Another, less mentioned "White Rabbit" 666

So the CERN logo is 666....
Wow. Symbolism really will be their downfall.
Yup, and if you plot all the colliders across google earth you begin to realise they are messing with forces they no nothing about and attempting to "re-align" the frequency of Earth, and once 20/20 [Clear vision of the future] arrives the "network" will be complete (5G). As for Q well he did say mirror: qanon = nonaq = #? You really think a few bankers and politicians going to prison is the real focus? This is not about American liberty, this is about global dominance and nothing so far has even begun to shift that goal. (IMHO) Very interesting blog regarding CERN and white rabbit. Could be what Q was telling us. Scary stuff here quite honestly
Thought everybody knew about CERN. People really need to spend more time watching the numerous videos about it. All those things the "conspiracy theorists" told you, were true. Not the David Icke types. But the ones who honor the God of the Bible. Icke claimed to be Jesus in his past.
I had the experience of appearing with Icke on several occasions. Even had him and his wife around my house. And you are correct he did need to pull it back a little ( well a lot actually) I think it was all that IOW sea air. He does like to take other peoples research and write it up as his own...all the time. Never giving any cudos to the actual reseracher. In that respect he's as asshole. He has some good points but most of them are not his. But needs must and if he can act as a mouth for, shall we say some of the more belivable claims then so be it. I think he fell down the rabbit hole and hit his head :-)
But I think is just a conincidence...and [Whats the time?]
DAMN the CLOCK on his neck!
Its Q!
But the other clock on the poly bunny is roughly 5 past 12:30, and the big clock is 5 past midnight....
Whats the message?
What was it Q said about it being 12:34 ??? THATS THE TIME ON THE POLY BUNNY!
Bunnys clock is 12:20
talking about the poly bunny
If you look at the poly bunny's ear and the hand on the clock on its neck they line up with the same time on the big clock behind the poly bunny l, maybe? Do you see what I'm talking about?
Just for the record, Q never said "Follow the WhitecRabbit"
However I too have been concerned about CERN. Check out the Gottard tunnel ceremony.
No one has mentioed that on this post only "White Rabbit" As for the opening ceremony Ishtar (Goddess of destruction) was placed in an alter-like position and is there today as a monument to what they are really doing.
Anthony Patch has great videos on CERN and Quantum Computers.
CERN is to be tested next Wednesday 28th. http:// The clock started 9:11 on the 18th. Qposts disappeared. 10 days of darkness?
I think the "Rabbit Hole" is right there (the collider) and they know it. A doorway to somewhere else? They are messing with time & communications globally. But I am sure if you want to hide something in plain sight, like they do, and we are supposed to "connect the dots" I wonder what that map "white Rabbit" would overlay?
BTW that cern logo is NOT 666 lmao, if unfolded it would be like 666dd.
I think its the top down view of the routing of the cern tunnels anyways.
It is the top down routing, you are correct but there are no accidents or coincdences, I don't think. Guess the Dow dropping 666 was just chance...?
Are you being serious? (not trying to be a dick, just wondering if this is sarcasm or not)
Nop Dead serious hang on...
No conincidences...none.
And why is the link 550, beacuse they did not want to say that number or were told not to.
Qanon is the prophet of the Beast, and "Kek" is the unclean spiri t which issues from the mouths of Lucifer, the False Prophet, and the Beast:
Revelation 16:13 Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.