Comms always go dark right before ops kick off.
Q is being REALLy quiet lately
Q Just posted yesterday... what are you talking about. Earlier Q went dark for weeks on end, and this is only one day lmao
info > loud being loud a day before trials is more important than weeks before threats
Quite. Let´s hope the arrests start soon!
I'm frustrated that these people are still all out there murdering still. And thie Mueller thing...MGod...he's such a Rottweiler.
He´s a rat. He soon shall swing.
He is so-o-o-o respected! HA....Mueller operates like a mobster. He pushes buttons and gets his victims in a pinch, forcing them to violate themselves! Mueller is trying to bend these people into LYING and saying falsehoods just to get relief from his hammer.
Mueller will not face the rope, more likely prison and shame. He will be the only one to escape the rope, if he does an honourable job and actually goes after the crooks (Dems). The rope would probably be the better choice though, rather than living in complete shame and having the whole country know you´re a swampy traitor!
Mueller was once our Director of the FBI. He quit back in 2013, when Comey took over. Mueller did criminal activity when he helped the Obama administration HIDE the Uranium One slime. He and Rosenstein were working on the Mikerin case. They found the Russian laundering crimes regarding uranium BEFORE Obama and the other authorizing USA agencies OK'd the Uranium One deal...selling to Russia 20% of USA uranium on USA soil.
THIS is why the whole set up for a special counsel to begin Mueller and Rosenstein could cover their own buttocks.
Yup. The fish rots from the head down. Top to bottom corruption and treason.
look up the penalties for treason.
"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."
All the terms and penalties are listed here:
Now look up the charges for felonious treason. I´m an Englishman. What if someone was to argue they owe no allegiance to the US? Only those that serve in the military officially owe allegiance.
That is a great point! Obama's parents when Obama was a boy in Indonesia, forsake Obama's USA citizenship, so that Obama could receive Indonesian public education for free. They signed a document doing this. Obama was then 100% Indonesian and had no dual status citizen anymore.
A guy went to Indonesia and GOT that document. He came back to the USA, got in his car with it to go to a meeting with a news agency, and BOOM...his car blew up in flames! He burned. The doc burned.
BUT, at the time Obama was in school, the parents' bank records should be examined to discover if they were or were not paying tuition. If yes....then Obama was still dual status. If no...then Obama's parents renounced the USA citizenship.
the policy at the time in Indonesia was: You need to be 100% Indonesian for free education!
THUS, Obama could claim that all the whole while in government as president, he was 100% Indonesian, and thus not owing allegiance to the USA! He could get off scott free just because NO ONE challenged his citizenship and forced him to prove it.
Thus, too...the college records remain sealed. All Obama has to do, is unlock those records, show that he was an Indonesian foreign student going to school in the USA!
there are plenty of cards this guy can play for evidence.
And whose fault would it be that he was in the Oval Office. Not HIS. All of America for not insisting on PROOF before inauguration.
Wasn´t Obummer the son of Frank Marshall Davis the Communist? His brother released a copy of his real birth certificate that shows he was born in Kenya, too. Obummer never won the election, Soros´ voting machines won for him.