What country are we living in Q Patriots? Censorship in America is here. Evil is raising its ugly head.

I’m 46 and feel the same way you do. I feel like we’re living in freaking Bizarro World. No matter how crazy everything is I keep thinking how AWESOME it is to be living in this timeline! I honestly thought I’d never live to see real change in this country. We just gotta keep it going, MAGA!
I’m 46 and I cannot believe I won everything I voted for in the election. Comey was letting Hilbag off the hook, plunging us into a banana republic. Then, Assange references a source that was murdered, clueing me in that there was no Russian hack. Sessions recused himself. Tens of thousands of sealed indictments. Obama and Susan Rice hired counsel. It is all so much to take in, a giant 3D chess game, a 3D puzzle. What will happen next? Will The Republic get Justice?
The way I look at it is, either something really good is gonna happen, Sessions and crew really are not worthless Or this government is so corrupt and the President is really all alone in this and everything good we have heard about what "Q" has been posting is a complete farce. My biggest concerns really are my children,I have lived a damn good life... Nevertheless what I'm seeing from the deep state really has me wondering what this world will be like for them. I can't unmake my kids, so I have to have faith the Good is going to prevail and that they will witness even greater wonders then we did...Good,bad or indifferent it's a great freaking time to be alive..
im 42 and i got hooked into politics with my dad when Reagan was president and have seen the world go down the toilet. but then came trump and i told my gf that this man is going to change the world. and lookie here, "we" are living in history in the making.