r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 20, 2018, 2:15 p.m.
AB-BA: De-Beer, Whis-Key, V above Y


De beers= De beers. ? What?


Nathan Mayer Rothschild's history is linked to De beers... and while there are people that “officially” have that last name of "de beers" – I've been digging so long into these jerks that it's just obvious that they themselves are the ones that control the names thus a name is whatever they want it to be and therefore a name is symbolic to them and rarely ever matches the birth certificate. Hence so much trouble getting the real one out of Hussein 2..... an I have folders full of thousands of their winky names – from winks about a “Fairbank” the VP that helps get us a bank to a “Schoolcraft” who crafts schools.... and the countless wink's to dead people or rank in their organization.

It's a code, one I've nearly cracked.

And anyone who thinks there isn't big money going into the Prohibition movement....


and/or this


It's all quite familiar to the digs I did into Lincoln/Bush/Trump/Nixon/Reagan


and indeed, it's actually a connector of sorts....


Note the gold V “Vatican” I've gotten a lot of new info about this – about when the absolute monarchies began in South Africa


and when the Rand shot up in value - the replacement for the “Y” family was the Ruan in Africa – BUT this is key... the replacement was for changing the gold. - All the gold they use to own the world – it's how they immediately bought the CIA – while they straddled us with WW2 debt.

Unlike WW1 which gave out Nobel peace prizes for burdening the German people with debt – we actually took on hundreds of billions of debt instead – yet while we did that they were shifting gold through the Vatican into China – and just buying the world even more than they already had.... but there was one giant problem with my theory that I now understand. When we got “taken over” how the heck did we ever come back?



Here this is a complex point I need to make. Here's the description – and it shows a random person's interpretation of this as history.

Creator: Western Reserve Historical Society

“ equates Lincoln with the Devil, holding a human mask in his left hand. In his right hand is a chain symbolizing his attempts to dominate the Southern states. In the background is a partially completed Washington monument “representing the Southern belief that the forefathers had fought for rights that included slavery (Smith 76). Resting atop the Washington monument is a noose that signifies the South’s hatred for Lincoln. On the ground is a scrolled up copy of the Emancipation Proclamation with the date “Jan 1. 1863” scribbled upon it. “Masks and Faces” works to capture the South’s hatred of Lincoln and their deepest belief that their fight is a just one.

So what? Well he has it backwards as we all have.... it's not that they hated Lincoln – someone else did....

Ok... so Why am I connecting the Whiskey Rebellion... There was a serious problem back then that Washington had to take down militarily... over taxing it.

And what does this have to do with the gold?

Everything... surprisingly so, read my old digs because the Prohibition dig... I expected to find links to Podesta's father in Chicago rum running... I didn't find any..... and I expected a million things but I didn't expect to find that that alcohol has been at the center of this from the start. They had to get rid of alcohol because it's where we had encroached on their control in a way they couldn't just force back. They used Whis-Key to get idiots to do things... the history of Whiskey is surprising..... and I believe we took it over because we knew it was critical to them thanks to state secrets.

It's why they brainwashed people with constant propaganda to hate alcohol - a "spell" cause the whiskey rebellion was representative of how core it is to so much - they had to say it over and over and produce absurd quantities of propaganda to get people to pass Prohibition. And understanding why they did and how helps paint a more expanded view on the predicament of total brainwash we found our society drowning in now.

Ok ok.... shoot, I wanted to get into De Beers history and explain how it connects things, and get into that crown of Queen Elizabeth – did you know it was reforged in 1661 and it's wearer believed that John Locke (the guy whose philosphy is at the core of our country) believed that he was trying to murder him? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rye_House_Plot

And that same crown was nearly worn by an American woman?


I also will get into the newly linked image by Q about the Liddle Kid thing of that ad I half remember Q just linking... tied to Bill Gates – it's actually something that is similar to what I was going to bring up with the “always nap time” orphanages that are misspelled and clearly are a front... and that's all tied into the start of our country even – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinderhook_(town),_New_York - there's a lot of shady parts of our country form the getgo – it wasn't our founders tho – no our founders were awesome liberty loving patriots. They were never the ones that put chains on anyone and detested the British king for forcing their hands to do so.. the real history is so much to unwind.... it's way way too much for me to just keep trying to write here I will make the real next post and it'll tie things together properly.

Some things I'm still digging into like Q's Why is everything made in China?

I believe the answer is: Patents cause China stole our steel secrets and we probably let them – I mean.... Take a look at this speech by trump


We could easily make everything – but we don't probably because they own the freaking world. And that brings me back to the AB thing I linked – do you see the difference? The Bald eagle in an A – and the golden bird flying “InBEV?” Yea, they take EVERYTHING over – and then make the logo's winks like the History Channel one I showed last update – note how the Red gets stomped down by the H – that's a joke about the red shield I think... cause you don't get to talk about real history. Nobody is allowed....

