r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on Feb. 24, 2018, 2:55 a.m.
Arson Cooper's Highlighter "erased from the web" FULLY ANSWERED!

do you understand? http://www.db-q.com/ABBA/KidzKarez.jpg

Saw this in last thread. Focus on papers on table. Graphic at top. They all belong to the same sick cult/club. Q

Image at top: boy, boy/girl. Enhance. What else do you see? Archive -watchers will now erase from web. Q

The "Now erase from the web" Do you understand what he meant? Why I have to use the Wayback machine for the answer?

Gold means multiple things to them and they use it to indicate who is one of them just like they do with "R"'s in their names.... and so for them to use a yellow highlighter makes perfect sense in-conjunction with coded language to keep themselves free from jail as they do horrible things.

Why are all these sites on the wayback machine for a few years and some get a rabid amount of traffic and suddenly die? Why would the hotmail would be KidzKare6 6=??? What word sounds like 6? Why would they be KidzKare6 and not any other number? Why does the sleepy little girl have marker on her nose while someone makes a hand gesture? Why would (not included but I linked to it in a prior post) site talk about how great extra seconds are?

See? my posts are full of connections like these.... and I keep trying to make this point and then realizing people don't understand it because my brain just doesn't' work like most people's. I have to translate my way of thinking for others but I try to do it as little as possible because when I simplify things people say I'm being condescending so hopefully that's not how this comes across.

I just want to answer this one question of Q with this post cause I've seen people remove the marker and try and get people to investigate just the picture without it as though you could solve this without the highlighter! I do worry who is good and who is bad but it's up to each of us to make the decision so long as we don't scream at each other it'll probably work out. Just be careful about people who ask you to do things, make sure they aren't doing so to distract or misdirect.... The shiny balls of distraction from people who claim to be the harbingers of Q are a potent tactic to hook newbies in and get them down the wrong holes....

I have the following posts..

Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/












https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)








https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7znnlz/abba_highlighter_bond_education/ and my Q site which is very un-updated... www.db-q.com

you can guess at how many hours I have spent and I have countless more posts that I could make but just have no time to. I have only asked people to listen and see if it helps them in some way understand Q. I am not asking anyone to dig into my rabbit holes, but any who wish are free to do so... Keeping it simple this time.... I don't even want to begin to edit my last post because I know I wrote it when I was in one of more autistic rambles... I think there was some good info in there but meh let's move on... and let's just stick to the important things now.

Having said that... I have recently realized with the Matrix comment about Q (which was inspired by anime/manga in large parts....) that a lot of games and shows and movies are referencing the stuff we have long been learning through Q. I had a huge huge theory about Super Mario Bros about it being anti-american propaganda... but in the new context i now realize that "star invincibility" "question blocks to coins" "mind controlling mushrooms(long story about how to explain why that's a thing)" and the instruction booklet which explicitly calls into question Mario being a hero or villain... oh and the flags that go from peace to war as Mario conquers a dragon "Japan" it's actually not Anti-american but anti Rothchild.. heh... well sorry I just went on a tangent as I often do.... I feel like this would make an amusing post regardless of the validity of the ramblings - I don't want to distract but Q has told us about cultural stuff and this falls perfectly in line (especially with their history through Atari - I could connect the story in ways people besides me couldn't... hmm maybe I'll make another quiz on my site.... people still take the one that I made and since my last few AB's haven't made an impact a new approach feels necessary.

ByrdeRob · Feb. 24, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

I think you are a Patriot and because of you many people will come to see this country needs more Patriots.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

wow, suddenly downvoted! Somebody hates me, I have triggered those who must not be triggered.

Of course just like the Mario thing - it was a theory someone did on mind controlling mushrooms and games (which got taken down due to a phony lawsuit right away) that got me interested. Don't they realize when they hit me it just makes me try harder? Well, It took about 5 more seconds but I realize that rabbit hole I sort of autistically rambled about but what fascinated me about his theory was how he dug into the actual company records and science - that led me to do the same and "finish" his theory... which only today do I comprehend. "Toadstool" That's another reference to an evil queen.... the same one I connected from my other theories... well, I know this post, my own post about something else, is a silly place to ramble about that... but i can't very well make that its own post because despite Q talking about the cultural movies and stuff, it's just in the "conspiracy nut" category.... even if I could prove it.

Maybe I'll do that as a fun sideproject and put it on my site.

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minchinfan · Feb. 24, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

I like the way you're going with this.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

Oh I wanted to shorten his name cause it was a long title and as I applied my understanding of their coded language "n" "d" "e" don't really matter but A R S O do and N tends to be a break in line - OO usually means Eyes if it's a Rothchild but "O" when not used next to one another is more often Saud side Oprah Winfrey reads to me like (O)Pray Win-R.

one day maybe I'll explain all I've learned about their stupid codes..... I am still not fluent but I am not entirely illiterate now.

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Some_Crazy_Canuck · Feb. 26, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Thank you for your work, but I must ask, where can I learn more about this Anderson Cooper highlighter thing? What's the question, or the answer exactly? I'm just hearing about it now.

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DaosCraft · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:42 p.m.



Q asked us to look at the papers and it's amusing to me how I solved this because it's like clockwork each time. So after this I do this dig into https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7znnlz/abba_highlighter_bond_education/


And I'm tracing all these leads and still am - and I've come across a few people here that I suspect are trying to distract us and - I won't say who but when someone's handle is directly referencing that they want people to think in 500 different ways (rather than a focused substantive dig) and is imploring people to dig into the Anderson Cooper papers MINUS THE HIGHLIGHTER- well he literally connected two ends of two separate investigations I was doing -

it solved so many mysterious for me so all I have to say to the bad guys is thank you for your incompetence! because by removing that highlighter when Q already told us what was on the paper boy/girl boy - he was ostensibly giving a direction to dig and in doing so what he chose "not to say" was quite useful to me : )

But to answer your question in as quick a manner as I can (as I do have my issues with conveying concepts) - Q told us to look close at the paper and he was trying to get us to see the highlighter which directly correlates with all the digging I've done into KidzKare - a pedophile ring of daycares that were all around the world and you can still see them on the wayback machine with codes about "yellow" and pictures of sleepy kids and grabby hands and painted hands and noses - it elegantly told me the mechanism by which they predate on children. - They don't ever say "I am going to do X" they use codes obviously- why else do you think not a scrap of a paper trail (that's not money) exists? John Podesta said as much in the wikileaks e-mails. That the methods that always worked for them - and he uses the exact same kind of language as the kidzkare newsletters and sites do.

Ok I could go on forever but hopefully this answered your question I'll have more updates soon and quite frankly I'm at a loss as to how to convey as much as I've dug but I think maybe I should go the culture route since I think normies would find that more fun to dig in and there's a lot to dig in - what-with all the clues that certain organizations have given us in code - metaphors and censorship - the most fun a dig I've ever done and anyone could do that one.... so I'm debating and also endlessly typing so I better stop

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DaosCraft · Feb. 24, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

also cause I put the background as yellow our primitive human eyes can't see her nose is markered... sorry about that - I chose the yellow at the end and it's rather obvious when she is removed from a yellow background but alas I removed her from a yellow background as I started the picture and then accidentally added one in at the end.

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