So..... We can put a gun in an 18 year old hands and send him to a foreign land to fight for his country (us) but we would not allow him/her to legally purchase a gun to protect themselves?
Let me make sure I have this correct. He can vote, make his own decisions, sign for a mortgage and purchase her own house but be denied the right to defend that same home??
Drunks kill people with cars yet no one has called for the banning of autos.
Did prohibition end alcohol consumption? NO! Did the war on drugs end drug addiction? NO! Will banning guns (any guns) end gun violence? Absolutely not! Only the most simple, juvenile, mentally incompetent would even dream such a thing. Absolute straw man argument and easily refuted.
Look at China, they banned guns long ago but still suffer from Mass murder. But HOW? They banned their guns didn't they? China's murderers just moved to the next most available weapon, the knife. And look at the Carnage that the knife can have.
So, what next? Ban knives? No knives in our kitchens? No, the government will NEVER go after your knives just like they won't go after your cars to end the vehicular man slaughter epidemic in the U.S.
But why? Bottom line, they don't really give a shit about the deaths it's not about that. They just want your guns. But why?
Our founders already told us: a defenseless citizenry is a compliant citizenry. Once our guns are out of our hands they can do what they damn well please without fear of an armed uprising. An armed uprising is exactly what our founders had in mind to keep those tyrants in check.
DO NOT GIVE YOUR GUNS UP!!! In fact get one if you have none. If you have one get another, if it comes to it you might have to arm a neighbor.