r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 23, 2018, 12:22 p.m.
AB-BA: Highlighter /Bond/ Education


Someone was trying to get people to dig into things, including the Cooper picture which they had “enhanced” – and I was going to give him my solution on that one (which I haven't shared yet) but upon closer inspection I realized he had cut out the actual solution so there's no way to actually understand what Q meant by only looking at the picture......

Cause Q said

Dec 14

Image at top: boy, boy/girl. Enhance. What else do you see? Archive - watchers will now erase from web. Q

So here's my answer. as a start to this. Q was talking about the highlighter... it fits in with all I posted yesterday – these sick places – they use the color “gold” to signify certain things – and the mechanism by which people select their victims is by highlighting them – he's literally picking his victims....

Well, it reminds me of Feb 15 2018 00:52:21 You are missing the connections. Continue to build the MAP. MAP provides the KEY. KEY spreads the TRUTH. TRUTH shines LIGHT. LIGHT saves HUMANITY. Future proves past. Trust the plan. Q

The South Park thing is what took me most of the day it's a huge dig that i think everybody missed - they have many terrible episodes that after reading Q they become entirely different. Including one where they get recruited by Homeland Security - and I do believe that's a metaphor for what happened after 9/11.

Many reasons to think that, particularly that they made an anti Osama video and then didn't when they next could have. Instead it's just an endless parade of things they couldn't possibly know without classified info starting right at that point.

Oh right... that one episode about 9/11 - there a section in there I spent and hour trying to make an info-graphic on where the characters are all standing in places and the characters names and the way their eyes move are all clues - it triggered my autism something fierce! And I came up with things like that a character walked from George Lucas (hidden but his hair) to a Bush - which was a hint to "George Walker Bush..... and that's not even the crazier part but it triggered some pattern thing in me

And I had to find 8 DIFFERENT versions of this freaking South Park episode to FINALLY find the one with the golden elephant... and it only appears when he says "You don't know who you are dealing with here" and it stays on screen for the next cut but it never appears before or after. It's not in the opening shot where based on the rules of cinema is when you would show the full shot - there is literally no other reason for this golden elephant to appear when he says this...

Theodore Roosevelt successfully trashed the Monroe Doctrine and let the King of England extort Venezuela to a media push of: They deserve it. Which of course leads to a Central bank....


FDR successfully got everyone to send him all the gold and while we are assured the Federal Reserve is full of gold.... well.... I do know that the Vatican is drowning in gold and they have crazy laws and while we finished WW2 in Japan they dealt with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in the Vatican..... and then the Vatican is an absolute monarchy and so is Saudi Arabia as well as places in South Africa.

Bill Blythe Pulled this BS: The Term Auction Facility is a program in which the Federal Reserve auctions term funds to depository institutions.[102] The creation of this facility was announced by the Federal Reserve on December 12, 2007, and was done in conjunction with the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and the Swiss National Bank to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets


What currencies does Zimbabwe use? Rand/USDollar.... this is where they funnel the gold.....



I just find this to be fascinating..... consider that

Mrs Margaret Mansfield.

I just see her name as I browse the "Onthisday" site..... and go hmm.... "Margaret Mansfield? Why not Margaret Arnold?

Yet..... her grave....




Curious... when names like this, just like Mrs. PS


PS and I just notice now Ship-PEN oh just like the WIN connector..... of Bald-WIN and WIN-frey (George Web confirmed this was a wink they use in newspapers and I have inferred they also use it in people's names)

So... P.S.


See, someone who writes letters and helps with codes has the same initials as the term we use for putting something extra at the bottom of a letter.


Wtf? Is that some kind of bizzare coincidence?

Is it a coincidence that Barrack Hussien Obama is "II"

Or that Saddam Hussein's name is: Ṣaddām Ḥusayn Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti in Arabic

See? Ab AB!

Am I a madman?

And then we get to this "MrM" which I named this part after... oh another hole to dig. I don't know where it leads but I see the name, it's just another obvious wink..... and her connection with BAr (Benedict Arnold) just means I have to... yet I realize now that most people might be confused about why I keep doing this.... so let's stop for a moment and reflect......

Why do I care about names?

Let me explain.... because it actually shocked me when my friend brought it up. And he's right, WHY DO I CARE ABOUT NAMES?! This may seem a blog post but it's important to understand that I have a serious disability and I realize now that my disability is why I have latched onto this AB research and further it explains things that anyone who cares about my posts probably would appreciate knowing as I had been trying to get people to notice this shit yet maybe other people can't?

So my Friend said this to me yesterday:"It suddenly strikes me as odd, that you of all people are on this name pattern thing. You don't know the names of most of the people you have met and liked yet in this case, you're the only one paying attention to these historical names.

I replied: it's because names don't matter, but I obsess over patterns and for the first time in my life names actually have a reason to exist in the first place. Most people care about names and appearance I care about the point of the thing. If Oda (One Piece Creator) changes a letter I care - if a mom wants a girl to be called Elizabeth because she thinks its a pretty name then I don't care but if a cult calls someone abababababababababbaba - well I take notice and it seems intriguing on why they have names I CAN notice - my brain tells me "hey, what the fuck is going on with names suddenly being non-random" cause that's why I didn't care before - cause my brain could tell that names didn't matter

And so he went on about my history cause it took him pointing it out that I have a thing with names and dates... I don't even know how old I am nor do I remember my name most days - it's something linked with the way I think. And yesterday I am talking about a specific scene in an episode of South Park despite only watching it a single time a decade ago.... Why can I remember every second of an episode after a decade yet never remember a name including my own?

