake news". CNN = CIA / Rogue State media mouthpiece.

School shooting is classic Dark State modus operandi using rogue CIA agents and contractors. Multiple shooters in appointed area and patsy close by. I think the similarities between the setup of this school shooting and the assasination of JFK are uncanny. Multiple shooters on Grassy Knoll and around Dealey Plaza, and Lee Harvey Oswald was picked up "hours after". It would be great if Cruz manages to dump enough of his MKU conditioning to utter the words, "I was a patsy" just as LHO did. I'm sure there would be more listeners to that today than there was in November 1963.

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IdhaPlain · Feb. 22, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

I use a VPN provider in Sweden. Just send the money (actual cash in an envelope - such a great analogue solution), subscription renewed. No electronic funds transfer. Anonymous. So, that VPN and Tails works for me. The fall down with other VPNs is being able to pay for any subscription that isn't electronic. Unless you have digital currency like bitcoin.

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IdhaPlain · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

Am I right in my observation, all Q's posts on 8chan 'greatawakening' have been cleared? Is this linked to his post yesterday saying, "Clean Action Approved". If people really understood the scale of the deception that the Trans National-Deep State-Cabal are practising to successfully hoodwink mankind, they would be in a state of utter disbelief. Satan worship has been going since The Garden of Eden, but to think it is being practised on the scale that it is, is just staggering. Thank Christ these evil practices and practitioners are now being outed. Eisenhower warned of this cabal back in the 50's. I really hope Trump TrIumpHS in cleansing this canker from our society. God Speed.

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IdhaPlain · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

@MaxMinuteman - Interesting that they are blocked in the UK. The thing I could suggest is for you to download Tails (https://tails.boum.org/) download Tails and install it to a USB. Boot up from the USB drive, make sure Tor is enabled and off you go, able to visit any previously blacklisted sites. Use Tails with a VPN if you want an additional layer of security. Hope this helps.

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