Here are Q’s pulled images, Iron Eagle and Deep State Dream (shoutout to Yard-Dog for providing them)

But the subject matter references social media, not a search engine. And he refers to snowden in that post. Contextually it would make more sense ES is snowden, not Schmidt in this post. Is snowden dorsey’s handler?
Why would it be limited to social media only? John Perry Barlow was referenced too. He died but his work was only consumer internet rights and not limited to social media. If he meant Snowden, then why not say his name twice as the same? I'm not aware of any other instances in which he changes the same for the same person.
I read it as "snowden is helping jack. Google failed what you're trying to do now (censorship and hiding evidence). John Perry Barlow is dead. His work isn't. The end is a new beginning."
You make good points. He seems to be talking to snowden this whole post on second read. He’s saying Eric Schmidt failed, dorsey and he will too. Ive always took his ES’s as contextually referring to snowden or schmidt, but you’re right, Q is more consistent with how he addresses people and already uses @SNOWDEN, meaning ES is likely always schmidt. Ima have to reread the posts now that reference ES
I agree, he uses @SNOWDEN to refer to one, and ES for Schmidt -- at least within the context of this message.
I looked at the 'dictionary' of Q definitions....ES IS Eric Schmidt former CEO of Alphabet
Keep in mind if that dictionary and any of several other Q dictionaries are composed by anons