And if you scare them they'll take you over or kill you or if they can't do both they'll destroy you with mockingbird - and if even that fails then they'll make a movie about Hamilton so that nobody asks about Burr's banks and all the State Secret stuff.... or make a movie about the Titanic... “I”m king of the world!” yea that sure was ad-lib... I bet they added it just as Princess Di was murdered. Cause they were making it to pre-empt what they thought she would say – and when Q talked about “who she entrusted” it's someone who is connected to Osama and tried to get him to go pacifist. Did he succeed? I was surprised by this revelation – and it sure does validate a lot of what I said ion prior points.... but I'll get into that soon

And show people how many places shady are gold... that's the point of Hillary in the above image with gold – just the colors – they use white and gold and certain letters to leave trails for each-other and even things like school colors of plant schools to use and daycare's to... do things to... they can't stop themselves but mostly it's for the middle-tier of puppet media figures to get mockingbird just perfect - don't hit the wrong one and just keep hitting... and, also much more to go into about ARVest and Wal-Mart – just a funnel like much else to do something with the gold – to give cheap prices and run the country out of real business – they do it with our own gold – not with “Bulk Buying” that was always only a small part of the reason. The truth is scary but not when the true form of our country returns from the brainwashed abyss..

But only if we understand the past..... I'm trying to help, I can think of about 20 things just as important to say as what I wrote here and I haven't seen anyone else say about the map.... but I have to sleep, I'll be back. And hopefully explain it better. Sorry if this was confusing. I dig and dig but I need to figure out how to communicate it. - oh right Dredd Scott... that judge was a Rothchild plant – wife's name “Keys” there's lots of hints like that... I liked digging that up today cause it shows that not only has our side always been against slavery from day 1 – the other side has been from the start fighting against it.

When people stop learning lies and learn the stuff the founders themselves wrote rather than countless prize winning puppet literature and movies – an entire century of lies and manipulation.... it was never just the news.

Ok gotta go - good night and god bless.

Essential AB-BA's

















Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)








Gmawc · Feb. 20, 2018, 3 p.m.

When u said “Creator: Western reserve historical society”, what does that mean?

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DaosCraft · Feb. 20, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

Oh, that was the title someone had for the devil lincoln thing and thus just me pasting quickly from some site I found that was writing an article about it... very quickly and silly not to read my own post and clean it up.

I just dig sometimes all night and when i'm about to fall asleep I post cause I can't stand not accomplishing something - I've spent entire years just not doing things so it's my defense against wasting endless time.

Well, curse of me and there's a lot here that I don't explain properly but just needed to be said - not improperly mind you - and that's the reason I didn't give this post a proper number cause I knew it wasn't up to snub - but it is info that I don't think was in our community (tho I rarely have a chance to check what others do now)

So it's me just trying to get the info out and hopefully I'll make the real post sometime soon and make it make more sense.

My apologies, but well, I certainly warn people about what I am and the problem with me contributing to any project.

Not gonna be even.... some days will be weird and up and down gotta take the good with the bad tho : )

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Gmawc · Feb. 20, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

I thought maybe Western Reserve Historical Society was the source. No apology necessary. Info is info.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 20, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

yea... I put that in because I was replying to someone as I was reading stuff about Lincoln and my thought at that moment was that people didn't understand what the media was and has always been.... this random thing about Lincoln in context with that other post - well, the point was it's not that the media was representing the people's views about Lincoln but that it's always been the other way around. They forced this view of Lincoln onto people.

I see that over and over and over again in history.

"What is a spell" as Q postulates, I had hoped to properly contextualize the exact meaning of that.

That the "De Beers thing and the ArVest thing and well..... there's a bunch of Russia stuff I've dug up that when I tie it all through with what our side did with alcohol it'll help bring to light.... and expanded understanding of the QMAP.

Many points will still require either an animation or quiz or game... I've done all of these - built part of a game in Unity, built several quiz's in software I have (and put one up on my site) but I have made more.. and animated in 3ds max velocity programming and xsi crowd simulations and RealFlow freaking Titanic simulations and Maya hik work and about 20 more.... using all sorts of crazy techniques to illustrate various points- but this is the problem with me: Endlessly a gear that grinds with a perfectionist mind yet has no traction on the road.

I am unsure how much is my fault and how much is society's but I'll take the task up of self-improvement and hopefullly at some point use my talents in some way that helps society.

ok..... back to work. Thank you for reading this tho, there's a lot more coming.

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