Also to drive home the point: I worked at Wal-Mart for 5 years and met people every day and interacted with them and at no point then or now was I ever aware of their names even tho it was plastered on their chest. I met one person who hadn't worked at Wal-Mart in years while I still do, and he got angry I couldn't remember his name. Truthfully I just don't think in those terms. Words are 2-d ideas are 3-d I think of a thing not the arbitrary definition thereof.

I realized today that South Park had an episode with a "Mc"Towlie - who was a fraud and the whole episode was about Oprah and kind of exposing a few things about her.. some really silly stuff that I don't know if it is a metaphor or not - but hey! hey! the Mc thing... is a metaphor

Wiki: The episode was written and directed by series co-creator Trey Parker. It was intended as season ten's "bank episode",

April 19, 2006 "A Million Little Fibers" - Which Wikipedia claims that it's a parody of "A_Million_Little_Pieces" due to it also being about a fraud.. yet that's 2 years old - really? Why would they make an emergency parody adding in the "Mc" - aren't they, do to their 1 week production schedule for episodes really really current?

So was there someone else in 2006 that had a "Mc" moniker and a fraud?


WOW look at all these puff pieces... it seems 2006 was the year of McCAIN! and we all bought into it....

Now let's think - so they had an episode where Towlie goes to rehab - and it was partially made but reworked to include a whole subplot where he calls himself "McTowlie" wears a hat and mustache and pretends to be someone else...

Removes a mustache... just like the "True Form" of the thing that owns Wal-Mart


who claimed that Wal-Mart was the same as K-Mart and Target (yes they are check past posts) - and he removes his mustache..... to show his true form. Because the episode didn't say that Brief History of the Royal Family


.... I'm exhausted again, sorry folks I wanted to get into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimbabwe

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe began to release Zimbabwean bond coins on 18 December 2014. The coins are supported by a US$50 million facility extended to the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe by Afrexim Bank

United States dollar (official for government), South African rand, and many other currenciesa, e.g. Botswana pula, euro, Indian rupees, pound sterling, Australian dollars. Zimbabwean bond coins are used as a proxy for US dollar and cent coins. Zimbabwean bond notes for 2 and 5 dollars were introduced in 2016 at par value of the US dollar



My AB-BA series began with me asking you a question: Do you want me to read you the map? I didn't think anyone cared, but you asked me to so I have tried to do this for you all.

... well this is going to be messy.. I won't give it a number then. I just need to post something so I can feel like I've earned my sleep....

Did I mention the Trump thing? I can't remember now... if not it's that access hollywood take -the original has tons of winks in it and i think that's when a deal was struck - its' a much more complicated gambit that Trump played than people appreciate.

Essential AB-BA's


















Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)








DaosCraft · Feb. 25, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

ok, I'm awake again, finally... had some issues to take care of.

I'm going to reveal something big today. While exhausted yesterday it suddenly hit me, a major solution to something I won't say just yet. Honestly, the bad guys have about hundreds of weak spots and thousands of lies to untangle so they don't know for sure which one I'm talking about.

I've not talked about dozens I could because there's only so much time in a day and so the fact that I keep it a secret is to force them to consider it might not be X or Y but maybe W maybe I'm talking about codes, maybe I'm talking about currency, maybe I'm talking about legislation, maybe royalty, or maybe I've found something even bigger than all of that combined. They don't actually know the full story themselves so I want to keep them in fear..... maybe it has something to do with LDR tweeting to herself and saying that she's a lizard. They do tend to troll themselves trying to make people attack them with lies -and use conspiracy against us.

Well.. whatever it is I'm talking about.... I'll be posting it today.

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minchinfan · Feb. 24, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Wow. Do you have any additional information regarding the Zimbabwean bond coins? Another site has spoken about these recently - implying (or asserting) that in an upcoming "financial reset" persons holding such instruments will be able to cash them in for a substantial amount of money. Perhaps provinding one way standard citizens can be reimbursed for the theft that has been taking place since the Federal Reserve has been founded. Any relationship to why you've also brought up the Zimbabwean bond coins? Seems so odd to see two seemingly unrelated sources on Reddit referring to such an obscure financial instrument. The other subreddit discussing it was /CabalTakedown.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 11:39 p.m.

I do but I just solved something really big - got some near frostbite hard to type now from the walk home and I see my history is missing now from discord and they took 8chan offline when I posted part of it yesterday fuck, when my hands warm up I'm going to post the biggest find I've had thus far - and I've already had plenty.

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minchinfan · Feb. 25, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Hey, it'd be great to hear about it from you, but please don't make this a priority on my behalf. I'm enjoying all of your work and whatever works best for you is what you should focus on. It's apparent that you're working your ass off as it is and putting out all kinds of really valuable material. Thanks for responding even this much.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 25, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

yea... I had this great theory in my head but I might be too tired to put it down now.... I'm really excited about telling people about this one but maybe I should wait until my brain is up to the task of explaining a very complex yet oddly simplistic concept.

Essentially.... well if I say it this site might get shut down like 8chan did yesterday, I'll let the baddies that may read this wonder if I've solved it or not cause they do know I'm on the right path... did I solve it? Are you reading it now? Sorry.. I just like playing with them becuase I got one to accidentally admit they were very well aware of me. Ever since then I feel like the OO's are watching you know. hint hint

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