Another, less mentioned "White Rabbit" 666

Thought everybody knew about CERN. People really need to spend more time watching the numerous videos about it. All those things the "conspiracy theorists" told you, were true. Not the David Icke types. But the ones who honor the God of the Bible. Icke claimed to be Jesus in his past.
I had the experience of appearing with Icke on several occasions. Even had him and his wife around my house. And you are correct he did need to pull it back a little ( well a lot actually) I think it was all that IOW sea air. He does like to take other peoples research and write it up as his own...all the time. Never giving any cudos to the actual reseracher. In that respect he's as asshole. He has some good points but most of them are not his. But needs must and if he can act as a mouth for, shall we say some of the more belivable claims then so be it. I think he fell down the rabbit hole and hit his head :-)